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Welcome To M.R. Sureka & Co. Legal Metrology Consultant

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M.R. Sureka & Co. is associated with Legal Metrology Department, previously known as Weight & Measurement Department, for the last two decades.

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What is Legal Metrology?

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The Department of Consumer Affairs defines legal metrology as “that part of metrology which treats units of weightment and measurement, methods of weightment and measurement and weighing and measuring instruments, in relation to the mandatory technical and legal requirements which have the objects of ensuring public guarantee from the point of view of security and accuracy of the weightments and measurements”.

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The legal metrology act is central act and is implemented at state level.

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All offences are registered under Criminal Procedure Code. So once the case has been lodged in court, all Directors have to declare in their applications made to any authority that criminal cases are pending against them.

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With our own experience of more than 2 decades , we have developed our own unique methodology for our client to bring the non compliance level to below 1%.

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Our Legal Metrology Services

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Our Regular Services Provided # - Registration as Importer # - Registration as Manufacturer / Packer # - Model approval # - Nomination of one of Director

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Our Premium Services Provided # - Audit at your premises for compliances # - Training of your staff # - Label Approval for all products # - Departmental level assistance # - Assisting in Filing appeal with Adjudicating authority

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Our Scope Of Work:

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To advise and liaison for:

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# - Registration & Renewal of various licenses/ RC under the legal metrology acts from time to time on charges as agreed upon time to time.

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# - Compliance of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules2011 and other Rules and Regulations framed under the Act, from time to time, which is relevant to company.

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# - To regularly and punctually file the Returns/Forms, if any, under the said laws.

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# - To ensure that Records/Returns and Statutory Registers, if any, are kept and maintained as per the requirement of the law.

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# - To advise on the various inspections/ visit of inspector

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# - To Guide the Legal department of company on the Act and the Rules

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# - To advise on any matter pertaining to the Act and the Rules Act and any other matter referred by the Company

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# - Conducting audits at regular intervals

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Office Address M. R. Sureka & Co. Management Consultant 173, Udyog Bhavan, Sonawala Road, Goregoan (E.), Mumbai 400 063. Tel : 022- 2686 1785/ 42950667 Mobile: +91- 7738380591 E-Mail: [email protected]

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Mobile: +91-7738380591 E-Mail: [email protected]

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Thank You