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Building Data 
 Pipelines with Python Data  Engineer  @  TY
 [email protected] Miguel  Cabrera
 PyCon  Deutschland  30.10.2016

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Agenda Context   Data  Pipelines  with  Luigi   Tips  and  Tricks   Examples

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Data Processing Pipelines

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cat  file.txt  |  wc  -­‐  l  |  
 mail  -­‐s  “hello”  [email protected]

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ETL • Extract  data  from  a  data  source   • Transform  the  data   • Load  into  a  sink  

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 Extraction Parameter Estimation Model Training Feature 
 Extraction Model Predict Visualize/ Format

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Steps  in  different  technologies

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Steps  can  be  run  in  parallel

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Steps  have    complex   dependencies  among  them

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Workflows • Repeat     • Parametrize     • Resume   • Schedule  it

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“A Python framework for data flow definition and execution” Luigi

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Concepts Tasks   Parameters   Targets   Scheduler  &  Workers

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WordCountTask file.txt wc.txt

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WordCountTask file.txt wc.txt ToJsonTask wc.json

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Parameters Used  to  idenNfy  the  task     From  arguments  or  from  configuraNon   Many  types  of  Parameters  (int,  date,   boolean,  date  range,  Nme  delta,  dict,   enum)

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Targets Resources  produced  by  a  Task   Typically  Local  files  or  files  distributed  file   system  (HDFS)   Must  implement  the  method  exists()   Many  targets  available

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Scheduler  &  Workers

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Source:  h@p:/ /­‐basics-­‐jun-­‐2015

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BaVeries  Included

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Batteries Included Package  contrib  filled  with  goodies   Good  support  for  Hadoop     Different  Targets   Extensible

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Task Types Task  -­‐  Local   Hadoop  MR,  Pig,  Spark,  etc   SalesForce,  ElasNcsearch,  etc.   ExternalProgram   check  luigi.contrib  !

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Target LocalTarget   HDFS,  S3,  FTP,  SSH,    WebHDFS,  etc.   ESTarget,  MySQLTarget,  MSQL,  Hive,   SQLAlchemy,  etc.

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Tips  &  Tricks

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Separate  pipeline  and  logic

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Extend  to  avoid  boilerplate  code

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Conclusion Luigi  is  a  mature,  baVeries-­‐included   alternaNve  for  building  data  pipelines   Lacks  of  powerful  visualizaNon  of  the   pipelines   Requires  a  external  way  of  launching  jobs   (i.e.  cron).   Hard  to  debug  MR  Jobs

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Lear More hVps:/ /   hVp:/ /

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Credits • pipe  icon  by  Oliviu  Stoian  from  the  Noun  Project   • Photo  Credit:  (CC)  h@ps:/ / 47244853@N03/29988510886  from  hb.s  via  Compfight     • Concrete  Mixer:  (CC)    h@ps:/ / 145708285@N03/30138453986  by  MasLabor  via   Compfight