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We are the regional ambassadors of Python Software Foundation Steering the growth of Python user community in East Africa

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 Training.  Mentorship.  Software development. We promote Python through We promote Python through

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Our Vision “Building a generation of Python developers who are capable of creating an impact”. Our Mission “To promote the use of Python programming language and related technologies”.

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Our Core Objective Our Core Objective Empowering the future generation with Python software development skills

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Our Training Process Our Training Process Reach out to academic Institution. Introduction and needs assessment.

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Training Process continues Training Process continues Start training, Follow up training, award trainees Design, develop and launch Application / product.

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Our Training Modules Our Training Modules The Journey to full stack Python developer Digital literacy Introduction to Python Intermediate training Professional Training Training

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Python education program for secondary schools. AfroPyKids AfroPyKids • After classes • Weekend training • Holiday training

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Courses  Digital literacy  Basic Python programming language Python for Refugees Python for Refugees Bidi Bidi Camp Bidi Bidi Camp Camp Rhino Camp Rhino Rwamwanjo Camp Rwamwanjo Camp Employment Breau, Kampala Employment Breau, Kampala Python education program to train refugees in Uganda

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Refugees From  South Sudan  D.R Congo  Somalia  Burundi The state of Refugees in Uganda The state of Refugees in Uganda Our Target: 1000 trainees a year

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Python for people with disabilities Python for people with disabilities Inclusivity program for people with Intellectual and Physical disabilities We work with I. Kampala School for the Physically Handicapped. II. Special Olympics Uganda.

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2015 560 2016 820 2017 940 2018 680 Our Impact Our Impact 3000+ Members since 2015 Facts  Basic: 1800 trainees .  Intemediate: 800 trainees.  Professional: 400 trainees.  16 Academic host training events.  4 Universities adopted Python Carriculum.  4 Products under development.

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Projects under developement by trainees  Home automation grid.  Online learning platform.  Office assistant(ERP).  Online market for programable hardare and sensors. Software Develoment Software Develoment

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Our PyLabs Our PyLabs Locations  Makerere University.  Kampala International University.  Kyambogo University.  Universit of Kigali. Python development centers

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Supporting Partners Supporting Partners

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Participating academic institutions Participating academic institutions

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Participating academic institutions Participating academic institutions Tanzania, Burundi and South Sudan are on Board.

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Recognition Recognition 1. PSF As Regional ambassadors. 2. Ministry of ICT Uganda Promoters of digital literacy. 3. UCC and ITU Advocates of social inclusion in Tech. 4. KCCA Empowering youth with digital skills. 5. Head of state (Uganda) Promiting ICT practical skills.

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What will make us superior!! What will make us superior!!  Intensive capacity building training.  Development of tools and products.  Tools & internet connectivity.  Resource center(Hub).  More Partners.

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Our lead team Our lead team Mr. Kato Joshua Is a tech enthusiast, developer, director at Afrodjango initiative and regional ambassador for Python Software Foundation. Mr. Buwembo Murshid Is a leader, mentor, communications officer at Afrodjango initiative and representative of PWDs at Kampala City Council Authority. Mr. Buyondo Ismail Is a mentor, trainer and Head of Afrodjango initiative training program. Mr. Wamanya Linus Is a liberal, mentor and open innovation advocate, mentor. Head of Afrodjango initiative special projects and founding member of Tech Innovators SACCO. 6 Administrators 6 Administrators 20 trainers 20 trainers 5 Advisors 5 Advisors

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Our contacts Our contacts www. Afro-django python user initiative We chose python

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Thank You! Thank You! Training | Mentorship | Development