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A Fair Task Execution Framework

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150 Million+ conversations on Helpshift in the last year

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Running jobs on customer data ● Maintenance is unavoidable ○ Feature to release: Segment conversations into buckets ○ Every conversation must be part of one bucket ○ Need to add a “default bucket” to all conversation before release

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Running jobs on customer data ● Maintenance is unavoidable ○ Feature to release: Segment conversations into buckets ○ Every conversation must be part of one bucket ○ Need to add a “default bucket” to all conversation before release ● Uneven data distribution

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Goals Fair 1. Runtime independent of data distribution 2. Only dependent on amount of data Easy To understand and use

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Strategy 1: Spawn a thread for each customer Run each customer on a dedicated thread in a threadpool

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Strategy 1: Spawn a thread for each customer Run each customer on a dedicated thread in a threadpool

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Strategy 1: Report Card Goal Result Fair No Easy Yes Easy to use but runtime affected by long running jobs

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Strategy 2: Chunk-and-work Decouple the size of customers from the unit of concurrency. Each task is a “small-enough” segment of a customer

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Strategy 2: Chunk-and-work Decouple the size of customers from the unit of concurrency. Each task is a “small-enough” segment of a customer [{:cust-id “xyz” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “xyz” :month “Feb”} ... {:cust-id “abc” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “abc” :month “Feb”} ...]

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Strategy 2: Chunk-and-work

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Strategy 2: Chunk-and-work

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Strategy 2: Chunk-and-work Some timeranges contain more data than others Some timeranges contain too little or no data

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Strategy 2: Report Card Goal Result Fair Mostly Easy Yes

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Strategy 2: Report Card Goal Result Fair Mostly Easy Yes Uneven data distribution across customers => Handled Uneven division of tasks => Unhandled

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Strategy 2: Report Card Goal Result Fair Mostly Easy Yes Robust No Uneven data distribution across customers => Handled Uneven division of tasks => Unhandled

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Strategy 2: How to achieve robustness?

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Strategy 2: How to achieve robustness?

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Decouple data collection from execution How to achieve robustness?

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Strategy 3: Iterator and Worker

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Strategy 3: Iterator and Worker [{:cust-id “xyz” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “xyz” :month “Feb”} ... {:cust-id “abc” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “abc” :month “Feb”} ...]

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Strategy 3: Iterator and Worker Dynamically chunk into uniformly sized tasks [{:cust-id “xyz” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “xyz” :month “Feb”} ... {:cust-id “abc” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “abc” :month “Feb”} ...] Give me the next 10K records where id > last-id in this timerange

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Strategy 3: Iterator and Worker On-the-fly chunked tasks Dynamically chunk into uniformly sized tasks [{:cust-id “xyz” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “xyz” :month “Feb”} ... {:cust-id “abc” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “abc” :month “Feb”} ...] [data-id1, data-id2, ...] Give me the next 10K records where id > last-id in this timerange

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Strategy 3: Iterator and Worker On-the-fly chunked tasks Dynamically chunk into uniformly sized tasks [{:cust-id “xyz” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “xyz” :month “Feb”} ... {:cust-id “abc” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “abc” :month “Feb”} ...] [data-id1, data-id2, ...] Give me the next 10K records where id > last-id in this timerange Perform the task

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Strategy 3: Iterator and Worker On-the-fly chunked tasks Dynamically chunk into uniformly sized tasks [{:cust-id “xyz” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “xyz” :month “Feb”} ... {:cust-id “abc” :month “Jan”} {:cust-id “abc” :month “Feb”} ...] [data-id1, data-id2, ...] Give me the next 10K records where id > last-id in this timerange Perform the task

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Strategy 3: Iterator and Worker Launcher Iterator function Worker function

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Strategy 3: Iterator and Worker Launcher Iterator function Worker function Rendez-vous point

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Strategy 3: Iterator and Worker (fair-exec-job (let [ch (async/chan 1000)] {:iterator (partial iterate-customer ch) :input-tasks customer-xs-or-ch :chan ch :iterator-thread-count 10 :worker run-tasks :worker-thread-count 20})) Launcher

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Strategy 3: Iterator and Worker (defn iterate-customer [output-chan {:keys [customer query profiles-per-task] :as params}] (let [data (query-next-batch query) num (count data) last-id (:id (last data))] (doseq [chunk (partition-all 10000 data)] (async/>!! output-chan {:customer customer :chunk chunk})) (when (= num-entities query-limit) (recur (assoc params :query {:id {:$gt last-id}}))))) (fair-exec-job (let [ch (async/chan 1000)] {:iterator (partial iterate-customer ch) :input-tasks customer-xs-or-ch :chan ch :iterator-thread-count 10 :worker run-tasks :worker-thread-count 20})) Iterator Launcher

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Strategy 3: Iterator and Worker (defn iterate-customer [output-chan {:keys [customer query profiles-per-task] :as params}] (let [data (query-next-batch query) num (count data) last-id (:id (last data))] (doseq [chunk (partition-all 10000 data)] (async/>!! output-chan {:customer customer :chunk chunk})) (when (= num-entities query-limit) (recur (assoc params :query {:id {:$gt last-id}}))))) (defn run-tasks [{:keys [customer chunk] :as task}] (run-maintenance-on customer chunk)) (fair-exec-job (let [ch (async/chan 1000)] {:iterator (partial iterate-customer ch) :input-tasks customer-xs-or-ch :chan ch :iterator-thread-count 10 :worker run-tasks :worker-thread-count 20})) Iterator Worker Launcher

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Strategy 3: Report Card Goal Result Fair Yes Easy Yes Robust Yes

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Conclusion ● Concurrency => Parallelism

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Conclusion ● Concurrency => Parallelism ● A good concurrent design => Tunable throughput

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Conclusion ● Concurrency => Parallelism ● A good concurrent design => Tunable throughput ● Clojure => Easy to harness the power of concurrency

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Come say hi! We are hiring @helpshift

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Come say hi! We are hiring @helpshift Thank you! Questions?