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FOUC, and the Death of Progressive Enhancement Kyle Simpson @getify

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In the beginning...

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First webpage (CERN) First web browser Early web browser

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Dark Mode Disable Progressive Rendering Preload Images ✓ Refresh ✓ Reduce Motion ✓ ✓

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Change How We Build

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Hover Me! Early Web

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Hover Me! #hover-me { background-color: #f00; color: #fff; } var btn = document.getElementById("hover-me"); btn.addEventListener("mouseover",openMenu); btn.addEventListener("mouseout",closeMenu); Separation of Concerns

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Graceful Degradation

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Graceful Degradation?

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Progressive Enhancement

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Web Performance

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FOUC Flash of Uncolored Character Flash of Unstyled Content

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FUBC Flash of Unbehaviored Content FUBC

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First Paint

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Reflows and restyles? Placeholders
 and spinners?

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The Great Lie: Technology-layered delivery (HTML -> CSS -> JS) is "morally" superior

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No content

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Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...

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 Design Ethan Marcotte ( @beep )

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Divide in the Web Community

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No content

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"Progressive Enhancement is Dead" --Tom Dale

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Is "No JavaScript" a relevant use case today?

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No content

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No content

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Fight for the user?

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Priority of Constituencies "In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity..."

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User Agent User Advocate User Agent

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Product + UI + UX =
 Imprintable Design #ImprintableDesign

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Progressive Enhancement: developers & technology Instead, we need design focused primarily on each person #ImprintableDesign

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Flawed: designing for consistency

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Flawed: if the device can do it, the user wants it

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Who's using your site?

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Google Analytics

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Statistics Marginalize People

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Common Thread: we know better than any user does

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E12Y higher bar: Empower People (empowerability) #ImprintableDesign #E12Y

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Customer Customer User User Person

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 browser knows best

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Power unlimited? Data unlimited? Hands usable? Lighting conditions? CPU/Memory available?

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Can we just ASK the person?

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Pick Your
 Font Size

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No content

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Flawed: people always want the most powerful experience

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Need a new term: Progressive Enhancement Progressive Experience Personalized Experience People Empathy

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How do we begin practicing People Empathy through Imprintable Design?

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People must be given more control over their web experiences

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"Currencies" Speed Battery Level Cost (Bandwidth)

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Person and Browser together

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"Request-Fidelity" Header

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Layers of technology Degrees of fidelity Sites/Apps built in...

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No content

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Send or Skip WebGL, animations, fonts, retina images, etc Features / Components

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Alter Behavior Batching requests Switching on/off SPA Treat like offline app

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Browser (User Advocate) must veto server over resource responses

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First Steps?

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Should we wait on browsers to adopt? No.

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Start building in options. Start exposing choices.

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"[N]o one has disproved the benefits of Progressive Enhancement or proposed a better technique." backlash-myth-busting-progressive-enhancement/

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Progressive Enhancement is dead.
 Long live People Empathy and #ImprintableDesign.