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HashiCorp Vault for Drupalers Drupal HackCamp 2018 - București

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Nick Santamaria ● Drupal developer since 2006 ● SysOps Engineer at PreviousNext ● Based in Melbourne, Australia ● HashiCorp Fan @nicksanta

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The Secret Management Problem

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What are Secrets? A piece of information that proves an identity, or authorization to perform certain functions. ● Username & Password ● API Token ● TLS Certificate

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What are Secrets? Things in this realm must be carefully handled. ● Who has access? ● When did they access it? ● How will they be rotated?

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In the Wild They are in your settings.php files.

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In the Wild They are in your config exports.

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In the Wild They are in your ansible playbooks.

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Secret Sprawl

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HashiCorp Vault

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The Secret Management Problem Vault addresses the challenges of secrets management. ● Centralised ● Fine-grained access control ● Audit trail

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“moving from a world of sprawl to a world of centrality; with strong guarantees around encryption, access control, and visibility.” - Armon Dadgar, HashiCorp CTO

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The Application Problem or: Software sucks at keeping secrets

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The Application Problem Applications will inevitably expose secrets. ● Logs ● Stack traces ● Monitoring tools

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Dynamic Secrets

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Dynamic Secrets Issue applications short-lived credentials. ● Created dynamically ● Ephemeral ● Require lease renewals

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A constantly moving target for attackers.

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Dynamic Secrets Each client receives unique credentials. ● Identify the specific point of breach. ● Revoke credentials for the compromised client.

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The Encryption Problem or: Cryptography is hard

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The Encryption Problem Cryptography is simple to get wrong and can undermine its integrity. Key lifecycle management is even harder.

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Encrypt as a Service Create named keys.

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Encrypt as a Service High-level APIs for cryptographic functions.

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Encrypt as a Service High-level APIs for cryptographic functions.

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Encrypt as a Service High-level APIs for key lifecycle management.

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Secret Management Dynamic Secrets Encrypt-as-a-Service

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Vault Architecture

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Vault Architecture - Core Core ● Lifecycle management. ● Ensures requests handled properly.

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Vault Architecture - Authentication Core Allows clients to authenticate from other systems Authentication

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Vault Architecture - Audit Core ● Logs request / response trail. ● Who has done what. Authentication Audit Logs

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Vault Architecture - Storage Core ● Stores encrypted data at rest. ● Highly Available. ● Durable. Authentication Storage Audit Logs

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Vault Architecture - Secret Engines Core Provides access to different secrets. Authentication Storage Audit Logs Secret Engines

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Drupal Integration

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Vault Architecture - Drupal Integration Core Authentication Secret Engines Authentication Provider Plugins ● Key integration ● Encrypt integration Lease Maintenance Vault Client service

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Drupal Integration - Current State Authentication Providers ● Token -

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Drupal Integration - Current State Secret Engines ● Key/Value - ● AWS -

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Drupal Integration - Current State Encrypt-as-a-Service ● Transit Encryption -

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Drupal Integration - Current State Planned ● AppRole Authentication ● TLS Authentication ● TOTP Provider for TFA -

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Drupal Integration - Design Goals ✔ Modular - Each module provides a single function. ✔ Auditable - Simple implementation for easy code review. ✔ Simple - Vault module only responsible for: 1. Plugin manager for authentication providers. 2. Expose authenticated client as a service. 3. Maintain leases (via cron).

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Drupal Integration - not Design Goals ✗ Provide management layer for Vault. ✗ Mitigate bad/insecure vault configuration. ✗ Support dynamic database credentials.

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Thank you! @nicksanta Session Feedback