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David WURSTEISEN - DroidKaigi 2024 Crafting Cross-Platform Adventures: Building a Game Engine with Kotlin Multiplatform

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Disclaimer ࢲ͸೔ຊޠΛ࿩ͤ·ͤΜ ͔ͩΒ͸ӳޠ࿩ͤ·͢

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Game loop

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fun render(delta: Float) {

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fun render(delta: Float) {

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fun render(delta: Float) {

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fun render(delta: Float) {
 } 60x seconds

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Kotlin Multiplatform

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Common iOS JS JVM Android

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interface InputHandler { fun isTouch(): Boolean } Common

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interface InputHandler { fun isTouch(): Boolean } class JVMInputHandler : InputHandler { override fun isTouch(): Boolean { // ... } } Common JVM

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interface InputHandler { fun isTouch(): Boolean } class JVMInputHandler : InputHandler { override fun isTouch(): Boolean { // ... } } class JSInputHandler : InputHandler { override fun isTouch(): Boolean { // ... } } Common JVM JS

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fun main() { Engine( JVMInputHandler() ) } fun main() { Engine( JSInputHandler() ) } JVM JS Application entry point

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expect fun createInputHandler(): InputHandler actual fun createInputHandler(): InputHandler { return LwjglInput() } actual fun createInputHandler(): InputHandler { return JsInputHandler() } JVM JS Factory method Common

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Common iOS JS JVM Android Playcanvas LibGDX Raylib

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JS JVM N ative

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Common iOS JS JVM Android OpenGL ES OpenGL ES WebGL OpenGL

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OpenGL Pipeline Vertex Shader Fragment Shader Run on the GPU !

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void main() { vec4 sum = vec4(0); float step = iResolution.y; // y for(float i = -area ; i <= area ; i += 1.) { // x for(float j = -area ; j <= area ; j += 1.) { float x = v_texCoords.x + i / iResolution.x; float y = v_texCoords.y + j / iResolution.y; sum += texture2D(u_texture, vec2(x, y)) * 0.005; } } gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords) + sum; } OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)

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LWJGL if (!GLFW.glfwInit()) { throw IllegalStateException("Unable to initialize GLFW") } val window = GLFW.glfwCreateWindow(/* … */) ) // More of configuration code // [...] while (!GLFW.glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) { // Render the frame GLFW.glfwSwapBuffers(window) GLFW.glfwPollEvents() } GLFW.glfwTerminate() Render

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LWJGL (Full code) if (!GLFW.glfwInit()) { throw IllegalStateException("Unable to initialize GLFW") } GLFW.glfwWindowHint(GLFW.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 2) GLFW.glfwWindowHint(GLFW.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 0) GLFW.glfwWindowHint(GLFW.GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW.GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE) GLFW.glfwWindowHint(GLFW.GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT, GLFW.GLFW_TRUE) GLFW.glfwDefaultWindowHints() // optional, the current window hints are already the default GLFW.glfwWindowHint( GLFW.GLFW_VISIBLE, GLFW.GLFW_FALSE, ) // the window will stay hidden after creation GLFW.glfwWindowHint( GLFW.GLFW_RESIZABLE, GLFW.GLFW_FALSE, ) // the window will be resizable // Create the window val windowWidth = (gameOptions.width + gameOptions.gutter.first * 2) * gameOptions.zoom val windowHeight = (gameOptions.height + gameOptions.gutter.first * 2) * gameOptions.zoom val window = GLFW.glfwCreateWindow( windowWidth, windowHeight, "Tiny", MemoryUtil.NULL, MemoryUtil.NULL, ) // Make the OpenGL context current GLFW.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) // Enable v-sync GLFW.glfwSwapInterval(1) // Make the window visible GLFW.glfwShowWindow(window) // Get the size of the device window val tmpWidth = MemoryUtil.memAllocInt(1) val tmpHeight = MemoryUtil.memAllocInt(1) GLFW.glfwGetWindowSize(window, tmpWidth, tmpHeight) val tmpFrameBufferWidth = MemoryUtil.memAllocInt(1) val tmpFrameBufferHeight = MemoryUtil.memAllocInt(1) GLFW.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, tmpFrameBufferWidth, tmpFrameBufferHeight) GL.createCapabilities(true) while (!GLFW.glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) { // Render the frame GLFW.glfwSwapBuffers(window) GLFW.glfwPollEvents() } GLFW.glfwTerminate()

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WebGL val canvas = document.createElement("canvas") val gl = canvas.getContext("webgl2") as? WebGL2RenderingContext window.requestAnimationFrame { now -> // Render frame } Render

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Android class MiniGdxSurfaceView(/* ... */) : GLSurfaceView(context) { init { setEGLContextClientVersion(2) setRenderer(object : Renderer { override fun onDrawFrame(gl: GL10?) { // Render the frame } } ) // Listen for input events setOnTouchListener(gameContext.input as OnTouchListener) } } val activity = configuration.activity!! // [...] val surfaceView = MiniGdxSurfaceView(this, gameContext, gameFactory, activity) activity.setContentView(surfaceView) Render

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OpenGL val vertexData = floatArrayOf( 3f, -1f, -1f, 3f, -1f, -1f, ) val positionBuffer = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer) gl.bufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, FloatBuffer(vertexData), vertexData.size, GL_STATIC_DRAW) val position = gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "position") gl.vertexAttribPointer( location = position, size = 2, type = GL_FLOAT, normalized = false, stride = 0, offset = 0, ) gl.enableVertexAttribArray(position) gl.drawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3) Send vertices Assign it to an attribute of the shader Draw !

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val position = gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "position") gl.vertexAttribPointer( location = position, size = 2, type = GL_FLOAT, normalized = false, stride = 0, offset = 0, ) gl.enableVertexAttribArray(position) OpenGL attribute vec3 position; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0); } Assign it to an attribute of the shader

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Matrix [ 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 ] [ 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 ] [ 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 ] [ 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 ]

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Matrix Scale [ 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 ] [ 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 ] [ 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 ] [ 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 ] X Z Y Translation Rotation

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data class Mat4(…) { // ... operator fun times(m: Mat4): Mat4 { val t = transpose(this) return Mat4( Float4(dot(t.x, m.x), dot(t.y, m.x), dot(t.z, m.x), dot(t.w, m.x)), Float4(dot(t.x, m.y), dot(t.y, m.y), dot(t.z, m.y), dot(t.w, m.y)), Float4(dot(t.x, m.z), dot(t.y, m.z), dot(t.z, m.z), dot(t.w, m.z)), Float4(dot(t.x, m.w), dot(t.y, m.w), dot(t.z, m.w), dot(t.w, m.w)) ) } }

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val result: Mat4 = identity * Mat4(…) * Mat4(…) * Mat4(…)

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Group of vertices

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Reference position Another group of vertices Apply transformation

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Reference position Apply transformation

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OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)

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usePinned override fun getShaderParameter(shader: Shader, mask: ByteMask): Any { val params = IntArray(1) params.usePinned { glGetShaderiv(shader.address, mask.toUInt(), it.addressOf(0)) } return params[0] }

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usePinned override fun getShaderParameter(shader: Shader, mask: ByteMask): Any { val params = IntArray(1) params.usePinned { glGetShaderiv(shader.address, mask.toUInt(), it.addressOf(0)) } return params[0] } void glGetShaderiv( GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint *params);

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Rewrite all shaders? 😱

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3D is not easy Modeling Level Of Detail Perspective Camera Orthographic Camera 💥 Collision management Lightning

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It’s time to try again (But in 2D this time)

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OpenGL Pipeline Vertex Shader Fragment Shader

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Common OpenGL ES OpenGL WebGL Metal iOS JS JVM Android

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Frame generation

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1 1 2 4 5 3 3 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 256 0 0 0 256

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1 1 1 1 0 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 0 3 3 0

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Lua Here Comes a New Challenger!

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function draw(content) -- clear the screen gfx.cls() -- print content on the screen print(content[1] .. " " .. content[2]) end local array = {"hello", "world"} draw(array) Function declaration Array starting at 1 Variable declaration

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Lua Kotlin Game Engine Game Script Game Lib Sprite Ctrl Sound

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function _draw() gfx.cls() shape.line(x1, y1, x2, y2) shape.rectf(x1, y1, width, height, color) spr.draw(1, x, y) end

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local x = 128 local y = 128 local pad_default = 32 local length = 48 function _draw() gfx.cls() local step = 2 * math.pi / 56 for i = 1, 56 do local s = i * step local pad = pad_default + math.perlin(0.1, 0.2 * i, tiny.frame / 20) * 24 local x1 = x + math.cos(s + tiny.t) * pad local x2 = x + math.cos(s + tiny.t) * (pad + length) local y1 = x + math.sin(s + tiny.t) * pad local y2 = x + math.sin(s + tiny.t) * (pad + length) shape.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, math.max(2, i % 16)) end end

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local x = 128 local y = 128 local pad_default = 32 local length = 48 function _draw() gfx.cls() local step = 2 * math.pi / 56 for i = 1, 56 do local s = i * step local pad = pad_default + math.perlin(0.1, 0.2 * i, tiny.frame / 20) * 24 local x1 = x + math.cos(s + tiny.t) * pad local x2 = x + math.cos(s + tiny.t) * (pad + length) local y1 = x + math.sin(s + tiny.t) * pad local y2 = x + math.sin(s + tiny.t) * (pad + length) shape.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, math.max(2, i % 16)) end end

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local x,y,speed = 128,128,4 function _draw() gfx.cls(1) if(ctrl.pressing(keys.left)) then x = x - speed elseif ctrl.pressing(keys.right) then x = x + speed end if(ctrl.pressing(keys.up)) then y = y - speed elseif ctrl.pressing(keys.down) then y = y + speed end spr.draw(1, x, y) end

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MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface

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🎹 🎵 Synthesizer 2F 3A 5D 📄 1A 5F FE Synthesizer 🎶

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Baguette (όήοτ) 🥖

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Generate sample

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class Sine2( override val note: Note, override val modulation: Modulation? = null, override val envelope: Envelope? = null, override val volume: Float, ) : SoundGenerator { override val index: Int = 1 override val name: String = "Sine" override val frequency: Float = note.frequency override fun apply(index: Int): Float { return sin(angle(index)) * 0.7f * volume } }

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class Sine2( override val note: Note, override val modulation: Modulation? = null, override val envelope: Envelope? = null, override val volume: Float, ) : SoundGenerator { override val index: Int = 1 override val name: String = "Sine" override val frequency: Float = note.frequency override fun apply(index: Int): Float { return sin(angle(index)) * 0.7f * volume } } Generate one sample

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class Square2( override val note: Note, override val modulation: Modulation?, override val envelope: Envelope?, override val volume: Float, ) : SoundGenerator { override val index: Int = 2 override val name: String = "Square" override val frequency: Float = note.frequency override fun apply(index: Int): Float { val value = sin(angle(index)) return if (value > 0f) { 0.7f } else { -0.7f } } }

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class Square2( override val note: Note, override val modulation: Modulation?, override val envelope: Envelope?, override val volume: Float, ) : SoundGenerator { override val index: Int = 2 override val name: String = "Square" override val frequency: Float = note.frequency override fun apply(index: Int): Float { val value = sin(angle(index)) return if (value > 0f) { 0.7f } else { -0.7f } } } Generate one sample

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val buffer = FloatArray(nbSample) val generator = Sine2(/* ... */) for (0 until nbSample).forEach { i -> buffer[i] = generator.generate(i) } Generate sound

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Play a sound Using Kotlin/JS external class AudioContext { val destination: AudioNode fun createOscillator(): OscillatorNode fun createBuffer(numOfChannels: Int, length: Int, sampleRate: Int): AudioBuffer } open external class AudioNode { fun connect( destination: AudioNode, output: Int = definedExternally, input: Int = definedExternally ): AudioNode } Describe JS class Describe default JS Args

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Play a sound Using Kotlin/JS internal fun playSfxBuffer(result: Float32Array, loop: Boolean = false): AudioBufferSourceNode { val sfxBuffer = audioContext.createBuffer( 1, result.length, SAMPLE_RATE, ) val channel = sfxBuffer.getChannelData(0) channel.set(result) val source = audioContext.createBufferSource() source.buffer = sfxBuffer source.connect(audioContext.destination) source.loop = loop source.start() return source } Set the sound buffer Play the sound!

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Enveloppe fun apply(sample: Float, index: Int, nbSample: Int): Float { // attack phase if (index <= endOfAttackIndex) { val percentAttack = index / endOfAttackIndex.toFloat() return sample * percentAttack } else if (index > endOfAttackIndex && index <= endOfDecay) { // decay phase val percentDecay = (index - endOfAttackIndex) / decayDuration.toFloat() return sample * (1f - (1f - sustain) * percentDecay) } else if (index > endOfDecay && index <= nbSample - releaseDuration) { // sustain phase return sample * sustain } else { // release phase val percentRelease = (index - (nbSample - releaseDuration)) / releaseDuration.toFloat() return sample * (sustain * (1f - percentRelease)) } } Attack Decay Substain Release

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Map versus Array class ColorPalette(colors: List) { private val rgba: Map private val rgb: Map private val rgbForGif: Map }

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Map versus Array class ColorPalette(colors: List) { private val rgba: Map private val rgb: Map private val rgbForGif: Map } class ColorPalette(colors: List) { private val rgba: Array private val rgb: Array private val rgbForGif: Array } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Triangle 1 Triangle 2

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Only 1 Triangle

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Common OpenGL ES OpenGL WebGL Metal iOS JS JVM Android CPU

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OpenGL ES OpenGL WebGL Metal iOS JS JVM Android GPU

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1 1 2 4 5 2 2 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Index to color conversion private fun convert(data: ByteArray): IntArray { val result = IntArray(data.size) val colorPalette = gameOptions.colors() data.forEachIndexed { index, byte -> result[index] = colorPalette.getRGAasInt(byte.toInt()) } return result }

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1 1 2 4 5 2 2 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CPU

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1 1 2 4 5 2 2 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CPU GPU

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Index to color conversion varying vec2 texture; uniform sampler2D image; uniform sampler2D colors; void main() { vec4 point = texture2D(image, texture); vec4 color = texture2D(colors, vec2(point.r, 1.0)); gl_FragColor = color; } Get the color index Get the color from the index Set the color

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👏 Kotlin Multiplatform 👏 🦾 You might prefer 2D over 3D 🦾 🔍 Looking for a Multiplatform graphic layer 🔍

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fun makeGames() On the Web On Android On the JVM On iOS

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Questions? Try a game Check the slides Check the source code

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Links • Tiny: • Korge: • LittleKT: • OpenGL: • Metal: • Kotlin Multiplatform: • MIDI: • Tiny Jumper (Sample game): • Blog Adrien Courreges (DOOM shaders):