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Pragmatic frontend for Symfony developers Titouan GALOPIN

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2 Titouan Galopin Product Manager SymfonyInsight

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3 The Why

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4 Why is frontend development so complex?

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5 Thinking about modern software architectures requires frontend choices

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6 Let’s discuss!

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Agenda 1. A bit of history 2. Modern frontend 3. The least complex technology possible 4. Approaches to frontend with Symfony 7

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8 1. A bit of history

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9 1990–1995 HTML, CSS and JavaScript are invented

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10 1996–1999 Standardization efforts begin Browser compliance is terrible

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2000–2004 CSS frameworks begin to emerge jQuery is born 11

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2005–2009 W3C specification is met Responsive designs and frameworks introduced 12

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13 2010–2015 JS frameworks are born (Backbone, Ember, Angular, React, Vue, ...) HTML5 is announced

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14 2016–2020 New technologies and platforms built around modern frontend emerge: GraphQL, Service Workers, Cordova, Electron, React Native, …

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15 Modern frontend development is a direct consequence of this history

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16 What is Modern Frontend?

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17 2. Modern frontend

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18 Modern frontend is supposed to be about user experience

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19 “Nowadays, users expect more from websites (performance, help, productivity, …)”

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20 Ever wondered whether a loader was actually loading or was broken?

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21 Ever been frustrated about a Back button click returning to the wrong page?

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22 Ever been disappointed by a link you couldn’t open in a new tab?

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23 Ever been angered by a website you couldn’t open in multiple tabs without messing with the data?

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24 Ever had to disable your adblocker to make a website work?

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25 Ever had to use a screen reader on a full Javascript interface?

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26 Full-page apps (for instance create-react-app) is not an answer to the UX problem

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27 It’s easy to do it really wrong and hurts UX a lot

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28 Modern frontend != Full-page app

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29 Full-page app is a solution to a different problem

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30 How to build a website and a mobile application with the same backend?

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31 3. The least complex technology possible

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How many times did you experience PHP failing between a function call and the first line of the function? 32

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How many times did you experience an AJAX call failing between the request and the response? 33

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34 The network is a huge source of complexity

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How many times did you develop your own session system in PHP? 35

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How many times did you develop your own session history stack in PHP? 36

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37 Not using the features of the browser is a source of complexity

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How many developers in your team know perfectly well both React and Symfony? 38

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39 Dealing with backend vs with interfaces are two different jobs: human complexity

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KISS Keep It Super Simple 40

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By default, use the simplest option available Migrate to something more complex only if necessary 41

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The simplest option = HTML + CSS built with PHP 42

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But it’s sometimes not enough... 43

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44 4. Approaches to frontend with Symfony

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45 No JS Misses the real UX gain of Javascript, but still possible

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46 Full-page app + API Has a lot of drawbacks but is the only option for multiple clients (web + mobile)

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47 Progressive enhancement A pragmatic in-between

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48 Most recent JS frameworks (React, Vue, …) can be used in limited parts of the page

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49 What about using React only where it brings actual improvements?

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50 Using React to enhance your Symfony application

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51 1. Develop your application as usual

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52 {# index.html.twig #} {% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% block body %}
Hello world
{% endblock %}

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53 {# index.html.twig #} {% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% block body %}
Hello world
{% endblock %} This could be a Symfony Form field

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54 2. Add React only where it’s useful

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55 composer req --dev webpack yarn install

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56 Webpack is a build tool It lets you manipulate your Javascript and CSS before using it in production (JSX, minification, …)

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57 Webpack Encore wraps Webpack around a nice API to improve its Developer Experience

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58 Webpack Encore is awesome to compile React apps to normal Javascript

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59 yarn add @babel/preset-react react react-dom prop-types

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60 // webpack.config.js Encore.enableReactPreset()

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61 {# index.html.twig #} {% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% block body %}
Hello world
{% endblock %} Marker to find where to inject a React component

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62 // app.js import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import {ColorChooser} from './ColorChooser/ColorChooser'; $('div[data-color-chooser]').each((key, node) => { const input = $(node).find('input'); ReactDOM.render( input.attr('value', color)} />, node ); });

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64 ✓ Allow to use great React components where it’s useful ✓ Do not add unnecessary complexity ✓ 100% compatible with Symfony, HTTP and default browser behaviors

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65 3. How to transfer data?

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66 namespace App\DataExposer; class DataExposer { private $data = []; public function expose(string $name, $value) { $this->data[$name] = $value; } public function getExposedData(): array { return $this->data; } }

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67 namespace App\Twig; class DataExposerExtension extends AbstractExtension { private $exposer; public function __construct(DataExposer $exposer) { $this->exposer = $exposer; } public function getFunctions(): array { return [ new TwigFunction('expose', [$this, 'exposeData']), new TwigFunction('get_exposed_data', [$this, 'getExposedData']), ]; } // ... }

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68 {# base.html.twig #} Welcome! {% block body %}{% endblock %} {{- get_exposed_data()|json_encode|raw -}} {{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }}

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69 const data = JSON.stringify( document.getElementById('exposed-data') );

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70 ✓ Easy to parse (JSON.stringify) ✓ Compatible with Content Security Policy ✓ Easy to use in automated testing

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71 Conclusion

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Thanks! 72 For any question: ▪ @titouangalopin on Twitter ▪ titouan.galopin