● Backend Engineer at Mercari, Inc.
● Tech Lead of CSTool Team
● Love
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Relationship between Mercari & Sendai
Reply to inquiries
Monitor contents
Head Office
Develop apps
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Relationship between Mercari & PHP
● Mercari app’s API is written in PHP
● Migrating to microservices
○ From PHP to Go
○ Break down existing API into multiple services
○ MTC2018 - Mercari API: from Monolithic to Microservices
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Technique to delete
unused codes
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● Why do we need to delete unused codes?
● Mercari’s case
○ How to delete unused codes
○ Result
● Conclusion
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Why do we need to delete unused codes?
● Reduce development costs
○ Reading cost
○ Updating cost
● Speed up the system
○ Response time
○ CI
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How to delete unused codes
Detect unused APIs
Build project team
Delete codes
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Detect unused APIs
1. List APIs that haven’t been recently accessed
a. For a month in our case
b. Use Google BigQuery & a script written in Go
2. Check if we may delete the API
a. Investigate codes
b. Use `git blame` and ask implementer
c. Find tickets related to it
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Make API list by spreadsheet
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Build project team
● Collect fellows [Important]
○ backend engineer
○ QA engineer
● Decide the release procedure
○ How to do QA
○ JIRA ticket
● Hold a kick-off with
○ Better to hold it every month
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Delete codes
● Check recent access log
● Check methods recursively
○ Type and type `git grep`!
○ With symbol search function by PhpStorm
○ Controller, Service, Exception, Entity, DB table, DB schema, test, etc...
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Result summary
● Deleted 349 / 370 (≒94%) unused APIs
○ In 3 months
○ 7 backend engineers + 1 frontend engineers
○ About 80k〜100k lines
● Reverted 9 PRs
○ Other repositories were affected when tables were dropped
○ Forgot to check the access log
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Deleting code is difficult
● Need to read the code steadily or ask a senior engineer
● Do it with fellows, NOT alone
● Don’t forget to check the access log
● Check the impact on other repositories when drop tables
● Let’s hold a drinking party every month