Slide 13
Slide 13 text
Cyber ← Cybernetics
Focus on communication and control, so that animals, machines and other systems can be
uniformly understood
Reference to our nervous system → sensing and actuation (physical to begin with)
Apply cybernetics, physical to begin with, to the physical society
Specific space, or the whole society functions by sensing and actuation
Social infrastructures that support human lives and computer networks will be tightly
connected through a variety of (AI-assisted) sensors, actuators, mobile devices such as
smart phones, or even laws
Today, we are always connected with information environments through smart phones and
such, and therefore we are already at the entrance of the cyber-physical age
Lecture 12 : Cyber-Physical Society and Future of Finance — FinTech — Financial Innovation and the Internet 2023 Fall — 2024-01-12 – p.13/28