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1 Mapping tick dynamics and tick bite risk using data-driven approaches and volunteered observations Irene Garcia-Marti 27-09-2019

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CONTEXT • Re-emergence of vector-borne diseases: • Global & socio-economic changes • VDB: 23 diseases (including Zika) • Changes + ticks • Longer tick season • Increase in tick populations • Northward + elevation expansion • New suitable habitats • Concurrent increase of tick-borne diseases Source: WHO

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CONTEXT Source: RIVM Source: RIVM 25K – 27K LD cases per year ~2K develop persisting symptoms

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CITIZEN SCIENCE TICK ACTIVITY • Monitoring tick activity • Project started and coordinated by WUR researchers • Monitoring 15-25 forested locations in the NL • Sampling: • Once a month, 2006-2016 • Using dragging blanket • Counting ticks every 25m • ~4,000 samples • One of the longest time-series on tick activity: unique!

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CITIZEN SCIENCE TICK BITE REPORTS WUR + RIVM started Tekenradar in 2012 Currently 50,000+ samples

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THE BIGGER PICTURE From “Lyme disease: The ecology of a complex system” R.Ostfeld (2012)

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R = H x E RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Modelling tick bite risk and tick activity using citizen science data

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DATA AND METHODS • General ML operations: • Classification • Regression • Pattern mining • ML methods: • Random Forest • Apriori • + • Statistics: • Poisson, neg. bin. • Zero-inflation, skewness

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TICK ACTIVITY (H) Daily tick activity 15/4/2014 to 15/7/2014 Time-aware random forest 100+ covariates in 11 time windows

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EXPLORING TICK BITE RISK What is the tick bites collection monitoring? Is there any information? EDA with Apriori to understand patterns of tick bites Tick bites are a realization of R!

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HUMAN EXPOSURE (E) Pre-step before developing tick bite risk model Bridges the need of ICT data E clustered at the edges of forests and natural areas Locating E means we can characterize it R = H x E E = R ÷ H

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12 TICK BITE RISK (R) Modification of random forest to handle skewed and zero-inflated distributions Risk is higher along the coast Combination of H and 19 new covariates of E

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CONTRIBUTIONS • Illustrating intrinsic relationship between R, H, E • Atmospheric water levels drive tick dynamics • Tick bite risk is strongly influenced by human exposure • Principles can be applicable to other tick-borne diseases Scientific • Modify method to handle time-aware observations • Modify method to handle skewed and zero-inflated distributions • Devised simple method to estimate human exposure to ticks without ICT • Guidelines to explore patterns of R Methodological • Monitoring elusive phenomena at unprecedented levels of detail • Observations can have sufficient quality to support scientific research • Sharing creative approaches at validating citizen science observations Citizen science

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FUTURE WORK Improving prediction of tick dynamics Creating dynamic tick bite risk model Linking machine learning and statistics Creating apps for professionals and citizens

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