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An example of a certain illustrator in Nostr

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あわゆき🍣 @[email protected] Illustrator Website Creator

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Sushiyuki 寿司ゆき My Artwork

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のすたこちゃん @Nostopus My Artwork @[email protected]

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UMA on Nostr (octopus shaped sausage)

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Only speak non-verbally. Using emojis… 🐙🤙🌎🌍🌏✨

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…and Pics

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Traveling in Nostr…

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Bringing new friends…

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Enjoying… ✨🐙✨

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Accross the sea… Photos : ©ralf 😎

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Leading to collaborations NOS T R - JP

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Fun!!! 🐙🤗🎶

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One day…

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I received requests

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🤔 Inventory on hand Security Making happy Order management Lightning Payment Budget for purchases

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Looking for a way… サイズでバリエーションが出てしまう⾐類の在庫を持つことは避けたい / 注⽂ごとに 発注をかけるとステータス管理が⼤変だし送料がもったいない / 注⽂状況を⼀覧で管 理するのは必須 / 正確な注⽂を完遂できるようにしたい / Google スプレッドシート で管理できるのが理想 / Google Form が簡単だけど、カート機能としては不⼗分… / 少なくとも複数商品を選択できてそれぞれで数量指定できるカートが必要 / フルスク ラッチは無理 / 既存のパッケージで探そう / 決裁に Lightning Payment が使えるもの はある? / Shopify 今回コスト⾼になる / EC-CUBE も期間内に実装できるか怪しい / そもそも決済や配送情報などの取得内容が全く違うので、あまり出来上がっているパ ッケージだと逆に使えない / 柔軟にカスタマイズできて、なおかつやり慣れたものが にしよう / WordPress はセキュリティに気を使うので避けたい / そういえばちょうど a-blog cms のライセンスが⼀つ余っている / カート機能もついているので改修してカ ートと注⽂フローだけ⾃動化しよう / 注⽂者情報はnpub だけなのでむしろDM で最終

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No content

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Requirement specs

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Requirements - Understanding order details - Enable Lightning Payment Acceptance - Producing according to orders - Delivery of the products to the orderer

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Constraints - No physical inventory (made to order) - Non-collection of personal information - Can be completed by myself

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Value - to make CUSTOMERS happy - to get to know about ME - to contribute NOSTR

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Service flow

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1. Ordering at the website Required things for order - Npub (and Name) - Order Deatail

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2. Confirmation and billing - Verifying Orderer - Confirming order details - Sending Lightning Invoice

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3. Payment

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4. Preparing ordered items

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5. Delivery to Nostrasia

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Price Details

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T-shirt Customers receive goods 120,000sats

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Breakdown Product price Shipping fee Cost of proxy purchasing Market fluctuation buffer 120,000sats

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Product price Shipping fee Cost of proxy purchasing Market fluctuation buffer Donation to OpenSats Breakdown

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Breakdown Product price Shipping fee Cost of proxy purchasing Market fluctuation buffer 120,000sats

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Breakdown Product price Shipping fee Cost of proxy purchasing Market fluctuation buffer Earnings (paid by SUZURI)

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Providing value to each

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Sanbou-yoshi 三⽅よし

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(売り⼿よし) (買い⼿よし) (世間よし) 🐙 Good for seller 😎 Good for buyer 🌏 Good for society

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商売において 売り⼿と買い⼿が満⾜するのは 当然のこと、 社会に貢献できてこそ よい商売といえる。 Business philosophy of traditional Omi merchants It is normal for both the seller and the buyer to be satisfied, business is only good if it can contribute to society.

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I sometimes think…

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Sustainability at Nostr

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What can I do?

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Contribution by providing creativity

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Contribution by giving back the profits earned from creation

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I hope the marketplace field continues to grow.

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I and 🐙 want to continue having fun with friends

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Thank you 🐙🫂💜✨ ありがとう