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Speak HTTP and Consume APIs! Guzzle! by @jeremeamia • #mwphp15! with!

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TODAY! 1.  HTTP Overview! 2.  Using Guzzle to send HTTP requests! 3.  Building a Web Service! Client with Guzzle!

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Hi, I’m Jeremy.! @jeremeamia!

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Hi, I’m Jeremy.! @jeremeamia! Seattle PHP User Group! @seaphp!

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Hi, I’m Jeremy.! @jeremeamia! Seattle PHP User Group! @seaphp! AWS SDK for PHP! @awsforphp!

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Hi, I’m Jeremy.! @jeremeamia! Seattle PHP User Group! @seaphp! AWS SDK for PHP! @awsforphp! @phpbard!!

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Hi, I’m Jeremy.! @jeremeamia! Seattle PHP User Group! @seaphp! AWS SDK for PHP! @awsforphp! @phpbard!!! (Sep 11th-12th)!

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Guzzle! ! HTTP Client! - & -! Web Service! Client! Framework!

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Guzzle! ! Thanks to! @mtdowling! for Guzzle!!

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AWS SDK for PHP ! ! Built on Guzzle!!

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Hypertext! Transfer Protocol! HTTP!

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HTTP! Web Services! APIs! Service Oriented Architecture!

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HTTP! •  RFC 2616 (1999)!

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HTTP! •  RFC 2616 (1999)! •  RFC 723* (2014)!

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HTTP! •  RFC 2616 (1999)! •  RFC 723* (2014)! •  HTTP/2 (2015)! ( )!

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URLs! •  RFC 3986 (2005)!

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URLs!! ! •  scheme! •  authority = userinfo @ host : port! •  path! •  query! •  fragment!

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HTTP! Message! Request! Response!

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HTTP Requests! POST /people HTTP/1.1! Host:! Accept: application/json! Content-Length: 26! ! first=Jeremy&last=Lindblom!

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HTTP Requests! POST /people HTTP/1.1! Host:! Accept: application/json! Content-Length: 26! ! first=Jeremy&last=Lindblom! ! Method!

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HTTP Requests! POST /people HTTP/1.1! Host:! Accept: application/json! Content-Length: 26! ! first=Jeremy&last=Lindblom! ! Path!

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HTTP Requests! POST /people HTTP/1.1! Host:! Accept: application/json! Content-Length: 26! ! first=Jeremy&last=Lindblom! ! Version!

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HTTP Requests! POST /people HTTP/1.1! Host:! Accept: application/json! Content-Length: 26! ! first=Jeremy&last=Lindblom! ! Headers!

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HTTP Requests! POST /people HTTP/1.1! Host:! Accept: application/json! Content-Length: 26! ! first=Jeremy&last=Lindblom! ! Empty Line!

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HTTP Requests! POST /people HTTP/1.1! Host:! Accept: application/json! Content-Length: 26! ! first=Jeremy&last=Lindblom! ! Body!

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HTTP Responses! HTTP/1.1 200 OK! Content-Type: application/json! Content-Length: 45! ! {'first':'Jeremy','id':293,'last':'Lindblom'}!

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HTTP Responses! HTTP/1.1 200 OK! Content-Type: application/json! Content-Length: 45! ! {'first':'Jeremy','id':293,'last':'Lindblom'}! Version!

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HTTP Responses! HTTP/1.1 200 OK! Content-Type: application/json! Content-Length: 45! ! {'first':'Jeremy','id':293,'last':'Lindblom'}! Status Code!

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Statuses! •  1xx – Informational! •  2xx – Success ! •  3xx – Redirection! •  4xx – Client Error! •  5xx – Server Error!

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HTTP Responses! HTTP/1.1 200 OK! Content-Type: application/json! Content-Length: 45! ! {'first':'Jeremy','id':293,'last':'Lindblom'}! Reason Phrase!

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Statuses! •  200 OK! •  301 Moved Permanently! •  400 Bad Request! •  403 Forbidden! •  404 Not Found! •  500 Internal Server Error!

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HTTP Responses! HTTP/1.1 200 OK! Content-Type: application/json! Content-Length: 45! ! {'first':'Jeremy','id':293,'last':'Lindblom'}! Headers!

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HTTP Responses! HTTP/1.1 200 OK! Content-Type: application/json! Content-Length: 45! ! {'first':'Jeremy','id':293,'last':'Lindblom'}! Empty Line!

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HTTP Responses! HTTP/1.1 200 OK! Content-Type: application/json! Content-Length: 45! ! {'first':'Jeremy','id':293,'last':'Lindblom'}! Body!

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Header Effects! Request:! Accept: application/json! ! ! ê! ! Response:! Content-Type: application/json!

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PHP as the HTTP Client! • fsockopen()! • file_get_contents()! • cURL! • PECL_HTTP! • PHP libraries (e.g., Guzzle)!

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PHP as the HTTP Client! • fsockopen()! • file_get_contents()! • cURL! • PECL_HTTP! • PHP libraries (e.g., Guzzle)!

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Guzzle Features! •  Makes HTTP easy! •  Uses cURL –OR– PHP stream handler! •  Persistent connections! •  Concurrent & asynchronous requests! •  Easy to extend! •  Body/stream abstraction! •  Tools for building web service clients!

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Really, It's Easy!!

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Really, It's Easy!! same as!

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NO! curl_setopt

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Guzzle Popularity! Used by:! •  Drupal 8! •  Laravel! •  AWS SDK for PHP! •  Goutte! •  Tumblr API Client! (As of 2015-03-12)!

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A History of Guzzle (Part 1)! 2011! APR! Guzzle! 1.0! Jeremy! finds! Guzzle! JAN! Guzzle! 2.0! 2012! MAR! Whoa! This lib is awesome!!

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A History of Guzzle (Part 2)! MAY! Michael! joins! AWS! NOV! Guzzle! 3.0! 2012! AWS! SDK 2.0! OCT!

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A History of Guzzle (Part 3)! JAN! DEC! 2013! Regular Updates! |! )! )!

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AWS! SDK 3.0! beta! A History of Guzzle (Part 4)! MAR! Guzzle! 4.0! 2014! OCT! Guzzle! 5.0!

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Coming Soon! APR/MAY?! 2015! AWS! SDK 3.0! stable! Guzzle! 6.0!

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Guzzle ! •  Guzzle 4! – Swappable/custom HTTP adapters! – Improved concurrent requests! •  Guzzle 5! – Asynchronous requests! •  Guzzle 6 (coming soon)! – PSR7 compliant interfaces! – Improved asynchronous requests! – Replace events with middleware!

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MOAR CODEZ PLZ!!!! •  Examples: jeremeamia/sunshinephp-guzzle- examples! •  Guzzle Docs:! •  Service Description Docs: http:// client/guzzle-service-descriptions.html! •  Pretend Service:!

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Let's Build a Service Client for…!

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Guzzle Packages! {! "require": {! "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~5.0",! "guzzlehttp/guzzle-services": "~0.5.0",! "guzzlehttp/retry-subscriber": "~2.0",! },! …! }!

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And now! a story about Guzzle by! @phpbard!

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This is a story about an elePHPant named Guzzle.! She consumes lots of data. But how? It's no puzzle.!

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Armed with HTTP, she knows how to transport! Text and files of any size and sort.!

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From client to server, and from server to client,! Her requests and responses are RFC compliant.!

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And beyond the basics of just cookie and header.! There's much more to Guzzle that just makes her better:!

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From concurrent requests, from events and plugins,! To web service descriptions. And this just begins…!

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To show you all that Guzzle can do! To help you consume your web services too.!

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Speak HTTP and Consume APIs! Guzzle! by @jeremeamia • #ssp15! with!