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BiCuSeO oxyselenides: Background
BiCuSeO oxyselenides / 22 March 2021 3
[4] V. Johnson, W. Jeitschko, J. Solid State Chem. 11 (1974) 161–166.
[5] M. Palazzi, C. Carcaly, J. Flahaut, J. Solid State Chem. 35 (1980) 150–155.
[6] M. Palazzi, S. Jaulmes, Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B Struct. Crystallogr. Cryst. Chem. 37 (1981) 1337–1339.
[7] L.N. Kholodkovskaya, L.G. Akselrud, A.M. Kusainova, V.A. Dolgikh, B.A. Popovkin, Mater. Sci. Forum 133–136 (1993) 693–696.
[8] A.M. Kusainova, P.S. Berdonosov, L.G. Akselrud, L.N. Kholodkovskaya, V.A. Dolgikh, B.A. Popovkin, J. Solid State Chem. 112 (1994) 189–191.
[9] R. Pöttgen, D. Johrendt, Zeitschrift Fur Naturforsch. - Sect. B J. Chem. Sci. 63 (2008) 1135–1148.
• Quaternary ZrCuSiAs and HfCuSiAs silicidoarsenides were firstly synthesized
in 1974 by V. Johnson and W. Jeitschko [4];
• R3+T+S2-O2- oxysulfides (R – rare-earth elements, T – transition metals) were
synthesized in 1980. They crystallize in the same ZrCuSiAs structural type and
have been studied as promising oxide materials for solar cells with attractive
optical properties and ionic conductivity [5,6];
• Oxychalcogenides Ln3+Cu+Ch2-O2- (Ln – Bi or lanthanides, Ch - chalcogenide)
were synthesized at Moscow State University and Lviv State University in 1993.
Only structural studies [7,8];
• 1990’s – R3+T2+Pn3-O2- oxypnictides (Pn – pnictide [nitrogen subgroup]) as
potential high-Tc
superconductors (but no superconductivity) [9];