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Agenda SLO Maturity Model * Cloud Native * Numbers * Others Journeys Inspiration Next: Framework * Two axis: * Implementation * Adoption * Our story. * How to start. * Automate the framework.

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What says the numbers? Where are you at?

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Numbers SRE Adoption according Gartner

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Numbers Respondents working with SLOs

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Numbers Large companies have more experience using SLOs

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Numbers How many services have SLOs

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How can WE start?

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Cloud Native

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Learning from Others

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Cloud Native Schulumberger’s SLO Journey Schlumberger engaged the Google CRE team to learn SRE. Defining SLOs and how to measure them. Implementing reports and insights on SLIs using dashboards. LEARN DEFINE Iterating its existing SLOs to improve them. Instrumentation, collection, monitoring, and alerting of SLIs. Holding workshops for introducing and educating developers. IMPLEMENT ADAPT ALERTING EVANGELIZE

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SLOS Maturity Model High Implementation Initial High Adoption SLOs Champion Master Padawan Knight Knight

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Moving through to Adoption

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Appropriation Initial Investment Expectation Adoption

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Initial Adoption

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● No system is covered by SLOs. ● There is low or no organizational awareness. ● But organizations decide to adopt SLOs. ● Early adopters infrequently perform SLOs. Initial

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Investment Adoption

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● Establishing SLOs is officially sanctioned. ● Resources are dedicated to the SLOs. ● Multiple teams are interested and engaged. ● A few critical services are supported with SLOs. Investment

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Appropriation Adoption

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● SLOs are incorporate into the shared responsibility. ● SLOs are part of new features and fixes backlog. ● Observability dashboards report insights into how SREs identify and build reliability. ● SLOs help in improving the reliability of the services. Appropriation

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Expectation Adoption

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● All critical and noncritical services are frequently supported with SLOs. ● SLOs, SLIs, and error budgets provide a data-driven change management strategy. ● Evangelizing about SLIs, SLOs and SLAs. ● SLOs and SLIs are part of the engineers onboarding process. Expectation

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Moving through Implementation

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Chaos Maturity Model Implementation Initial Usage Automated Evolution

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Implementation Initial

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Initial ● Organizations decide to adopt SLOs. ● Choosing some basic SLIs to identify SLOs. ● The process is administered manually. ● SLOs are not supporting services in production. ● An observability tool could no be a good idea here.

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Implementation Usage

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Usage ● SREs use SLOs, SLIs, and error budgets to mitigate outages and maintaining quality to customers. ● SLO and SLI data will become much more meaningful and rich. ● SLIs indicate how well certain features penetrate the market. ● You are using an observability tool and take advantage to make decisions.

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Implementation Automated

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● Tooling supports available observability tools. ● Setup, provisioning dashboards and result analysis are automated. ● IaC and GitOps are used here. ● SLOs framework is integrated with continuous delivery. ● Results are tracked over time. Automated

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Implementation Evolution

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● Development teams correlate SLOs insights with new feature releases. ● Apps can autohealing with the support of SLOs. ● Results are tracked over time. ● SLO results are compared between releases and control groups. Evolution

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Our story

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Our status NewRelic/Datadog dashboards Templates by service

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