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Good Morning Percona Live Amsterdam 2015

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Who Am I fighting back against impostor syndrome

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Nicola Iarocci Co-founder and CTO at CIR 2000

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Nicola Iarocci MongoDB Master

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Nicola Iarocci Open Source junkie Eve • Cerberus • Events • Flask-Sentinel • Eve.NET • Etc.

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Nicola Iarocci Consultant Mongo • RESTful Services • Python • My Open Source Projects

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Nicola Iarocci CoderDojo Coding Clubs for Kids

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MongoDB & REST APIs A Match Made in Heaven

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Agenda 1. Our use case for a RESTful API

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Agenda 2. What is a RESTful API and why we need it

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Agenda 3. Why MongoDB is a good match for RESTful Services

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Agenda 4. Build and run a MongoDB RESTful Service from scratch, live on stage.

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Agenda 5. Stories from the field (if there’s any time left, which I doubt)

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The Case for RESTful Web APIs

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Amica 10 invoicing & accounting for italian small businesses

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your old school desktop app

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what we started with Client LAN/SQL Database Desktop Application

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Goal A remote service that client apps can leverage to stay in sync withc each other

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What we need #1 Must be accessible by any kind of client technology

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What we need #2 Abstract the data access layer so we can update/replace the engine at any time with no impact on clients

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What we need #3 An appropriate data storage engine

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What we need #4 Easily (re)deployable and scalable multi-micro-service architecure

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Where we want to go Clients “Cloud” Database RESTful Web API API iOS Android Website Desktop Client ? ?

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Constraints • minimum viable product first • add features over time • frequent database schema updates • easily scalable • avoid downtime as much as possible • cater upfront for a microservices architecture

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REST So What Is REST All About?

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REST is not a standard

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REST is not a protocol

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REST is an architectural style for networked applications

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Defines a set of simple principles loosely followed by most API implementations

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“resource” the source of a specific information

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A web page is not a resource rather the representation of a resource

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“global permanent identifier” every resource is uniquely identified. Think a HTTP URI.

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#3 standard interface used to exchange representations of resources (think the HTTP protocol)

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“a set of constraints” separation of concerns, stateless, cacheability, layered system, uniform interface, etc.

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Web is built on REST and it is meant to be consumed by humans

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RESTful APIs are built on REST and are meant to be consumed by machines

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Representational State Transfer (REST) by Roy Thomas Fielding

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Goals #1 and #2 are met REST layer allows all kinds of client technologies and abstracts the data away

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MongoDB and REST Or why we picked MongoDB for our REST API

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JSON transport Most REST services and clients produce and consume use JSON

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JSON-style data store MongoDB stores data as Binary JSON

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JSON & RESTful API JSON accepted media type Client JSON (BSON) Mongo GET maybe we can push directly to client?

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JSON & RESTful API JSON accepted media type Client JSON (BSON) Mongo JSON subset of python dict (kinda) API GET almost.

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JSON & RESTful API JSON objects Client JSON (BSON) Mongo JSON/dict maps to python dict (validation layer) API POST also works when sending data the database

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Similarity with RDBMS makes NoSQL easy to grasp (even for a sql head like me)

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Terminology RDBMS Mongo Database Database Table Collection Rows(s) JSON Document Index Index Join Embedding & Linking

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What about Queries? Queries in MongoDB are represented as JSON-style objects db.things.find({x: 3, y: "foo”});

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Filtering and Sorting native Mongo query syntax Client JSON (BSON) Mongo (very) thin parsing & validation layer API Expose the native MongoDB syntax? ?where={“x”: 3, “y”: “foo”}

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JSON all along the pipeline mapping to and from the database feels more natural

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No need for ORM No need to map objects to JSON and vice-versa (win!)

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schema-less dynamic documents allow for painless evolution

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REST is stateless MongoDB lacks transactions

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Ideal API Surface Mongo collection maps to API resource endpoint Maps to a Mongo collection

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Ideal API Surface Mongo document maps to a API document endpoint Maps to a collection ObjectID

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Goal #3 is met An appropriate data storage engine: MongoDB

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Eve REST API for Humans™ Free and Open Source Powered by MongoDB and Good Intentions eve

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Philosopy effortlessly build and deploy highly customizable, fully featured RESTful Web Services

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install $ pip install eve

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Slide 61 text from eve import Eve app = Eve() if __name__ == '__main__':

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Slide 62 text # just a couple API endpoints with no custom schema or rules. DOMAIN = { ‘people’: {} ‘works’: {} }

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launch $ python * Running on

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enjoy HATEOAS AT WORK HERE $ curl http://localhost:5000/people { "_items": [], "_links": { "self": {"href": "people", "title": "people"}, "parent": {“href": "/", "title": "home"}, }, "_meta": { "max_results": 25, "total": 0, "page": 1 }}

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enjoy CLIENTS CAN EXPLORE THE API PROGRAMMATICALLY $ curl http://localhost:5000/people { "_items": [], "_links": { "self": {"href": "people", "title": "people"}, "parent": {“href": "/", "title": “home”} }, "_meta": { "max_results": 25, "total": 0, "page": 1 }}

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$ curl http://localhost:5000/people { "_items": [], "_links": { "self": {"href": "people", "title": "people"}, "parent": {“href": "/", "title": "home"}, }, "_meta": { "max_results": 25, "total": 0, "page": 1 }} enjoy AND EVENTUALLY FILL THE UI

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enjoy $ curl http://localhost:5000/people { "_items": [], "_links": { "self": {"href": "people", "title": "people"}, "parent": {“href": "/", "title": "home"}, }, "_meta": { "max_results": 25, "total": 0, "page": 1 }} PAGINATION DATA

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enjoy EMTPY RESOURCE AS WE DID NOT CONNECT A DATASOURCE $ curl http://localhost:5000/people { "_items": [], "_links": { "self": {"href": "people", "title": "people"}, "parent": {“href": "/", "title": "home"}, }, "_meta": { "max_results": 25, "total": 0, "page": 1 }}

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Slide 69 text # let’s connect to a mongo instance MONGO_HOST = 'localhost' MONGO_PORT = 27017 MONGO_USERNAME = 'user' MONGO_PASSWORD = 'user' MONGO_DBNAME = 'percona'

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Slide 70 text # let’s also add a few validation rules DOMAIN['people']['schema'] = { 'name': { 'type': 'string’, 'maxlength': 50, 'unique': True}, 'email': { 'type': 'string', 'regex': '^\S+@\S+$'}, 'location': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { 'address': {'type': 'string'}, 'city': {'type': 'string’}}}, 'born': {'type': 'datetime'}} UNIQUE STRING, MAX LENGTH 50

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Slide 71 text # let’s also add a few validation rules DOMAIN['people']['schema'] = { 'name': { 'type': 'string', 'maxlength': 50, 'unique': True}, 'email': { 'type': 'string', 'regex': '^\S+@\S+$'}, 'location': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { 'address': {'type': 'string'}, 'city': {'type': 'string’}}}, 'born': {'type': 'datetime'}} ONLY ACCEPT VALID EMAILS

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Slide 72 text # let’s also add a few validation rules DOMAIN['people']['schema'] = { 'name': { 'type': 'string’, 'maxlength': 50, 'unique': True}, 'email': { 'type': 'string', 'regex': '^\S+@\S+$'}, 'location': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { 'address': {'type': 'string'}, 'city': {'type': 'string’}}}, 'born': {'type': 'datetime'}} THIS REGEX SUCKS!

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Slide 73 text # let’s also add a few validation rules DOMAIN['people']['schema'] = { 'name': { 'type': 'string', 'maxlength': 50, 'unique': True}, 'email': { 'type': 'string', 'regex': '^\S+@\S+$'}, 'location': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { 'address': {'type': 'string'}, 'city': {'type': 'string’}}}, 'born': {'type': 'datetime'}} SUBDOCUMENT WITH 2 STRING FIELDS

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Slide 74 text # let’s also add a few validation rules DOMAIN['people']['schema'] = { 'name': { 'type': 'string’, 'maxlength': 50, 'unique': True}, 'email': { 'type': 'string', 'regex': '^\S+@\S+$'}, 'location': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { 'address': {'type': 'string'}, 'city': {'type': 'string’}}}, 'born': {'type': 'datetime'}} ONLY ACCEPT DATETIME VALUES

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Slide 75 text # allow write access to API endpoints # (default is [‘GET’] for both settings) # /people RESOURCE_METHODS = ['GET','POST'] # /people/ ITEM_METHODS = ['GET','PATCH','PUT','DELETE'] ADD/CREATE ONE OR MORE ITEMS

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Slide 76 text # allow write access to API endpoints # (default is [‘GET’] for both settings) # /people RESOURCE_METHODS = ['GET','POST'] # /people/ ITEM_METHODS = ['GET','PATCH','PUT','DELETE'] EDIT ITEM

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Slide 77 text # allow write access to API endpoints # (default is [‘GET’] for both settings) # /people RESOURCE_METHODS = ['GET','POST'] # /people/ ITEM_METHODS = ['GET','PATCH','PUT','DELETE'] REPLACE ITEM

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Slide 78 text # allow write access to API endpoints # (default is [‘GET’] for both settings) # /people RESOURCE_METHODS = ['GET','POST'] # /people/ ITEM_METHODS = ['GET','PATCH','PUT','DELETE'] YOU GUESSED IT

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Slide 79 text CLIENT UI # a few optional config options DOMAIN['people'].update( { 'item_title': 'person', 'cache_control':'max-age=10,must-revalidate', 'cache_expires': 10, 'additional_lookup': { 'url’: 'regex("[\w]+")', 'field’: 'name'} } } )

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Slide 80 text CLIENT CACHE OPTIONS # a few optional config options DOMAIN['people'].update( { 'item_title': 'person', 'cache_control':'max-age=10,must-revalidate', 'cache_expires': 10, 'additional_lookup': { 'url’: 'regex("[\w]+")', 'field’: 'name'} } } )

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Slide 81 text ALTERNATE ENDPOINT # a few optional config options DOMAIN['people'].update( { 'item_title': 'person', 'cache_control':'max-age=10,must-revalidate', 'cache_expires': 10, 'additional_lookup': { 'url’: 'regex("[\w]+")', 'field’: 'name'} } } )

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Features Overview We are going to focus on MongoDB power-ups

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full range of CRUD operations Create/POST Read/GET Update/PATCH and Replace/PUT Delete/DELETE

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filters, mongo style ?where={“name”: “john”}

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filters, the python way ?where=name==john

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sorting ?sort=city,-name SORT BY CITY, THEN NAME DESCENDING

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projections ?projection={"avatar": 0} RETURN ALL FIELDS BUT ‘AVATAR’

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projections ?projection={"lastname": 1} ONLY RETURN ‘LASTNAME’

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pagination ?max_results=20&page=2 MAX 20 RESULTS PER PAGE; PAGE 2

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GeoJSON support and validation for all GeoJSON types Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, GeometricalCollection

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document embedding joins

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standard request $ curl {
 "title": "Book Title",
 "description": "book description",
 "author": “52da465a5610320002660f94"

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request an embedded document $ curl{“author”: 1} {
 "title": "Book Title",
 "description": "book description",
 "author": {
 “firstname”: “Mark”,
 “lastname”: “Green”,

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embedded document $ curl{“author”: 1} {
 "title": "Book Title",
 "description": "book description",
 "author": {
 “firstname”: “Mark”,
 “lastname”: “Green”,
 } # embedding is configurable on per-field basis and # can be pre-set by API maintainer EMBEDDED DOCUMENT

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bulk inserts insert multiple documents with a single request

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request $ curl -d ‘ [ { "firstname": "barack", "lastname": “obama" }, { "firstname": "mitt", "lastname": “romney” } ]' -H 'Content-Type: application/json’

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response [ { "_status": "OK", "_updated": "Thu, 22 Nov 2012 15:22:27 GMT", "_id": "50ae43339fa12500024def5b", "_etag": "749093d334ebd05cf7f2b7dbfb7868605578db2c" "_links": {"self": {"href": “”, "title": "person"}} }, { "_status": "OK", "_updated": "Thu, 22 Nov 2012 15:22:27 GMT", "_id": "50ae43339fa12500024def5c", "_etag": "62d356f623c7d9dc864ffa5facc47dced4ba6907" "_links": {"self": {"href": “", "title": "person"}} } ] COHERENCE MODE OFF: ONLY META FIELDS ARE RETURNED

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response [ { "_status": "OK", "_updated": "Thu, 22 Nov 2012 15:22:27 GMT", "_id": "50ae43339fa12500024def5b", "_etag": "749093d334ebd05cf7f2b7dbfb7868605578db2c" "_links": {"self": {"href": “”, "title": “person”}}, "firstname": "barack", "lastname": "obama", }, { "_status": "OK", "_updated": "Thu, 22 Nov 2012 15:22:27 GMT", "_id": "50ae43339fa12500024def5c", "_etag": "62d356f623c7d9dc864ffa5facc47dced4ba6907" "_links": {"self": {"href": “", "title": "person"}} "firstname": "mitt", "lastname": "romney", } ] COHERENCE MODE ON: ALL FIELDS RETURNED

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document versioning ?version=3 ?version=all ?version=diffs

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soft deletes preserve deleted documents and retrieve them with a simple ?show_deleted

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file storage files are stored in GridFS by default; customizable for S3, file system, etc.

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data validation powerful and extensible data validation powered by Cerberus

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rich validation grammar referentrial integrity / unique values / defaults / regex / etc.

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custom data types create your own data types to validate against

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custom validation logic extended the validation system to cater for specific use cases

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multi database serve endpoints and/or users from dedicated mongos

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index maintenance define sets of resource indexes to be (re)created at launch supports sparse, geo2d and background indexes

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event hooks plug custom actions in the request/response cycle

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Slide 109 text from eve import Eve app = Eve() def percona(resource, response): documents = response['_items'] for document in documents: document['percona'] = 'is so cool!' if __name__ == '__main__': app.on_fetched_resource += percona_live CALLBACK FUNCTION

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Slide 110 text from eve import Eve app = Eve() def percona(resource, response): documents = response['_items'] for document in documents: document['percona'] = 'is so cool!' if __name__ == '__main__': app.on_fetched_resource += percona_live LOOP ON ALL DOCUMENTS

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Slide 111 text from eve import Eve app = Eve() def percona(resource, response): documents = response['_items'] for document in documents: document['percona'] = 'is so cool!' if __name__ == '__main__': app.on_fetched_resource += percona_live INJIECT FIELD

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Slide 112 text from eve import Eve app = Eve() def percona(resource, response): documents = response['_items'] for document in documents: document['percona'] = 'is so cool!' if __name__ == '__main__': app.on_fetched_resource += percona_live ATTACH CALLBACK TO EVENT HOOK

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rate limiting powered

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$ curl -i HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-RateLimit-Limit: 1 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0 X-RateLimit-Reset: 1390486659 rate limited request CURRENT LIMIT

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$ curl -i HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-RateLimit-Limit: 1 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0 X-RateLimit-Reset: 1390486659 rate limited request REMAINING

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$ curl -i HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-RateLimit-Limit: 1 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0 X-RateLimit-Reset: 1390486659 rate limited request TIME TO RESET

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$ curl -i HTTP/1.1 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS rate limited request OUCH!

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operations log log all operations and eventually expose a dedicated endpoint

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HATEOAS Hypermedia As Engine Of The Application State

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XML support $ curl -H ”Accept: application/xml” -i <_created>Fri, 18 Sep 2015 13:41:37 GMT <_etag>5d057712ce792ebb4100b96aa98bfe9b6693c07b <_id>55fc149138345b0880f07e3d <_updated>Fri, 18 Sep 2015 13:41:37 GMT john

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conditional requests allow clients to only request non-cached content

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If-Modified-Since If-Modified-Since: Wed, 05 Dec 2012 09:53:07 GMT ONLY RETURN DOCUMENT IF MODIFIED SINCE

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If-None-Match If-None-Match:1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 > ONLY RETURN DOCUMENT ETAG CHANGED

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data integrity and concurrency no overwriting documents with obsolete versions

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missing ETag # fails, as there is no ETag included with request $ curl \ -X PATCH \ -i \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"name": “ronald"}' HTTP/1.1 403 FORBIDDEN NO ETAG REJECTED

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ETag mismatch # fails, as ETag does not match with server $ curl \ -X PATCH \ -i \ -H "If-Match: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json” \ -d '{"firstname": "ronald"}' HTTP/1.1 412 PRECONDITION FAILED ETAG MISMATCH REJECTED

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valid ETag # success at last! ETag matches with server $ curl \ -X PATCH \ -i \ -H "If-Match: 80b81f314712932a4d4ea75ab0b76a4eea613012" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"firstname": "ronald"}' HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Like most of features, ETags can be disabled. ETAG MATCH ACCEPTED

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custom data layers build your own data layer

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authentication and authorization basic / token / hmac / BYO / OAuth2 / you name it

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and (a lot) more CORS, cache control, API versioning, JOSNP, Etc.

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vibrant community 90+ contributors / 350+ forks / 2500+ github stargazers

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Eve-Docs automatic documentation for Eve APIs in both HTML and JSON CHARLES FLYNN

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Eve-Elastic Elasticsearch data layer for your Eve-powered API PETR JASEK

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Eve-SQLAlchemy SQL data layer for Eve-powered APIs PETR JASEK

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Eve-Mongoengine enables mongoengines data models to be used as Eve schema STANISLAV HELLER

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Eve.NET HTTP and REST client for Eve-powered APIs PETR JASEK

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Eve-OAuth2 leverage Flask-Sentinel to protect your API endpoints with OAuth2 THOMAS SILEO

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REST Layer “golang REST API framework heavily inspired by Python Eve” THOMAS SILEO

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Goal # 4 achieved easy to setup, launch and scale up; also a good fit for microservices infrastracture

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A look back to initial draft Clients “Cloud” Database RESTful Web API API iOS Android Website Desktop Client ? ?

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Clients Multiple MongoDBs Database Adam eve instances API iOS Android Website Desktop Client what we have in production

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stories from the trenches #1. when too much (magic) is too much #2. sometimes you don’t want to debug #3. so how do I login into this thing?

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Take Aways

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Enhance MongoDB with powerful features on top of native engine validation, document embedding (joins), referential integrity, document versioning, transformations, rate limiting, etc.

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Consider the REST layer as an ideal data access layer the story of pymongo 3.0 breaking changes mongo or sql or elastic or …

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Consider the REST layer as an ideal data access layer the story of Adam dashboards

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Consider Microservices leverage Eve features create a network of isolated yet standardized services 
 each service has a dedicated role runs as an eve instance, with its own configuration has its own database(s) callbacks route traffic between services

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Clients User-reserved MongoDBs eve-multidb Data Auth eve-oauth2 (flask-sentinel) API iOS Android Website Desktop Client Adam 1 Adam eve instance Redis auth tokens, rate limiting Auth/Users MongoDB

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Clients service- reserved MongoDBs Data Auth eve-oauth2, flask-sentinel API iOS Android Website Desktop Client Adam 2 Adam eve instance Redis auth tokens, rate limiting Services eve instances Auth/Users MongoDB very simplified

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thanks nicolaiarocci eve