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Oct 16, 2024 Developer Tooling For The Modern Hotwire & Rails Era Marco Roth

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Yannis Jaquet πŸ™

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Yannis Jaquet πŸ™

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Marco Roth πŸ‘‹ t @marcoroth_ M @[email protected] g g @marcoroth Full-Stack Developer & Open Source Contributor

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Developer Tooling For The Modern Hotwire & Rails Era Marco Roth Full-Stack Developer & Open Source Contributor

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Understand LSPs Building a simple LSP What ’ s Next for Tooling

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CableReady Core Team Maintainer

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I ❀ Open Source

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Open Source Journey

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Started to actively contribute in 2019

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Had enough

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Superpower ⚑

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The future of modern Rails apps

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I wanted to go back doing Full-Stack Rails

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I want to help build the missing modern tooling

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Went full-time on OSS from Jan 2022 - Aug 2023

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To work on Hotwire and related projects

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But, I noticed something

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The JavaScript tooling and DX is awesome

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We didn ’ t really have anything like it in the Ruby world

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Or something quite as easy to setup and get started

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I started to miss these tools while working in Ruby/Rails

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They felt clunky, heavyweight and cumbersome to use

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Made me less productive

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But this changed in the last few years

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Editor Evolution

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Language Server Protocol (LSP)

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What is it and why do we want to use it?

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Language Intelligence without the need for an IDE

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How does it work?

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Your editor starts a background process per language

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Communicates over STDIN/STDOUT or TCP/IP

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Similar to HTTP

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Content-Length: ...\r\n \r\n { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "textDocument/completion", "params": { ... } }

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Request Message Response Message Notification Message

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HTML Language Client Ruby Language Client Ruby Language Server HTML Language Server Editor Workspace Source:

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Notification Messages

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Text Document Synchronization

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textDocument/didOpen textDocument/didChange textDocument/didClose textDocument/didSave textDocument/publishDiagnostics ...

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Source: Editor / Client Language Server

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Source: Ruby Stimulus HTML Editor

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Stimulus LSP

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What are we trying to solve?

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data-controller data-action data-[identifier]-target data-[identifier]-[class]-class data-[identifier]-[value]-value data-[identifier]-[outlet]-outlet

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These mistakes happen so easily

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I thought: "We can do better!"

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Jun 23, 2021

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Let ’ s take a look how it works

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{ id: 1, method: "textDocument/completion", params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///.../lsp-example/.../test.txt" }, "position": { "line": 1, "character": 7 }, "context": { "triggerKind": 1 } } }

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{ id: 1, method: "textDocument/completion", params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///.../lsp-example/.../test.txt" }, "position": { "line": 1, "character": 7 }, "context": { "triggerKind": 1 } } }

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{ id: 1, method: "textDocument/completion", params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///.../lsp-example/.../test.txt" }, "position": { "line": 1, "character": 7 }, "context": { "triggerKind": 1 } } }

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{ id: 1, method: "textDocument/completion", params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///.../lsp-example/.../test.txt" }, "position": { "line": 1, "character": 7 }, "context": { "triggerKind": 1 } } }

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The server returns a JSON response

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{ id: 1, result: [ { "label": "TypeScript", "kind": 1, "data": 1 }, { "label": "JavaScript", "kind": 1, "data": 2 } ] }

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Embedded Languages

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The Stimulus grammar is not part of the HTML spec

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So we need to extend the handling for HTML-like documents

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Language services

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Which language do you write it in?

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Existing Data Providers Portability Documentation/Integration Existing Language Services

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Data Providers

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import { IHTMLDataProvider } from "vscode-html-languageservice" export class StimulusHTMLDataProvider implements IHTMLDataProvider { provideTags() { ... } provideAttributes(tag: string) { ... } provideValues(tag: string, attribute: string) { ... } }

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Let ’ s implement it

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provideTags() { }

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provideTags() { }

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provideTags() { return [] }

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provideAttributes(tag: string) { }

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data-controller data-action data-[identifier]-target data-[identifier]-[class]-class data-[identifier]-[value]-value data-[identifier]-[outlet]-outlet

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data-controller data-action data-[identifier]-target data-[identifier]-[class]-class data-[identifier]-[value]-value data-[identifier]-[outlet]-outlet

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provideAttributes(_tag: string) { return [ { name: "data-controller" }, { name: "data-action" }, ] }

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data-controller data-action data-[identifier]-target data-[identifier]-[class]-class data-[identifier]-[value]-value data-[identifier]-[outlet]-outlet

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Parse JavaScript

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Parse Stimulus Controllers

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class ControllerDefinition { readonly path: string methods: Array = [] targets: Array = [] classes: Array = [] values: { [key: string]: Value } = {} }

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import { Parser as AcornParser } from "acorn" import { simple as walk } from "acorn-walk" class Parser { parseController(code: string, filename: string) { ... } }

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f app/javascript/controllers/hello_controller.js

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export default class extends Controller { static targets = ["name", "output"] connect() { ... } greet() { ... } disconnect() { ... } }

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export default class extends Controller { static targets = ["name", "output"] connect() { ... } greet() { ... } disconnect() { ... } }

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const pattern = "app/javascript/controllers/**/*_controller.js" const controllerFiles = await glob(pattern) controllerFiles.forEach(async path => { const code = await fs.readFile(path, "utf8") parser.parseController(code, path) })

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const pattern = "app/javascript/controllers/**/*_controller.js" const controllerFiles = await glob(pattern) controllerFiles.forEach(async path => { const code = await fs.readFile(path, "utf8") parser.parseController(code, path) })

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const pattern = "app/javascript/controllers/**/*_controller.js" const controllerFiles = await glob(pattern) controllerFiles.forEach(async path => { const code = await fs.readFile(path, "utf8") parser.parseController(code, path) })

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parseController(code: string, filename: string) { const ast = this.parse(code) const controller = new ControllerDefinition(filename) walk(ast, { MethodDefinition(node) { if (node.kind === "method") { controller.methods.push( } }, }) }

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parseController(code: string, filename: string) { const ast = this.parse(code) const controller = new ControllerDefinition(filename) walk(ast, { MethodDefinition(node) { if (node.kind === "method") { controller.methods.push( } }, }) }

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parseController(code: string, filename: string) { const ast = this.parse(code) const controller = new ControllerDefinition(filename) walk(ast, { MethodDefinition(node) { if (node.kind === "method") { controller.methods.push( } }, }) }

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parseController(code: string, filename: string) { const ast = this.parse(code) const controller = new ControllerDefinition(filename) walk(ast, { MethodDefinition(node) { if (node.kind === "method") { controller.methods.push( } }, }) }

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We do something similar for the Targets

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export default class extends Controller { static targets = ["name", "output"] connect() { ... } greet() { ... } disconnect() { ... } }

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data-controller data-action data-[identifier]-target data-[identifier]-[class]-class data-[identifier]-[value]-value data-[identifier]-[outlet]-outlet

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provideAttributes(_tag: string) { return [ { name: "data-controller" }, { name: "data-action" }, ] }

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provideAttributes(_tag: string) { const targets = => `data-${controller.identifier}-target` ) return [ { name: "data-controller" }, { name: "data-action" }, ...targets, ] }

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provideAttributes(_tag: string) { const targets = => `data-${controller.identifier}-target` ) return [ { name: "data-controller" }, { name: "data-action" }, ...targets, ] }

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provideAttributes(_tag: string) { const targets = => `data-${controller.identifier}-target` ) return [ { name: "data-controller" }, { name: "data-action" }, ...targets, ] }

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provideValues(_tag: string, attribute: string) { }

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provideValues(_tag: string, attribute: string) { if (attribute === "data-controller") { return => controller.identifier ) } const match = attribute.match(/data-(.+)-target/) const controller = this.controllers.find(controller => controller.identifier == match[1] ) return controller.targets }

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provideValues(_tag: string, attribute: string) { if (attribute === "data-controller") { return => controller.identifier ) } const match = attribute.match(/data-(.+)-target/) const controller = this.controllers.find(controller => controller.identifier == match[1] ) return controller.targets }

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Jun 25, 2021

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What else can we do?

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Can ’ t AI do all of that?

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Different Use Cases

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AI for "boilerplate" LSPs for reliability and accuracy

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Limited Context Window Missing relation between relevant files

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What else can we do?

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Code Actions to guide the user in the right direction

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Fast forward to October 2023

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Available Now Stimulus LSP

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I asked the community for feedback

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And got a lot of awesome feedback and ideas

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Some of the naive approaches we used were starting to fall short

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Especially the way we were parsing the JavaScript with Acorn

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We assumed and hard-coded app/javascript/controllers/

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The controller identifiers weren ’ t always accurate

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import { application } from "controllers/application" import { eagerLoadControllersFrom } from "@hotwired/stimulus-loading" eagerLoadControllersFrom("controllers", application)

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The Language Server works

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but it produced a lot of false positives and inaccurate results

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Which is really annoying as a user

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We addressed and fixed a lot of issues

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Which technically ended up in a rewrite of the parser

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Fast forward to May 2024

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What ’ s next?

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None of is this is exclusive to the LSP

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The diagnostics could be used independently

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Kind of like an independent tool as RuboCop

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Coming Soon Stimulus Lint

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Errors Diagnostics Best Practices Recommendations

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$ stimulus-lint Stimulus Lint is inspecting 25 files ........................ 25 files inspected, 0 offenses detected, 0 offenses autocorrectable

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<%= tag.div( data: { controller: "filter", filter_open_class: "border-white", filter_close_class: "hover:bg-gray-100 border-gray-300" } ) %> Full support for HTML+ERB and Rails-specific helpers

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Diagnostics Code Actions Code Completion Refactoring Tools

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Pre-Release Turbo LSP

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Super Basic right now

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Turbo also makes heavy use of ERB and view helpers

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So it ’ s only really useful if we can provide intelligence for ERB

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And that only works if we actually understand ERB

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Stimulus LSP understands HTML in ERB documents

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But it doesn ’ t understand Embedded Ruby that outputs HTML

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ERB Support in Ruby LSP

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RubyConf 2023 Hack Day

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We quickly realized that we need something more powerful to make things work beyond the basics

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<%= @user.firstname %> <%= @user.lastname %>

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<%= @user.firstname %> <%= @user.lastname %>

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<%= @user.firstname %> <%= @user.lastname %>

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<%= @user.firstname %> <%= @user.lastname %>

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We lost the HTML-context in the process

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<%= "Hello World" %>

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HTML with embedded Ruby (.html.erb, .rhtml, …)

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ERB is versatile

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Experiment HTML-aware ERB Parser

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Stimulus LSP Stimulus Lint Turbo LSP Ruby LSP (maybe?) and more…

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type="text" <% end %> /> <% @posts.each do |post| %>

<%= post.title %>

<% end %> <%= content_tag(:p, "Hello world!") %> <%= tag.div tag.p("Hello world!") %> <%= tag.p do %> Hello world! <% end %> <%= tag.div( data: { controller: "hello", action: "click->hello#greet" } ) %>

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Which made me think that it could be useful to have an HTML abstraction

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<%= tag.p do %> Hello World! <% end %>

Hello World!


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== <%= tag.div( data: { controller: "hello", action: "click->hello#greet" } ) %>

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Needs more exploration

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This might also open to door to support Haml, Slim, Liquid, Phlex, Blade and other template languages

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erb-languageservice html-templating-languageservice

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If the parser can understand any ERB context and Rails-render calls it is super powerful

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This could power advanced diagnostics

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Modern Rails apps are composed of multiple views/partials/components

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<%= render partial: "input" %>

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But if the parser understands the Rails render logic

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<%= render partial: "input" %>

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<%= render partial: "input" %>

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An advanced HTML-aware ERB parser could prove super helpful

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Stimulus LSP Stimulus Lint Turbo LSP Ruby LSP

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html_press gem phlexing gem deface gem better_html gem erb_lint gem Probably even more

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HTML+ERB Formatter HTML+ERB Linter A new ERB Engine? Possibly even more?

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Prism has a big effect on Ruby internals and the tooling landscape

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An HTML-aware ERB parser could have a similar effect for HTML template tooling

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In Progress Hotwire Browser Extension

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Highlight Stimulus Controllers & Turbo Frames

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Highlight Stimulus Controllers & Turbo Frames

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Turbo Event Logging

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Sneak Peak

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Turbo Streams Debug Bar Pause Streams Processing Step through Streams Revert Turbo Stream Actions Show Diff of what an action changed and more…

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Turbo Frames Reload Button R

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Turbo Morphing Debug Turbo Morphing Visual Diffs Turbo Form Submission Debug Turbo Streams Header Debug ActionCable / Turbo Rails Cable Debug Turbo Frame Lazy Loading Debug Stimulus Controller Tree-View Panel … Ideas & Roadmap

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It ’ s a work in progress

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Let us know if you have any ideas, we are just getting started

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Developer Experience and Developer Ergonomics matter.

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This is the kind of tooling we are currently missing.

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There is so much potential to level up even more

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I am super excited for the future of these tools.

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I believe that tools like these are part of the reason why a language/ framework keeps it ’ s relevancy

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Or put differently

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These tools are necessary and expected from a modern language and framework

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We have been lacking behind

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I want to keep building with Ruby and Rails

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I want to help build the tools needed for the future of Rails applications.

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Hotwire Weekly β€’ A new Hotwire-focused newsletter β€’ Delivered Weekly β€’ Explore what ’ s happening in the world of Hotwire β€’ Progress and updates while we are building out β€’ Been running since Oct 2023 β€’ Over 1550+ subscribers and growing WEEKLY

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t @Hotwire_Weekly M @[email protected] Hotwire Weekly Sign up on

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A more productive Hotwire ecosystem.

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A more unified Hotwire ecosystem.

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Thank you πŸ™ t @marcoroth_ M @[email protected] g g @marcoroth