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A resource oriented framework using the DI / AOP / REST Triangle Version 0.1 (27 July [email protected] meetup #2)

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Authors • Akihito Koriyama • Richard McIntyre

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What’s BEAR.Sunday ? (1) • DI / AOP / REST centered framework DI AOP REST

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DI • Dependency inversion principle (DIP) • Object instantiation / usage separation

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DIP • Code should depend on things that are at the same or higher level of abstraction • High level policy should not depend on low level details

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Object instantiation / usage separation • Don’t mix (compile / runtime ) • One time object construction DPNQJMF SVOUJNF

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Application object graph by context • Application is single big one valuable • Change structure, not behavior $app Object i/f i/f Object i/f i/f Object Router Response JSON XM L

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Application class

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Ray.Di • Annotation based DI framework • Binding DSL • True DI

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AOP • Cross cutting concern as framework function • Multi layered architecture Cache Log Auth

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Aspects • log / cache / validation ... are aspects. • Core concern is your domain model, not aspects.

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Binding by context • Annotate, then bind interpretation • @Api is intention. “JSON” is implement.

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஫ऍΛղऍ ͜͜Ͱ͸ʮΫϥεʹ@Dbͱ஫ऍ͕͋Δʯˍ ʮ”on”Ͱ࢝·͍ͬͯΔʯϝιουʹ͸DBΛ ηοτ͢ΔDBΠϯδΣΫλʔΛଋറ ͍ͯ͠ ·͢ɻ DBΠϯδΣΫλʔ͸ϝιουʹΑͬ ͯmaster/slaveΛબ୒͠DBΦϒδΣΫτΛ஫ ೖ͠·͢ɻ ར༻ଆɺඃར༻ଆͱ΋ʹDBऔಘ ͷؔ৺͕෼཭͞Ε͍ͯ·͢ɻ ଋറ

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Binding by condition • @Log all DELETE method • @Auth all /admin/ path resources

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Layering by context • MVC, Is 3 enough ?

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Layering by context • Configurable layering over fixed callback Model Cache Form Transaction Auth Validation

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Runtime injection by aspect • Parameter provider inject parameter. • method / parameter lookup • test friendly

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Ray.Aop • AOP alliance standard • Injectable interceptor • Google Guice

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REST • Everything is a resource / API • use URI, not class name

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API driven development • API is hub • test friendly DB API Mobile Web API Cloud Mock URI API

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Resource graph • Resource is layered

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Layered Resource UI Mobile Web Page Resource App script App Resource Entity

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Lazy request • ϏϡʔτϦΨʔͷϦιʔεϦΫΤετ

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What’s BEAR.Sunday ? (2) • Resource oriented framework • no control-object paradigm • information has name

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What’s BEAR.Sunday ? (3) • Connecting framework • DI - object to object • AOP -business logic to app logic • REST - information to information

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Performance • Super fast • cache compiled object • cache all objects • http friendly architecture

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Hard functionality / Soft functionality • DI for application function • AOP for runtime function

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Scale • “model proxy” pattern • runtime injection makes db scale easy

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What’s BEAR.Sunday ?

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“Zen” Framework less is more.

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Arigato Photo socket three cat mvc