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Cloud attack vectors and security controls Kavisha sheth AWS

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About me ● Security Analyst at Appsecco ● Breaks web application, API and Cloud security ● Member of a number of security communities including null community, InfoSec Girls, Breaking Barriers - Lean In Circle and WiCys India ● Active speaker

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Agenda ● Possible attack vectors for aws cloud ● Reconnaissance that can help ● Some of misconfigurations like IAM Misconfiguration, S3 Misconfiguration, EC2 Misconfiguration ● Detection ● AWS security Controls

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Attack vectors ● Leaked credentials ● Instance misconfiguration ● Using default settings ● S3 misconfiguration ● Access control misconfiguration ● Exposure of resources via firewall ● Network security misconfiguration ● Insecure custom applications

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Finding Credentials ● Look for hardcoded credentials stored in js file or client side (IKIA keyword) ● AWS Cognito credentials in response ● Vulnerabilities in AWS hosted applications like SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery) and LFI (Local File Inclusion) ● Code repositories such as Bitbucket and Github ● AWS error messages such as access denied ● Public EBS snapshots (EC2 -> Snapshots -> Public Snapshots) ● Public AMIs (EC2 -> AMIs -> Public images) ● S3 Bucket ● RDS public snapshots (RDS -> Snapshots -> All Public Snapshots) ● People looking for help online and end up copy-pasting complete info

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Finding EC2 instance

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Exposure of resources via misconfigured firewall

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Finding leaked RDS endpoints

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Finding s3 buckets ● Google search ● Google dork ● Shodan ● Censys ● Use discovery (OSINT) tools – Sublist3r and Amass ● Bruteforce name ● In DNS records ● Shodan, Certificate Transparency Logs, Censys, numerous bucket finder scripts, GrayHat Warfare bucket search

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Google dork site:* inurl:assessment

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Misconfigured S3 Bucket

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Allowing public access

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Defining “Full control” access to Authenticated Aws Users group

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Bucket with a “read access” policy

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Forgetting to encrypt your AWS resources

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Attack vectors 1. Allowing public access to bucket. 2.Defining “Full control” access to Authenticated Aws Users group. 3.Defining Bucket with a “read access” policy. 4.Enabling “Write” access to the “Everyone” group. 5.Forgetting to encrypt your AWS resources.

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Investigation ● GuardDuty finding for S3 will list an S3 bucket, the bucket's Amazon Resource number (ARN) and a bucket owner in the finding details. ● Use AWS CloudTrail log ● AWs Trusted Advisor ○ To inspect your Amazon S3 implementation ● Cloudwatch metric ○ CloudWatch met for Amazon S3, particularly PutRequests, GetRequests, 4xxErrors, and DeleteRequests. ● Enable AWS Config ○ s3-bucket-public-read-prohibited and s3-bucket-public-write-prohibited managed AWS Config Rules.

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Security controls that can help ● Implement least privilege access ● Use IAM roles for applications and AWS services that require Amazon S3 access ● Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) Delete ● Consider encryption of data at rest ● Enforcing SSL ● Consider VPC endpoints for Amazon S3 access ● Consider S3 Object Lock ● PreSigned URL” through a generated URL, users can be granted temporary write or read access to a bucket or objects ● Enable versioning

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Found Credentials What’s next???

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Stolen credentials !!!

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Enumerate permissions Limited permissions !!

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What policy attached to user

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Get current policy version number

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List all policies

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Enumerate different policies

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Make v5 as default policy and escalate privilege

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Privilege escalation

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Approach so far !

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Investigation ● Use Trusted Advisor, check IAM Credential Report. ● Use IAM tools such as the IAM policy simulator or the IAM console can help you review. ● Use config rules ○ IAM_POLICY_IN_USE : Config rule that checks whether the IAM policy ARN is attached to an IAM user, ● Access Advisor Use last accessed information. ● Use CloudTrail for logging. ● Monitor (CloudWatch alarms). - Root logins, IAM policy changes, unauthorized API calls,CloudTrail configuration changes, authentication failures

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Detected that credentials being leaked !

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Security controls ● Use secret manager to store credentials securely ● Grant least privilege access ● Use access levels to review IAM permissions ● Configure multi-factor authentication for your most sensitive operations ● Rotate credentials regularly ● Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for IAM policy changes

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Found Public Ip of EC2 instance ● Is default configuration being used? ● Is there any port open? ● Is web application running on that ip?

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Web application running on port 80

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Vulnerable to SSRF

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Exploit SSRF to get IAM role credentials

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● Enumerate permission using credentials ● Found s3 related permissions

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Attack surface analysis ● Default configuration setting usage ● Web Application hosted on EC2 was vulnerable to SSRF ● Role having to work with S3 buckets ● Data storage in AWS S3 was not encrypted ● Sensitive information(Admin credentials) being stored in S3 bucket

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Capital One breach ● Misconfigured firewall ● Gaining access to an EC2 instance ● Getting IAM role access to S3 ● S3 bucket discovery

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Attack vectors

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Detection Technique ● Guard Duty ● Config rules ○ EC2_IMDSV2_CHECK : Checks whether EC2 instance metadata version is configured with Instance Metadata Service Version 2 ● Security hub ● Flow logs ● System manager

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EC2 instance is compromised !!!!

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Security controls ● Input validation ● Update to AWS EC2 instance metadata service (IMDSv2) ● Implement least privilege permissions ● Consider encryption of data at rest ● Constantly monitor for overly permissive Security Groups Use control tower for separate logging activity and normal account activity ● Use security hub

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Things to note ● Reconnaissance and OSINT are the key to finding attack vectors ● Post exploitation has no limits with the cloud. You can attack additional services, disrupt logging, make code changes to attack users. ● The most common themes are mis-configuration of services, insecure programming and permissions that should not have been given ● Logging and monitoring key for investigation. ● Always keep in the mind least privilege access. ● Follow AWS security best practices

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Guidelines and Tools ● CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark ● AWS Security Audit Guideline ● AWS Whitepapers ● Scoutesuite ● Prowler ● S3-inspector ● Enumerate IAM ● Pacu

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Linkedin: sheth/ Twitter :

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Resources ● ● ● ● urity-services/ ● ● ● ● ● ● ●