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Software Architecture for Innovation Eberhard Wolff Fellow innoQ @ewolff

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What is Innovation? > New products and services on the market > New sources of revenue

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What is Innovation? €

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How does innovation relate to software architecture?

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What is software architecture?

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Software architecture: set of structures needed to reason about a system, comprise software elements, relations among them, and properties of both.

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Software architecture of a system: set of structures needed to reason about a system, comprise software elements, relations among them, and properties of both.

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Software architecture implements desired quality attributes with technological means

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Enable innovation… > Easy to change software > Measuring success (i.e. revenue)

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Changeable software > Holy grail ever of software development > Through clean architecture > Good code quality

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Continuous Delivery

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[email protected] - 68d9d9b46d11128addca-20160331114327-5878-1

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Delivery Pipeline

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Build Pipeline Commit Stage Automated Acceptance Testing Automated Capacity Testing Manual Explorative Testing Release Many tests to minimize risk Infrastructure automation Fast Feedback

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Jenkins + Build Pipeline Plug In

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Commit Stage > Compile > Unit Tests > Static Code Analysis > Result: binary or installer

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Acceptance Tests Commit Stage Automated Acceptance Testing Automated Capacity Testing Manual Explorative Testing Release

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UI Tests: Selenium > Easy to start > Natural for testers > Fragile > Loose semantics

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Behavior-driven Scenario: User registers successfully Context Event Expected outcome Given a new user with email [email protected] firstname Eberhard name Wolff When the user registers Then a customer with email [email protected] should exist And no error should be reported

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Capacity Tests Commit Stage Automated Acceptance Testing Automated Capacity Testing Manual Explorative Testing Release

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Capacity Tests > Automated > Realistic scenario and data > (Scaled-down) production- like system

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Explorative Tests Commit Stage Automated Acceptance Testing Automated Capacity Testing Manual Explorative Testing Release

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Explorative Tests > No strict test plan > Focus on new features > …unforeseen behavior > Automation frees resources for manual testing

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Release Commit Stage Automated Acceptance Testing Automated Capacity Testing Manual Explorative Testing Release

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Release > Automated! > No manual change to any system > Mitigate risk e.g. with Blue-green > Two environments > Install system on second in the background

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Production Commit Stage Automated Acceptance Testing Automated Capacity Testing Manual Explorative Testing Release

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Production > Gather feedback > …by monitoring > ...and logging > Does the software perform as expected?

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Continuous Delivery Software Production Quick& reliable Feedback

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CD & Innovation > Make software easy to change > …by putting it into production quickly > ...and reliably > Less risk > Monitor success > logging and monitoring

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Continuous Delivery is one more tool to achieve desired quality attributes.

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CD Quality Attributes > Architecture must enable Continuous Delivery > Easy to deploy & test > Independent deployment > Easy & fast Continuous Delivery Pipeline

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Trading Quality Software Architecture Continuous Delivery Provide easy to deployment Provide changeability

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What Software Architecture supports Continuous Delivery?

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Server Server Microservice Definition > Independent deployment units > E.g. process, VMs, Docker containers > Any technology Micro Service Micro Service

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Components Collaborate Micro Service Micro Service Link Data Replication REST Messaging

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Microservices support Continuous Delivery!

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Build Pipeline ECommerce System Commit Stage Automated Acceptance Testing Automated Capacity Testing Manual Explorative Testing Release

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Microservices ECommerce System 3rd party systems Database

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Microservices 3rd party systems Database Order Catalog Billing Search

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Order Billing Customer Commit Stage Automated Acceptance Testing Automated Capacity Testing Manual Explorative Testing Release Commit Stage Automated Acceptance Testing Automated Capacity Testing Manual Explorative Testing Release Commit Stage Automated Acceptance Testing Automated Capacity Testing Manual Explorative Testing Release

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Microservice Pipeline > Independent deployment > Build pipeline per Microservice > Small > Easier to set up > Simpler (3rd party systems) > Faster Feedback: Less tests

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Microservices enable innovation by Scaling Agile

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Agility > Put software out quickly > …by implementing stories > Measure success > Provide feedback for next iteration > Hard to do for large applications

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Deployment Monolith Deployment Monolith Stories Coordinating Releases Technical coordination

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Add people until team too large – what now?

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Conway‘s Law Architecture copies communication structures of the organization

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Microservices > Team for each Microservice > Team responsible for business features > Ideal: Independent features

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Microservices Microservice Stories Microservice Stories Microservice Stories Order Billing Search Release Release Release Technical coordination Technical coordination Technical coordination

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Team can deploy without integration Changes can be deployed independently & quickly One or many Microservices per Team Synergy Microservices / Conway’s Law Order Search Billing Order Billing Search Technology decisions per team

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Microservices enable innovation by self- organization

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Self Organization > Team can decide when to deploy into production > Team can decide on technologies > Total freedom?

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Microservices enable innovation by delegating technical decision to teams

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There are other ways to make software easily changeable.

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Continuous Delivery > Continuous Delivery allows to put out new features quickly > ...and measure success > Microservices support Continuous Delivery

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Microservices > Microservices allow each team to create new products > …put them in production > ...and see the effect on revenue > …with little coordination

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Microservices > Microservices allow to do experiments > ...and remove failed experiments > Even with new or different technologies!

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Not new! > Amazon 2006 > Teams > …build business services > …operate them > Amazon Cloud > ...(i.e. virtual machines) > Microservices + DevOps + Continuous Delivery

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Not radical! > Developer Anarchy is the radical approach. > No management > Programmers driven by business KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) > episode-253-fred-george-on-developer- anarchy/

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Thank You! @ewolff