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CryptoSwift Crypto You Can Do Marcin Krzyżanowski SwiftSummit, London 2015

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Cryptography and Swift

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No content

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Now we have computers

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Calculations are performed by “the magic box”

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Cryptography and Swift • CommonCrypto

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Cryptography and Swift • CommonCrypto • OpenSSL

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Cryptography and Swift • CommonCrypto • OpenSSL • NaCl

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Cryptography and Swift • CommonCrypto • OpenSSL • NaCl • CryptoSwift

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Cryptography and Swift • CommonCrypto • OpenSSL • NaCl • CryptoSwift • CryptoJS….

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CommonCrypto • The C library • Part of the system (iOS and OS X) • Can be used with Swift (thanks to C interoperability)

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CommonCrypto • The C library • Part of the system (iOS and OS X) • Can be used with Swift (thanks to C interoperability) ‣ Unsafe pointers

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CommonCrypto • The C library • Part of the system (iOS and OS X) • Can be used with Swift (thanks to C interoperability) ‣ Unsafe pointers • Sources available at

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CommonCrypto CCCrypt( UInt32(kCCEncrypt), UInt32(kCCAlgorithmAES128), UInt32(kCCOptionPKCS7Padding), keyBytes, // UnsafePointer(keyData.bytes) key.count, ivBytes, // UnsafePointer(ivData.bytes) dataBytes, // UnsafePointer(data.bytes) dataLength, cryptPointer, // UnsafeMutablePointer(cryptData!.mutableBytes) cryptLength, &numBytesEncrypted )

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Because I can

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I was curious

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To learn

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I’m an engineer to challenge myself

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CryptoSwift Raise your hand if you already know it

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CryptoSwift • Swift framework

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CryptoSwift • Swift framework • iOS and OS X

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CryptoSwift • Swift framework • iOS and OS X • Pure Swift implementation

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CryptoSwift • Swift framework • iOS and OS X • Pure Swift implementation • Constantly improved

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A cryptographic hash function allows one to easily verify that some input data matches a stored hash value, but makes it hard to construct any data that would hash to the same value or find any two unique data pieces that hash to the same value. CryptoSwift - hash

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CryptoSwift - hash • MD5, SHA1, SHA2, CRC32 import CryptoSwift "SwiftSummit".md5() "SwiftSummit".sha1() "SwiftSummit".sha512() "SwiftSummit".crc32()

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“In cryptography, a cipher (or cypher) is an algorithm for performing encryption or decryption—a series of well-defined steps that can be followed as a procedure.” CryptoSwift - ciphers

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CryptoSwift - ciphers Symmetric ciphers plaintext encryption ciphertext key ciphertext decryption plaintext

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CryptoSwift - ciphers • AES • The Advanced Encryption Standard, the symmetric block cipher ratified as a standard by National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States (NIST) • Hardware acceleration (not for Swift) ‣ Advanced Encryption Standard Instruction Set (AES-NI)

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import CryptoSwift let key = "1234567890123456" // key let iv = "1234567890123456" // random if let aes = AES(key: key, iv: iv, blockMode: .CBC) { if let encrypted = aes.encrypt([1,2], padding: PKCS7()) { let data = NSData.withBytes(encrypted) } } CryptoSwift - ciphers

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CryptoSwift - ciphers • ChaCha20 ‣ The stream cipher by J. Bernstein, built on a pseudorandom function based on add-rotate-xor operations ‣ Adopted by Apple with HomeKit, by Google with Chrome. ‣ Lack of official support in OpenSSL. Patches are waiting to be merged.

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import CryptoSwift let key = "1234567890123456" // key let iv = "1234567890123456" // random if let chacha = ChaCha20(key: key, iv: iv) { if let encrypted = chacha.encrypt([1,2]) { let data = NSData.withBytes(encrypted) } } CryptoSwift - ciphers

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enum Cipher { case ChaCha20(key: [UInt8], iv: [UInt8]) case AES(key: [UInt8], iv: [UInt8], blockMode: CipherBlockMode) func encrypt(bytes: [UInt8]) -> [UInt8]? func decrypt(bytes: [UInt8]) -> [UInt8]? static func randomIV(blockSize: Int) -> [UInt8] } CryptoSwift - ciphers

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The block cipher operation is an algorithm that uses a block cipher to encrypt a large message CryptoSwift - block mode

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• Electronic CodeBook ECB - Don’t use! ‣ Sequence of encrypted blocks, every block with the same key. CryptoSwift - block mode

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CryptoSwift - block mode • Cipher-block Chaining CBC ‣ Sequence of encrypted blocks, every following block uses encrypted data as a key to the cipher. decryption is parallelizable

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CryptoSwift - block mode • Cipher Feedback CFB ‣ Sequence of encrypted blocks, every following block uses encrypted data as a key to the cipher decryption is parallelizable

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Block Mode NONCE? used only once - IV The IV provides semantic security identical messages have different ciphertexts

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Authenticators The message authentication code is a short piece of information used to authenticate a message and to provide integrity and authenticity assurances on the message

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CryptoSwift - authenticators • Poly1305 - a one-time authenticator ‣ takes a 32-byte one-time key and a message and produces the 16-byte tag.

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CryptoSwift - authenticators • Poly1305 - a one-time authenticator ‣ takes a 32-byte one-time key and a message and produces the 16-byte tag. • HMAC - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication ‣ takes a key and message and produces a tag with one of the hash functions (MD5, SHA)

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CryptoSwift enum Authenticator { case Poly1305(key: [UInt8]) case HMAC(key: [UInt8], variant: HMAC.Variant) func authenticate(message: [UInt8]) -> [UInt8]? }

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CryptoSwift extension NSData { … } extension String { … } “message”.md5() “message”.sha512() “plaintext”.encrypt(Cipher.AES(…))

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Performance • CryptoSwift implementation is significantly slower than CommonCrypto • It’s better with the new version of Swift • NSMutableData is slow • memory allocation is slow if the “unsafe pointer” is not used. • Array enumeration is significantly visible.

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CryptoSwift Crypto You Can Do

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CryptoSwift Crypto You Can Do HOW?

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…understand nothing at first

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write code

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do tests

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share and ask for feedback

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contribute to CryptoSwift

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Thank you [email protected]