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Slide 1 text Your Office should have playtime Billie Thompson

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Introductions 2 ● Billie Thompson ● Developer ● Fav. Animal Capybara PurpleBooth ArmakuniHQ Getting to know you, Getting to know all about you

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No content

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We’ve worked with these people 4

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5 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

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6 6 months ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

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7 6 months ago, in wales...

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Running a meeting

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It was fine

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It was fine 10

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It was fine How long do I spend in meetings that are just “Fine”?

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senior managers attend nearly 23 hours of meetings every week 12 Rogelberg, Steven & Scott, Cliff & Kello, John. (2007). The Science and Fiction of Meetings. MIT Sloan Management Review. 48.

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65% said meetings keep them from completing their own work 13 Harvard Business Review -

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71% said meetings are unproductive and inefficient 14 Harvard Business Review -

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62% said meetings miss opportunities to bring the team closer together. 15 Harvard Business Review -

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62% said meetings miss opportunities to bring the team closer together. 16 Harvard Business Review -

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Am I cynical

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18 Earlier that week Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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19 Earlier that week Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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20 Earlier that week Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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21 Earlier that week Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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It was fun

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23 What makes work fun?

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Pink Motivation Autonomy Purpose Mastery

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25 Earlier that week Autonomy Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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26 Earlier that week Mastery Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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27 Earlier that week Purpose Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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29 Earlier that week Safety Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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30 Earlier that week Dependability Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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31 Earlier that week Clarity & Structure Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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32 Earlier that week Meaning Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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33 Earlier that week Impact Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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34 I would never let another meeting be fine again.

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35 I was going to learn to spontaneously make work fun!

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Stealing ideas from Improv

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38 Foundational Building Blocks

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39 The Audience Sets a Scene

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40 You’re an Agile Coach Having breakfast with your partner

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41 Offers

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42 Yes, and...

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43 You’re going to be late

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44 Yes, and I should rush to get out the house

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45 Blocks

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46 Yes, but...

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47 Yes, but I am not going to work today

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48 It’s Monday morning...

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49 Yes, and I am on my way to work

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50 This was the first game. Try it in your next meeting.

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51 Spot the Blocks Spot the Offers

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52 The 5 Rules of Improv

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53 1) Don't Deny. Denial is the number one reason most scenes go bad

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54 You got to let other people have their opinions

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55 2) Don't ask open ended Questions.

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56 Measurable, achievable outcomes

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57 3) You don't have to be funny.

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58 It doesn’t need to be fun

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59 4) You can look good if you make your partner look good.

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60 Set-up opportunities to let others succeed, even if you personally don’t

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61 5) Tell a story.

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62 Relate everything back to the life and actions of your users. Tell their story in meetings

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Design by committee

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65 Spotting Power Dynamics

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66 Can you drop this database?

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67 Spotting Power Dynamics

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68 Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely

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69 In your next meeting: If you have power, give it away explicitly to someone else

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70 In your next meeting: If you don’t have power, spot a offer from someone with it, and use it!

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Bigger Games

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Stealing ideas from Design Thinking

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Design Thinking Empathise Define Ideate Test Prototype 05 01 02 03 04

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75 Earlier that week Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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76 Earlier that week Empathise & Define Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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77 Earlier that week Ideate Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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78 Earlier that week Test & Prototype Introduction ● Ice Breakers ● Stating the goal ● Setting ground rules The Meat ● Context Mapping ● Drew Empathy Maps ● 1 - 2 - 4 - All ● Dot voting Wrap up ● Used DACI to take actions ● Mini-retro’d

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79 Components or Whole Structure

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80 Introductions

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81 Ice Breakers

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Icebreakers 82 Fuck it, you can just have my cheat sheet for this ● If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be? ● If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why? ● If you could live anywhere on this planet & and take everything that you love with you, where would you choose to live? ● What favorite color are you and how does being that color make you feel? ● If you could choose an imaginary friend, who would you choose and why? ● If you could sit on a bench in a beautiful woods, who would you like sitting next to you on the bench and why? ● Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight, or night? Please share why you picked your time of day. ● If you could choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why? ● If you could be in the movie of your choice, what movie would you choose and what character would you play? ● If you were a city, which city would you choose to be and why? ● What are your 3 favorite foods? ● If you were a candy bar, which candy bar would you be? Share why ● If you were to change your name, what name would you adopt going forward? Why? ● Are you spring, summer, fall, or winter? Please share why. ● If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you?

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83 Stating the Goal

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84 This is the problem, what should we do? Turn the Ship Around L. David Marquet

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85 Control This is the problem, what should we do? Turn the Ship Around L. David Marquet

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86 Competence We think this is the problem, how should we solve it? Turn the Ship Around L. David Marquet

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87 Clarity We are going to do this, is it the right thing to do? Turn the Ship Around L. David Marquet

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88 Setting the ground rules

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89 Describe the rules of your game

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90 No Laptops No Mobiles Retrospective Prime Directive

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91 Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. --Norm Kerth, Project Retrospectives: A Handbook for Team Review

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92 The Meat

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Empathise & Define Learn about their world and find evidence of problems

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94 Context Mapping

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97 A C L

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98 Empathy Mapping

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Ideate Generate ideas on how to fix their problem, and commit to one

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107 1 - 2 - 4 All

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111 Dot Voting

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112 The Big Idea

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114 Putting your finger on the scales

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Prototype & Test Try that problem and see if it helps

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116 Fleshing out the idea

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117 DACI

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118 Driver Approver Contributors Informed Run Experiment Share Results Joe Bloggs Annie Example Actions Annie Example

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119 Driver Approver Contributors Informed Run Experiment Share Results Joe Bloggs Annie Example Actions Annie Example

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120 Driver Approver Contributors Informed Run Experiment Share Results Joe Bloggs Annie Example Actions Annie Example

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121 Driver Approver Contributors Informed Run Experiment Share Results Joe Bloggs Annie Example Actions Annie Example

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122 Driver Approver Contributors Informed Run Experiment Share Results Joe Bloggs Annie Example Actions Annie Example

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123 Driver Approver Contributors Informed Run Experiment Share Results Joe Bloggs Annie Example Actions Annie Example

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124 Mini-retro

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125 Describe in one word how the meeting went?

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Sources for other games

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129 I still try to keep to my promise

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130 This is now how I run meetings

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131 The Challenge Try one of these in a meeting

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Slide 132 text Thank you! Billie Thompson