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Microservices Observability

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Hello! I am Cláudio Oliveira Technical Lead API Team Book Author @luizalabs Java, Golang, k8s & microservices 2

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Agenda ● Metrics ● Distributed Tracing ● Logs ● Progressive Delivery ● Demos 3

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Glossary 5 Telemetry How to collect data that will provide observability (sensors) Observability Monitoring, Alerting and Visualizations, Distributing tracing and Log Aggregation

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Glossary 6 Monitoring Is the practice of collecting signals, aggregating them, and matching them against some predefined criteria

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7 Microservices Drawbacks Sh*** happens

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Fallacies of Distributed Computing

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Fallacies of Distributed Computing 9 ● Network is Reliable ● Latency is Zero ● Bandwidth is Infinite

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10 ● Understand how microservices connect each other ● Network latencies can be a bottleneck (intense IPC ● Network can be unreliable ● Control the UP and Running instances ● Increase the non-functional requirements Microservices implies “some” challenges

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13 Metrics are the only way to get your job done

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14 RED pattern to monitor Services

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15 R - the number of request per second

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16 E - the number of failed requests per second

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17 D - distributions of the amount of time each request takes

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“ The benefits of treating each service the same, from a monitoring perspective, is scalability in your operations teams 18

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Use case

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Distributed Tracing

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How it works??? 23 ● Assign external Unique ID ● Passes it to all services that are involved ● Includes the Request ID in Log Messages ● Record times information e.g start and end time

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OpenTracing OpenTelemetry 24 ● Cloud Native Computing Foundation CNCF ● It standardizes the instrumentation of apps for distributed tracing

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OpenTracing OpenTelemetry Concepts 25 ● Trace tells the story of a transaction ● Span represents a single call ● Distributed Tracing systems collecting and we can see the graph in a nice interface

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Use 5’s W!!!! 28 ● who ● what ● when ● where ● why

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Use severity correctly!!! 29 ● INFO ● DEBUG ● WARNING ● ERROR

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Aggregate Logs Microservices is distributed systems

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What are my opinions to get observability done??? 34

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There are two ways to solve this problem 35

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Before Service Mesh

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38 Things to think about

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Concerns about observability in the app 39 ● Increase the size of application ● Configuration should be done inside the application ● It will consume the application resources ● More control to “customize” metrics and distributed tracing ● There is no sidecar involved

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After Service Mesh

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42 Things to think about

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Concerns about observability with sidecar 43 ● One more thing to care about ● Control Plane should configure the sidecars ● Not so intrusive ● The developers can focus on business rules ● It is a kind of industry standard today

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Progressive App Delivery with ArgoCD && Rollouts

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Progressive App Delivery 46 ● Rolling out new features gradually ● Avoid downtime as much as possible ● Stateless Application is mandatory ● The versions should be backwards compatible ● Blue-Green, Canary Release and others

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47 Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes

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49 Argo Rollouts is a Kubernetes controller and set of CRDs which provide advanced deployment capabilities such as blue-green, canary, canary analysis, experimentation, and progressive delivery features to Kubernetes.

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50 But, How it connect it Observability stuff????

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52 It should be Automated

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With everything metrified we can automate release process 53

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54 HTTP Calls with Status Code ~2.* should be more than 95% Release is good to go!!! Else Ohhh sh****!!!

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56 sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="source",destination_service=~ "bets-canary.istio.svc.cluster.local",response_code=~"2.*"[2m])) / sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="source",destination_servi ce=~"bets-canary.istio.svc.cluster.local"[2m])) Prometheus Query

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59 Follow the industry standards. Homemade solution is not a good way. Always

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60 You can start simple and then evolve step by step

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61 Microservices without observability (monitoring, distributed tracing and log aggregate) is the worst thing in the world

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62 Microservices is effective to delivery software frequently. But THINK seriously in Observability

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No content

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Thanks! Any questions? You can find me on twitter and linkedin ● @claudioed 64