HashiCorp Vault
Drupal HackCamp 2018 - București
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Nick Santamaria
● Drupal developer since 2006
● SysOps Engineer at PreviousNext
● Based in Melbourne, Australia
● HashiCorp Fan
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The Secret Management Problem
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What are Secrets?
A piece of information that
proves an identity, or
authorization to perform
certain functions.
● Username & Password
● API Token
● TLS Certificate
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What are Secrets?
Things in this realm must be
carefully handled.
● Who has access?
● When did they access
● How will they be
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In the Wild
They are in your settings.php
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In the Wild
They are in your config exports.
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In the Wild
They are in your ansible
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Secret Sprawl
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HashiCorp Vault
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The Secret Management Problem
Vault addresses the
challenges of secrets
● Centralised
● Fine-grained access
● Audit trail
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“moving from a world of sprawl to a world of
centrality; with strong guarantees around
encryption, access control, and visibility.”
- Armon Dadgar, HashiCorp CTO
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The Application Problem
or: Software sucks at keeping secrets
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The Application Problem
Applications will inevitably
expose secrets.
● Logs
● Stack traces
● Monitoring tools