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Node.js Production Checklist Gergely Nemeth @nthgergo |

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Hi, I am Gergely. ■ Works at GoDaddy here ■ Previously RisingStack ■ To chat with me: – @nthgergo – ■ Read my stuff: –

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Why do you need a production checklist?

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Why do you need a production checklist? ■ Providing a “three nines” (99,9%) service, this is your error budget: – 43 minutes of downtime in a month – 2.2 hours of downtime in a quarter – 8.8 hours of downtime in a year

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Why do you need a production checklist? ■ Providing a “five nines” (99,999%) service – 26 seconds of downtime in a month – 78 seconds of downtime in a quarter – 5 minutes of downtime in a year

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Why do you need a production checklist? ■ These are called SLAs (service level agreement) ■ SLAs consist of an SLO (service level objectives) and penalties if you don’t meet them, like the 99% of the requests finish under 200 ms

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Why do you need a production checklist? If you are operating a service, you should define SLOs for your customers – no matter if they are internal or external

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Today, you will learn about: ■ Error handling in Node.js ■ How to secure your Node.js applications ■ How to get full visibility into production systems – Best practices for logging – Monitoring your Node.js applications ■ What to do after hell broke loose

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Error handling

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Error handling Async-await changes how we write Node.js applications

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Error handling You have to learn to throw again

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Error handling - Express app.get('/users/:id', (req, res) => { const userId = if (!userId) { return res.sendStatus(400).json({ error: 'Missing id' }) } Users.get(userId, (err, user) => { if (err) { return res.sendStatus(500).json(err) } res.send(users) }) })

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Error handling - Express - Errors are handled differently across the codebase - > Use Express error handlers instead - Migrate from callbacks to async-await

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Error handling - Express app.get('/users/:id', (req, res, next) => { const userId = if (!userId) { const missingIdError = new Error('Missing id') missingIdError.httpStatusCode = 400 return next(missingIdError) } Users.get(userId, (err, user) => { if (err) { err.httpStatusCode = 500 return next(err) } res.send(Users) }) })

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Error handling - Express app.use((err, req, res, next) => { // log the error... res.sendStatus(err.httpStatusCode).json(err) }) Add an error handler middleware as the last one

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Error handling - Express const missingIdError = new Error('Missing id') missingIdError.httpStatusCode = 400 next(missingIdError) $

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No content

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Error handling - Express const boom = require('boom') app.get('/users/:id', (req, res, next) => { const userId = if (!userId) { return next(boom.badRequest('missing id')) } Users.get(userId, (err, user) => { if (err) { return next(boom.badImplementation(err)) } res.send(Users) }) })

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Error handling - Express const asyncMiddleware = fn => (req, res, next) => { Promise.resolve(fn(req, res, next)).catch(next) } module.exports = exports = asyncMiddleware Wrapping the Express route handlers for proper error propagation

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Error handling - Express app.get('/users/:id', asyncMw((req, res) => { const userId = if (!userId) { throw boom.badRequest('missing id') } const users = await getUserAsync(userId) res.json(users) }))

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Error handling – Express The modified error handler app.use((err, req, res, next) => { if (err.isServer) { // log the error... // probably you don't want to log unauthorized access // or do you? } return res.status(err.output.statusCode).json(err.output.payload) })

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Error handling - Express app.get('/users/:id', asyncMw((req, res) => { const userId = if (!userId) { throw boom.badRequest('missing id') } const users = await getUserAsync(userId) res.json(users) })) app.get('/users/:id', (req, res) => { const userId = if (!userId) { return res.sendStatus(400).json({ error: 'Missing id' }) } Users.get(userId, (err, user) => { if (err) { return res.sendStatus(500).json(err) } res.send(users) }) })

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Securing your application

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Securing your application

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Securing your application Enable two-factor authentication for your npm account

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Securing your application More than 575,000 modules in the registry

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Securing your application

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Securing your application

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Securing your application

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Securing your application You are what you require

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Securing your application • Node Security Project: security advisories • Snyk: Vulnerability DB

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Securing you application Security HTTP header • X-Frame-Options to mitigates clickjacking attacks, • Strict-Transport-Security to keep your users on HTTPS, • X-XSS-Protection to prevent reflected XSS attacks, • X-DNS-Prefetch-Control to disable browsers’ DNS prefetching.

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Securing you application Security HTTP header const express = require('express') const helmet = require('helmet') const app = express() app.use(helmet())

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Securing you application Validating user input const Joi = require('joi'); const schema = Joi.object().keys({ username: Joi.string().alphanum().min(3).max(30).required(), access_token: [Joi.string(), Joi.number()], birthyear: Joi.number().integer().min(1900).max(2017), email: Joi.string().email() }).with('username', 'birthyear') // Return result const result = Joi.validate({ username: 'abc', birthyear: 1994 }, schema) // result.error === null -> valid

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Logging best practices

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Logging best practices Requirements • Timestamps to know when a given event happened, • Format to keep log lines readable for both humans and machines, • Destination should be the standard output and error only, • Support for log levels

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Logging best practices Using log levels • Error • General errors, always reported • Used whenever an unexpected error happens which prevents further processing • The app may try to recover (like on database connection lost) or forcefully terminate

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Logging best practices Using log levels • Warn • For events indicating irregular circumstances, with clearly defined recovery strategy • It has no impact on system availability or performance • These events should be reported too

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Logging best practices Using log levels • Info • These events indicate major state changes in the application, like the startup of the HTTP server • Each component should log: • When it starts and when it became operational • When it started shutdown, and just before it stopped

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Logging best practices Using log levels • Debug • Diagnostical level events, for internal state changes • These events are usually not reported, just for troubleshooting • At the discretion of the engineer developing the system component

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Logging best practices Example'server started initializing ') const app = express() app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send('ok!') }) app.listen(PORT, (err) => { if (err) { return logger.error(err) }`server started listening on ${PORT}`) })

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Logging best practices Log the original URL of the request for errors app.use((err, req, res, next) => { if (err.isServer) { logger.error(err.message, { stack: err.stack, originalUrl: req.originalUrl }) } return res.status(err.output.statusCode).json(err.output.payload); })

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Graceful shutdown • When deploying new versions of your application, you will replace old versions • Listen on SIGTERM • Stop accepting new requests • Serve ongoing requests • Clean up the resources your app used

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Graceful shutdown Meet Terminus • Provides • Graceful shutdown, • Health checks for HTTP applications • Works with any Node.js HTTP servers • Built on stoppable •

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Graceful shutdown Meet Terminus

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Monitoring your applications

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Monitoring your applications Most important metrics to watch • Error rate, as they directly affect customer satisfaction; • Latency, as the slower the service, the most likely your customers close your application; • Throughput, to put error rate and latency in context; • Saturation, to tell if you can handle more traffic.

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Monitoring your applications How your app is doing?

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Monitoring your applications Aggregated metrics have little value

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Monitoring your applications You want to have route-level metrics This way of monitoring is called white box monitoring Tools like Prometheus, New Relic, Opbeat or Dynatrace can help to implement it.

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Monitoring your applications Can users access it? This way of monitoring is called black box monitoring Tools like Pingdom or provides these services.

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Incident handling

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Incident handling You build it, you run it

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Incident handling You build it, you run it • Teams will think about how their software is going to run in production • Encourages ownership and accountability which leads to more independent, responsible teammates • Leads to operational excellence • Which leads to more satisfied customers

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Disaster recovery • Disasters can happen from natural or human-induced causes • Involves tools, policies and procedures to enable recovery from disasters

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Disaster recovery Meet Ark (by Heptio) • Utility for managing disaster recovery for Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes • Helps with • Disaster recovery • Cloud provider migration • Clone the production environment for development / testing

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Disaster recovery Meet Ark

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Disaster recovery Meet Ark • ark restore create [backup-name] [selector]

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Thanks! I’ll be around, just say hi if you want to talk

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Oh, and we are hiring! I’ll be around, just say hi if you want to talk

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Resources • • • • Best_Practices •