What's New in CDI 2.0
JSR 365 Mark Paluch • @mp911de
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CDI Timeline
Dec 2009
CDI 1.0
Jun 2013
CDI 1.1 (Java
Apr 2014
CDI 1.2
Sep 2014
CDI 2.0
May 2017
CDI 2.0
Sept 2017?
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Community Survey
1. Asynchronous method invocation
2. Add asynchronous event support
3. @Startup for CDI
4. Bootstrapping the container
outside Java EE
5. AOP for produced or custom
6. Mutable container at runtime
7. Security support
8. Observers ordering
9. Enhance SPI to give better access
to all metadata
10. Better EAR support
Source: https://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/ec-public/materials/2015-06-1516/JSR-365-Review.pdf
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class UserService {
User createUser() {
return …;
class UserServlet extends HttpServlet {
UserService service;
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class UserService {
void onUserCreated(@Observes UserEvent event) {
class UserServlet extends HttpServlet {
UserService service;
class UserServiceFactory {
UserService createService() {
return new UserService();
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Road towards JavaEE 8
• Java 8 baseline
• Spec split: Core/SE/EE
CDI Specification
CDI Core
CDI for
Java SE
CDI for
Java EE
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Java SE
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Java SE
• Currently: Implementation-specific in Weld/
• Spec Goal: Bootstrap API
public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
// yay! I'm first
System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Default priority");
public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
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public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
// yay! I'm first
System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Default priority");
public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
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public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
// yay! I'm first
System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Default priority");
public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
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public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
// yay! I'm first
System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Default priority");
public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
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Asynchronous Events
• Notify event observers asynchronously
• One or more different threads
• Decoupled from synchronous events
Observing Async Events
public void observer(@ObservesAsync MyEvent payload) {
System.out.println("Yay, I'm called async!");
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How it works
@Observes @ObservesAsync
Sync call Not notified
Not notified Async call
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Asynchronous Events
• Exceptions and Synchronization with
• Active scopes: Request, Application
• Custom scopes depend on the implementation
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Portable Extensions
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Meta-Data Builder API
• Standardized API
• CDI 1.0+: Very verbose to create
• AnnotatedTypes, Beans, BeanAttributes, InjectionPoints, and
• Builder and Configurator-style
AOP on produced Bean
• CDI 1.0+: Interceptor applied to producer method
• CDI 2.0: InterceptionFactory
public MyService produceService() {
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AOP on produced Bean
public MyService createTransactional(InterceptionFactory ify) {
.filterMethods(m -> m.getJavaMember().getName().equals("save"))
.forEach(m -> m.add(new AnnotationLiteral() {}));
return ify.createInterceptionProxy(new MyService());
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AOP on produced Bean
public MyService createTransactional(InterceptionFactory ify) {
.filterMethods(m -> m.getJavaMember().getName().equals("save"))
.forEach(m -> m.add(new AnnotationLiteral() {}));
return ify.createInterceptionProxy(new MyService());
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Proxy matters
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Proxy injection
private MyService myService;
This is a proxy instance
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Proxy injection
private ConcurrentHashMap myService;
/** Implementation for put and putIfAbsent */
final V putVal(K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent)
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Normal-scoped beans
• Must be proxyable
• accessible, no-args constructor
• non-final classes
• accessible, non-final instance methods