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Giovanni Allegri GeoSolutions State of GeoNode GeoNode Release 4.2.2

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GeoSolutions Enterprise Support Services Deployment Subscription Professional Training Customized Solutions GeoNode • Offices in Italy & US, Global Clients/Team • 40+ collaborators, 30+ Engineers • Our products • Our Offer

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Affiliations We strongly support Open Source, it Is in our core We actively participate in OGC working groups and get funded to advance new open standards We support standards critical to GEOINT

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What’s GeoNode

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GeoNode at a Glance GeoNode is a platform for the management and publication of geospatial data. It brings together mature open-source software projects under an easy to use interface. With GeoNode, non-specialized users can share data and create interactive maps.

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Capabilities • Import geospatial datasets, documents and media • Create thematic maps , dashboards and geostories • Manage granular security, permissions and sharing for users and groups • User with appropriate permissions can edit layer metadata, which are exposed by OGC CSW and REST, to provide search/discovery capability • Users with appropriate permissions can edit layer styles and data (for vector layers) • GeoNode exposes a number of standards for each layer: OGC (WMS, WMS-C, WFS, WFS-T, WCS, CSW) and mass market search standards (OAI-PMH, SRU, OpenSearch) • Full control through a RESTful API

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Capabilities DATASETS DOCUMENTS LOCAL FILES Upload from local filesystem REMOTE SERVICES OGC WMS GeoNode ArcGIS Server Custom harvesters REMOTE FILES (wip) Links (URLs) to remote files

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GeoNode at a Glance • It’s also a web framework based on Python and Django to allow people to implement SDIs and bespoke Geospatial applications.

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GeoNode at a Glance

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The Community • GeoNode code is made of several components, hosted on GitHub under the GeoNode organization • The GeoNode Project Steering Committee (PSC) governs the GeoNode project. • Users and developers mailing list, and a Gitter chat are the main communication channels for the community.

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Demo instances • You can play with the online demo instances • master • 4.2.x

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Releases History • Feb 2024, GeoNode 4.2.2 • Jan 2024, GeoNode 4.2.0 • June 2023, GeoNode 4.1.0 • August 2022, GeoNode 4.0.0 • June 2022, GeoNode 3.3.2/4.0RC1 • April 2021, GeoNode 3.2.0 (Django 2.2.16, GeoServer 2.18.2) / GeoNode 3.1.1 (last 3.1 release) • May 2020, GeoNode 3.0 (Django 2.2.13, GeoServer 2.16.2) / GeoNode 2.10.4 (last 2.10 release) • April 2014, GeoNode 2.0 (Django 1.5.5, GeoServer 2.5, pycsw 1.8.6, django-polymorphic, bootstrap, Ubuntu 12.04 support) • August 2010, GeoNode 1.0-beta

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GeoNode 4.2.2

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Facets • Enhanced faceted filtering ● Filtering of resources has undergone deep refactoring to improve its performance and implement proper (cascaded) faceted filtering. ● The resources, and their counting, are calculated from the intersection of the topics selected between different filters (AND logic) and the union of the options selected from the same filter (OR logic). ● This permits to narrow the search and filtering by categories, regions, keywords, resource owners, date range and location. The next version will include filtering by user groups.

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Location Management • Location view and management ● A new “Location” tab is available inside the information side panel, where the bounding box of the resource and its centroid are displayed. ● The location for spatial resources (datasets and maps) is automatically retrieved by the data itself. ● For non-spatial resources, the same panel gives editors the option to set the bounding box and the position of the resource.

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Location Management

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Linked Resources • Linked resources ● The option to link resources has been extended to any type of resource. Now It’s possible to relate any resource with any other resource (one or many), and the relationship is displayed inside the new “Lined resources” tab inside the information side panel. ● The direction of the relationship is also visible since linked resources are displayed under two distinct groups “Linked from” and “Lined to”. ● Links between resources can be managed with the “Related resources” field, under the Optional Metadata tab of the Metadata Editor.

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Linked Resources

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Remote documents • Documents from remote URLs ● They can be created from the Upload UI

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Remote documents • Documents from remote URLs ● GeoNode will try to generate thumbnails also for remote PDFs ● The client can show previews if the remote server supports CORS, or the URL is configured to be proxied by the GeoNode backend

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Authentication • New pluggable OpenID Adapter ● A generic and pluggable OIDC SocialAccount Provider has been implemented, which extends and improves the one provided by the allauth module already available in GeoNode ● Custom Oauth2 claims mappings can be implemented, for example to map roles to groups, roles to admin, etc. ● Actively employed for a complex integration with Azure AD

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Other improvements ● Several improvements to the Backup and Restore commands ● Implemented the option to not register new users as contributors automatically (default behavior) ● Option to configure a WMTS service to generate thumbnail backgrounds ● Rendering of thumbnails for maps now takes into account ordering and opacity

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Software Upgrades • Django 3.2.23 • Geoserver 2.23.3 • PostgreSQL 15.3 / PostGIS 3.3 • Nginx 1.25.3

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The future

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Features under development • Client aligned to the latest version of MapStore The goal is to reach feature parity with MapStore and extend its integration in the context of GeoNode

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Features under development • Client aligned to the latest version of MapStore Custom Map Viewers can be configured using MapStore application context

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Features under development • Rest API for user account management This will let users manage their own account from third-party clients. It also makes GeoNode compliant with user data policies that give users control over their account data and the option to delete their own accounts

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Features under development • Hide resources from catalogue list and searches This has been a much requested feature. Hide ancillary resources, which are only meant to be used inside derived resources (maps, geostories, etc.) from searches and the catalogue lists

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Features under development • Upgrade to Django 4 Django 3 has reached EOL the 4th of March 2024

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In the medium / long term… • 3D Tiles resources and visualization

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The medium / long term… • Refactoring of the metadata model, its management and UI (replace legacy forms) • OpenAPI interface

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And in the background • Security advisories, CVEs management and fixing • Analysis of Vulnerabilites and Dependency tracking with automated tools

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And in the background • CI integrated analysis with Snyk and Dependency Tracker

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Upgrade • Are you using an older version? Upgrade! • User/Developer lists and Gitter typically covers only supported versions. Today it means only 4.2.2 • Security fixes and installation support on new OSs being added to supported versions only! • Moving data from old versions will be much harder if not impossible • Web interfaces and GIS clients will be much different. No one will be able to backport fixes or improvements to the old ones. • Please upgrade your GeoNode installations!!!

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The End Questions?