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The fast flow organization - using Team Topologies outside of IT and software Matthew Skelton, Conflux - co-author of Team Topologies FastFlowConf, London | 25 May 2023

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2 FastFlowConf is the first public event of its kind to focus on the approach and methodologies described in Team Topologies, by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais. Our mission is to bring together practitioners, experts and enthusiastic beginners to share knowledge and ideas, as well as to grow the community.

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3 FastFlowConf is the first public event of its kind to focus on the approach and methodologies described in Team Topologies, by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais. Our mission is to bring together practitioners, experts and enthusiastic beginners to share knowledge and ideas, as well as to grow the community. 🥰

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Photo goes here Matthew Skelton Founder at Conflux Co-author of Team Topologies LinkedIn: Mastodon: 4

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Team Topologies Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, September 2019 Order via stores worldwide: 5

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Team Topologies is the leading approach to organizing business and technology teams for fast flow, providing a practical, step-by‑step, adaptive model for organizational design and team interaction. 7

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What I have learned about TT Team Topologies outside of IT What is going on?! Summary 9

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What I have learned about Team Topologies since publication in 2019 10

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Team Topologies is way more disruptive and useful than we ever imagined … but 🤷 #sorrynotsorry 11

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Team Topologies provides several things for organizations… 12

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13 Language for dealing with flow, boundaries, architecture, dynamics

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14 Heuristics (clues) for organizing teams and software

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15 Ways for teams to define expectations + close gaps

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16 A focus on fast flow as a key driver

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17 Deliberate constraints on behaviors

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18 mtopologies-activity-7009449368537726976-biXt “Team Topologies is … a set of constraints to encourage emergent behaviours.”

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[quick overview] 19

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20 Stream-aligned team ➔ Long-lived ➔ End-to-end care and evolution of the service ➔ No hand-offs to other teams ➔ Mix of skills (“cross-functional”) ➔ Small: around 8 people

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21 Stream-aligned team ➔ Long-lived ➔ End-to-end care and evolution of the service ➔ No hand-offs to other teams ➔ Mix of skills (“cross-functional”) ➔ Small: around 8 people Flow of change

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22 Platform grouping

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24 Flow of change

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25 Cash Concept Flow of change

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26 User Need Flow of change

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27 Live service Version control Flow of change

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28 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team

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29 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team 😢

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30 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team 😐 Facilitating Enabling team

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31 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team 😊 Facilitating Enabling team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS

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Platform grouping 32 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Collaboration UX

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Platform grouping 33 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Stream-aligned team xN

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Platform grouping 34 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Collaboration Stream-aligned team xN ⚠ Team Topologies diagrams are always just “snapshots in time”, never fixed designs

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flow-centric roles 36

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Almost all decisions need to use the twin ‘lenses’ of fast flow and team cognitive load 37

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Team Topologies indicates: Almost ALL roles and teams should be focused on either: 🔀 A flow of change -or- 👐 Supporting flow(s) of change 38

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🔀 A flow of change: ● Software changes to a service/app ● Config changes to COTS software ● Onboarding a new employee ● Reviewing legal contracts ● Installing A/V equipment 39

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👐 Supporting flow(s) of change: ● An infrastructure platform for cloud services/apps ● A data platform for analytics ● A wiki or How-To guide ● Real-time data for decision-making 40

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41 Continuously ‘untangle’ business concepts

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42 Find and adjust team & system boundaries for flow

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43 Minimize hand-offs

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44 Avoid blocking dependencies

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45 Move some decision-making to teams

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46 Team Topologies exposes any lack of clarity in purpose, conflict in priorities, or misalignment of incentives

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Team Topologies outside of IT 47

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Organizations outside IT and software are already using TT 48

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49 “Let's bring Team Topologies to the whole of the [National Health Service]!”

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50 “the concepts discussed in the book are very much applicable to other working environments and teams [outside software]” “Certain activities needed to be provided as a service that employees could easily access and get a quick and accurate result from. On other occasions we worked with a manager in a facilitative way, helping that manager to become better able to manage a situation in the team. In other situations we worked collaboratively with another team to pool resources and problem solve together, coming up with a better solution than either team would have arrived at on their own.”

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Legal services 51

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52 Challenges for legal services Real-world cases span legal specialisms Fee earner lawyer prevents team ownership Per-hour billing encourages busy work Law-as-a-service?

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53 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Client A Individual vs Company

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54 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team 😊 Facilitating Enabling team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS Cross-border M&A “Fee-earner”

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Platform grouping 55 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Collaboration M&A info managed as part of a flow platform Make the XaaS interaction more useful

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Platform grouping 56 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Stream-aligned team xN Teams making supporting workflows and checklists, etc.

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[Accountancy] 57

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Clinical care / healthcare 58

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59 Challenges for clinical care Real-world cases span medical specialisms > Pregnant car accident victim with COVID-19 Consistent care over time without handoffs Managing team cognitive load

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60 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team COVID-19 complications Malnourished

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61 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team 😊 Facilitating Enabling team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS X-ray or MRI scan Consultant surgeon

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Platform grouping 62 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Collaboration Make the XaaS interaction more useful X-ray or MRI scan managed as part of a flow platform

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Platform grouping 63 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Stream-aligned team xN Teams making supporting workflows and checklists, etc. X-ray or MRI scan itself may have “inner” teams

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Case Study NHS Digital - pandemic response software teams working with international healthcare experts used Team Topologies principles for rapid rollout of COVID-19 testing 64

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News and media 65

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66 Challenges for news and media Changing consumption of news and media > TikTok, ChatGPT, AI/ML Remove editors from publication critical path Rapidly offer new digital products & tech

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Platform grouping 67 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS Facilitating Enabling team Editors help to build capability in publication teams Editorial Editors help to define auto- approval systems

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Platform grouping 68 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Collaboration Shape the content boundaries a data structures Content platform provides composable media consumable by … Product …an ecosystem of digital products

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Education curriculum design 69

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70 Challenges for education design Technology changing the relevance of ideas > ChatGPT for essay questions Long cycles (course description as ‘contract’) Avoid ‘big batch’ validation by committee

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Platform grouping 71 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Collaboration Discuss ruleset for auto- approval Chemistry Computer ethics

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HR/People 72

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73 Challenges for HR / people mgt Rigidity in people placement prevents agility > 7 months to move someone to new dept Individual bonuses work against teamwork Conway’s Law

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Platform grouping 74 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team XaaS HR as a platform with internal “customers” Onboarding Move department XaaS XaaS

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Venue services (e.g. audiovisual equipment) 75

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76 Challenges for venue services Rapid deployment at scale Courtrooms, music venues Testing and validation

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The team-based operating system 77

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78 TeamForm

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79 TeamOS Disclosure: Matthew Skelton has invested personally in the company behind TeamOS

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WTF is going on?! 81

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82 Time for some reverse engineering!

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83 legal services clinical care / healthcare news & media accounting education design HR/people OS ?

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knowledge work 84

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language 85

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interactions 86

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ownership 87

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boundaries 88

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cognitive load 89

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flow 90

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91 language interactions boundaries ownership cognitive load flow

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Hypothesis: Team Topologies provides vital language, patterns, and constraints for almost all knowledge work situations in the context of fast flow and team ownership. 92

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Summary 93

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Almost all decisions need to use the twin ‘lenses’ of fast flow and team cognitive load 112

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Hypothesis: Team Topologies provides vital language, patterns, and constraints for almost all knowledge work situations in the context of fast flow and team ownership. 113

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114 What’s your perspective? Which aspects resonate? Which things feel incorrect?

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115 18 & 19 July 2023 @ 13:30-16:30 UK time

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116 expert-led group learning for adopting fast flow and Team Topologies

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