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Building Your Own R2 Unit

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serial # R2-D2

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But I was going to go into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters… " #emoji-bot

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a long time ago…

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a long time ago… 1950

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a long time ago… 1965 1950

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a long time ago… 1965 1950

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a long time ago…

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a long time ago… 1995

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a long time ago… 1995

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a long time ago… 1995 1997

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a long time ago… 1995 1997

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a long time ago…

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a long time ago… 2000

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a long time ago… 2000 2007

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a long time ago… 2000 2007

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No content

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caring module #D5e7r6

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familiar 1.

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familiar 1. 2. < barriers

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Bewhere users the are

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‘86 ‘96

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‘86 ‘96 ‘06

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‘16 ‘86 ‘96 ‘06

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80 $ M slack fund

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80 $ M slack fund

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speaking module #S40926

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UI the design

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Can you schedule a meeting for tomorrow with Jim and Tim? Which Jim do you want me to schedule a meeting with? 1. Jim F. 2. Jim P. Sure. It looks like the afternoon is best. Do you want me to schedule this for then? Meeting invite went out for 2PM tomorrow to everyone. I will follow up to confirm everyone is booked. Ok. There is no more free time tomorrow. Do you want me to try for Wednesday? Multiple contacts "Yes" "No"

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Design Challenges

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Discoverability Are you ready to have that meeting? You can reply with "yes" or "no". "yes"

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Discoverability Meeting scheduled! Did you know you can reschedule by just saying "reschedule meeting with Dave"?

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Validation Andy wants to meet with you today at 2PM. Are you available? "blerg"

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Validation "blerg"

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Validation I'm sorry, "blerg" is not an answer. You can say "yes" or "no". Are you available to meet with Andy today at 2PM? "blerg"

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Selection Where do you want to meet tonight with MacKenzie? 1. Coffee Shop 2. Restaurant for dinner 3. Local bar "1"

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Selection "1"

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Selection Ok. Which coffee shop? 1. Starbucks on Central 2. Cup 'o Joe Downtown "1"

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Feedback No one in your meeting is available on Friday. Would you like me to ask them anyway? R2 is typing …

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Best Practices

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Gender Neutral

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Gender Neutral "are you a boy or a girl?" Neither. Those X-Wing pods are skinny. I would not fit with any extra parts.

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Beer Test

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Beer Test Just keep me away from those Jawas and we'll be cool. "you are my best friend"

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Different Responses

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Different Responses "how come you had rocket feet early on but then you didn't after episode 3?" They were using potatoes for special effects in the first 3. How would they pull off rocket feet?

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Different Responses "Yeah, but how do you explain Jabba the Hutt in the special edition?"

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Different Responses "Yeah, but how do you explain Jabba the Hutt in the special edition?" They were using potatoes for special effects in the first 3. How would they pull off rocket feet?

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Use Their Surroundings

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Use Their Surroundings "Dagobah did not look like a pleasant place!" It's 70 degrees in February where you're at. Global warming is affecting all systems.

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Fallback "Can you blerg?" I'm sorry, that oil bath got into some of my circuits. What were you saying?

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power module #63wrqy

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power module #63wrqy

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speaking module #S40926

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speaking module #S40926

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listen module #aaYg5

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listen module #aaYg5

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process module #9862sw

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process module #9862sw

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No content

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No content

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Slack App Directory

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Slack App Directory

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Add to Slack

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Add to Slack

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Authorize app

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Authorize app

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Authorize app

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new bot user

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new bot user

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power module #63wrqy

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Create Slack App

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Create Slack App

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ngrok ngrok http -subdomain=my-slack-bot 5000

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Create Slack App

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Web Component

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Web Component

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Web Component Add to Slack

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OAuth # Gemfile #… gem "omniauth-slack" #…

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OAuth #config/initializers/omniauth.rb Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :slack, ENV["SLACK_CLIENT_ID"], ENV["SLACK_SECRET"], scope: "bot,identify" end

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OAuth #config/initializers/omniauth.rb Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :slack, ENV["SLACK_CLIENT_ID"], ENV["SLACK_SECRET"], scope: "bot,identify" end

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OAuth #config/initializers/omniauth.rb Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :slack, ENV["SLACK_CLIENT_ID"], ENV["SLACK_SECRET"], scope: "bot,identify" end

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routes # config/routes.rb Rails.application.routes.draw do get "/auth/:provider/callback", to: "sessions#create" # … end

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controller # app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb class SessionsController < ApplicationController def create auth = request.env["omniauth.auth"] end end

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oauth response {"provider"=>"slack", "uid"=>"UXXXXXXX", "info"=> {"nickname"=>"jwright", "team"=>"Brilliant Fantastic", "user"=>"jwright", "team_id"=>"TXXXXXX", "user_id"=>"UXXXXXX", "name"=>nil, "email"=>nil, "first_name"=>nil, # … }, "credentials"=> {"token"=>"xoxp-XXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX", "expires"=>false}, "extra"=> {"raw_info"=> {"ok"=>true, "url"=>"", "team"=>"Brilliant Fantastic", "user"=>"jwright", "team_id"=>"TXXXXXX", "user_id"=>"UXXXXXX"}, "web_hook_info"=>{}, "bot_info"=> {"bot_user_id"=>"UXXXXXX", "bot_access_token"=>"xoxb-XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX"}}}}

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oauth response {"provider"=>"slack", "uid"=>"UXXXXXXX", "info"=> {"nickname"=>"jwright", "team"=>"Brilliant Fantastic", "user"=>"jwright", "team_id"=>"TXXXXXX", "user_id"=>"UXXXXXX", "name"=>nil, "email"=>nil, "first_name"=>nil, # … }, "credentials"=> {"token"=>"xoxp-XXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX", "expires"=>false}, "extra"=> {"raw_info"=> {"ok"=>true, "url"=>"", "team"=>"Brilliant Fantastic", "user"=>"jwright", "team_id"=>"TXXXXXX", "user_id"=>"UXXXXXX"}, "web_hook_info"=>{}, "bot_info"=> {"bot_user_id"=>"UXXXXXX", "bot_access_token"=>"xoxb-XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX"}}}}

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oauth response {"provider"=>"slack", "uid"=>"UXXXXXXX", "info"=> {"nickname"=>"jwright", "team"=>"Brilliant Fantastic", "user"=>"jwright", "team_id"=>"TXXXXXX", "user_id"=>"UXXXXXX", "name"=>nil, "email"=>nil, "first_name"=>nil, # … }, "credentials"=> {"token"=>"xoxp-XXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX", "expires"=>false}, "extra"=> {"raw_info"=> {"ok"=>true, "url"=>"", "team"=>"Brilliant Fantastic", "user"=>"jwright", "team_id"=>"TXXXXXX", "user_id"=>"UXXXXXX"}, "web_hook_info"=>{}, "bot_info"=> {"bot_user_id"=>"UXXXXXX", "bot_access_token"=>"xoxb-XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX"}}}}

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oauth response {"provider"=>"slack", "uid"=>"UXXXXXXX", "info"=> {"nickname"=>"jwright", "team"=>"Brilliant Fantastic", "user"=>"jwright", "team_id"=>"TXXXXXX", "user_id"=>"UXXXXXX", "name"=>nil, "email"=>nil, "first_name"=>nil, # … }, "credentials"=> {"token"=>"xoxp-XXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX", "expires"=>false}, "extra"=> {"raw_info"=> {"ok"=>true, "url"=>"", "team"=>"Brilliant Fantastic", "user"=>"jwright", "team_id"=>"TXXXXXX", "user_id"=>"UXXXXXX"}, "web_hook_info"=>{}, "bot_info"=> {"bot_user_id"=>"UXXXXXX", "bot_access_token"=>"xoxb-XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX"}}}}

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Store Information # app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb class SessionsController < ApplicationController def create auth = request.env["omniauth.auth"] team = Team.create_from_auth auth user = User.create_from_auth auth, team bot = Bot.create_from_auth auth, team end end

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Store Information # db/schema.rb create_table "bots", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "bot_id" t.string "access_token" t.integer "team_id" t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false t.index ["team_id"], name: "index_bots_on_team_id" end create_table "teams", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "access_token" t.string "domain" t.string "team_id" t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "user_id" t.integer "team_id" t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end

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Start Bot # Gemfile #… gem "slack-ruby-client" #…

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Start Bot EM.next_tick do client = bot.access_token) begin client.start_async client.on(:close) do restart end rescue StandardError => e # TODO: handle slew of errors here end end * over simplification

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speaking module #S40926

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Introduce Bot client = bot.access_token) response = client.im_open(user_id: user.user_id) client.chat_postMessage(channel:, text: "Hello there")

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listen module #aaYg5

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Event listening client = bot.access_token) client.on :message do |data| case data.text when /hello/ then client.web_client.chat_postMessage channel:, text: "Hi!" when /not now/ then client.web_client.chat_postMessage channel:, text: "Goodbye" end end

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process module #9862sw

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behaviors client = bot.access_token) client.on :message do |data| case data.text when /hello/ then #… when /not now/ then #… when did_something(data.text) then #… when did_something_else(data.text) then #… end end

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behaviors class Bot < Slack::RealTime::Client include Behaviors::IntroducesSelf include Behaviors::RespondsToInsult include Behaviors::RespondsToWeatherCommand #… end

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Natural language processing

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Natural language processing Is BB8 ready to go?

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Natural language processing Is BB8 ready to go? intent: charge_status

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Natural language processing Is BB8 ready to go? intent: entities: charge_status target: "BB8" status: "ready"

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Natural language processing Is BB8 ready to go? intent: entities: confidence: charge_status target: "BB8" status: "ready" 0.82

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nlp as a service

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nlp as a service

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nlp as a service require "wit" response = Wit.text_query("Is BB8 ready to go?", ENV["WIT_ACCESS_TOKEN"]) bot.process_intent(response)

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nlp as a service "outcomes" : [ { "_text" : "Is BB8 ready to go?", "intent" : "charge_status", "entities" : { "target" : [ { "value" : "BB8" } ], "status" : [ { "value" : "ready" } ], }, "confidence" : 0.82 } ]

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go and build bots

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Thank you for learning about how to build me. go and build bots

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go and build bots

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I know I'm not as difficult to build as that pain in the ass gold-plated primadonna. go and build bots

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go and build bots

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…and it took Anakin 7 years to build that useless translator. go and build bots

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Gotcha bot

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Thanks for listening… …to a human? @jwright