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You Need To Know For Your Everyday Kafka Command Line Tools Hugo Guerrero | @hguerreroo Sr. Principal Developer Advocate, Red Hat 1

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Hugo Guerrero Sr. Principal Developer Advocate @Red Hat Likes: Travel + Food + History Mexican @ Massachusetts, USA AsyncAPI Ambassador @hguerreroo Articles: {“Hello”:”World!”}

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3 A great day out with Apache Kafka

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4 COMMAND LINE TOOLS YOU NEED TO KNOW @hguerreroo Command Line Tools

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COMMAND LINE TOOLS YOU NEED TO KNOW 5 @hguerrero Why Use Docker CLI? ● Simplifies the management of containerized applications and services. ● Ideal for developers building, testing, and deploying applications in containers. ● Supports complex workflows with volumes, networks, and multi-container setups. ● Perfect for CI/CD, DevOps pipelines, and local development environments. Key Features: ● Build and run containers: Build images from Dockerfiles and run containers from images. ● Manage images: Pull, push, and list Docker images from local and remote repositories. ● Container operations: Start, stop, remove, and inspect running containers. ● Networking: Create and manage container networks. ● Volumes: Persist data by managing Docker volumes across containers. docker Container Management Tool

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COMMAND LINE TOOLS YOU NEED TO KNOW 6 @hguerrero Why use kcat? ● Lightweight and powerful Kafka tool. ● Great for developers, testers, and operators. ● Simple interface for testing Kafka APIs. ● Enables rapid debugging and local development. Key Features: ● Produce messages: Send messages to Kafka topics. ● Consume messages: Read messages from Kafka topics. ● Query metadata: Inspect Kafka topics, brokers, and partitions. ● Low-level debug: Helpful for troubleshooting Kafka clusters. kcat (formerly known as kafkacat) The Versatile Kafka CLI Tool

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COMMAND LINE TOOLS YOU NEED TO KNOW 7 @hguerrero Why use kaf? ● Comprehensive CLI for Kafka cluster management. ● Combines Kafka topic, broker, and consumer group management in a single tool. ● Fast and efficient – no need for multiple tools or interfaces. ● Perfect for development, testing, and production environments. kaf Kafka CLI inspired by kubectl & docker Key Features: ● Manage topics: Create, list, describe, and delete topics. ● Produce and consume messages: Send and read messages to/from Kafka topics. ● Monitor consumer groups: Check consumer group lags, offsets, and more. ● View broker metadata: Inspect brokers, partitions, and replication details.

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COMMAND LINE TOOLS YOU NEED TO KNOW 8 @hguerrero Why use kcli? ● A simple, easy-to-use Kafka management tool. ● Fast and efficient for basic Kafka operations. ● Ideal for developers and operators who need quick access to Kafka functionality. ● Minimal setup, making it perfect for local development and testing. kcli Kafka Command-Line Interface Key Features: ● Manage topics: Create, list, delete, and describe topics. ● Inspect partitions: View partition details, including leader and replicas. ● Monitor consumer offsets: Track consumer offsets and lags. ● Query broker metadata: Get broker information and cluster status.

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COMMAND LINE TOOLS YOU NEED TO KNOW 9 @hguerrero Why use kafkactl? ● A versatile tool for managing Kafka clusters via the REST Proxy. ● Simplifies production and consumption of messages. ● Ideal for users looking to perform CRUD operations and monitor Kafka resources efficiently. ● Perfect for automation, CI/CD, and scripting use cases. kafkactl Kafka Command-Line Management Tool Key Features: ● Manage topics: Create, delete, describe, and list Kafka topics. ● Produce and consume messages: Send and read messages from Kafka topics. ● Monitor consumer groups: List, describe, and check consumer group offsets. ● Query Kafka resources: Inspect brokers, partitions, and configurations.

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COMMAND LINE TOOLS YOU NEED TO KNOW 10 @hguerrero Why use kcctl? ● Makes Kafka Connect cluster management simple and efficient. ● No need for REST API calls – everything is done via CLI. ● Streamlines development and operational workflows. ● Ideal for managing multiple connectors and environments. 🧸 kcctl Command-Line Tool for Kafka Connect Key Features: ● Register connectors: Easily register new Kafka Connect connectors. ● Manage connectors: Pause, resume, or delete connectors with ease. ● Monitor status: Check the status of connectors and tasks. ● Update configurations: Update connector configurations from the terminal.

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COMMAND LINE TOOLS YOU NEED TO KNOW 11 @hguerrero Why use kubectl? ● The most comprehensive CLI for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. ● Allows for full control over Kubernetes resources. ● Supports automation and integration with CI/CD pipelines. ● Ideal for developers, system administrators, and DevOps engineers managing production or development clusters. kubectl Kubernetes Command-Line Tool Key Features: ● Manage resources: Create, update, and delete Kubernetes resources (e.g., pods, deployments, services). ● Inspect cluster state: Get detailed information on pods, nodes, and workloads. ● Port-forwarding: Forward local ports to services running inside the cluster. ● Logs and events: View logs and monitor events for troubleshooting. ● Apply configurations: Use declarative configurations with kubectl apply for Kubernetes resources.

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COMMAND LINE TOOLS YOU NEED TO KNOW 12 @hguerrero Why Use Strimzi CLI? ● Designed for managing Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi’s custom resource definitions (CRDs). ● Simplifies the complexity of operating Kafka clusters in a cloud-native environment. ● Ideal for automating Kafka operations in Kubernetes. ● Perfect for DevOps teams managing Kafka in Kubernetes for scaling, resilience, and ease of deployment. Strimzi CLI Kafka Management on Kubernetes Key Features: ● Manage Kafka clusters: Create, update, and delete Kafka clusters. ● Topic operations: Create, list, and delete Kafka topics. ● User management: Manage Kafka users and their permissions. ● Cluster status: Check the health and status of Kafka clusters. ● Configurable context: Easily switch between multiple Kubernetes clusters or namespaces.

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13 A great day out with Apache Kafka

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