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There is no such thing as future-proof architecture! Here is how to prepare for it. Eberhard Wolff Head of Architecture

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What is Software Architecture? •Martin Fowler •Software architecture = Important and hard to change decisions Photo: Webysther Nunes

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Consequences •Architecture important •Architecture hard to change •Ideally: No need to change!! •Make architecture “future-proof” •Note: Fowler did not suggest that.

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My Take •Trying to build future-proof architecture: very bad idea •Don’t do it.

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Real World Story

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A True Story •Plan at start: Migrate the system module-by-module •Prototype to validate migration. •Prototype quite expensive.

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A True Story: The Start •Project start •Learn more about the domain •Migration by module makes it impossible …to improve support for business.

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A True Story: Result •There were other issues, too. •Project cancelled …and considered a failure.

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Intuitive Lesson Learned •Do more research up front! •Be more restrict in approving projects! •Require a future-proof architecture! •IMHO this is wrong.

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Why You Must Work in Iterations These [domain] models are never perfect; they evolve. Eric Evans

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Why You Must Work in Iterations Requirements change. Impact architecture

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Why You Must Work in Iterations Actually, we all learn how to architect! My approach to architecture changes. That is why we do talk, go to conferences…

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The Real Lesson Learned •You will always learn about the domain! •Requirements change. •We learn how to architect. •I.e. there will always be something to improve. •Always - not just at the start.

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Recommended Lesson Learned •Hypothesis: Not changing the architecture when we need to is our core problem. •Be prepared to change the architecture. •Be careful with proofing the architecture! •But: don’t be intentionally stupid!

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How Much Architecture Should We Start With?

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Domain Prototyping •No technology at the start •Easy to iterate •Introduce server / database only if needed.

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Domain Prototyping •Nothing to work with except for domain logic. •Introduce technologies when you really need them …based on more information

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Domain Prototyping (German)

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Last Responsible Moment •Domain prototyping is quite radical. •Needs courage. •What is the last responsible moment for each decision? •How much do you have to decide at the beginning?

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Last Responsible Moment •What is the last responsible moment for the migration strategy in the example? •How risk-adverse are you?

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YAGNI •You Ain‘t Gonna Need It! •I.e. do not add functionality until deemed necessary. •XP (eXtreme Programming) principle

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Why YAGNI Was Needed •Anti BDUF brain washing •Big Design Upfront •There is no way to predict what is really needed! •So a sophisticated BDUF is a bad idea

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Why YAGNI Might Be Bad •It makes no sense to ignore information. •So: Really ignore a potential requirement? •Is YAGNI too radical?

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Goal: Peak Project Goal Future- proof Architecture Successful migration to a great, all modularized system.

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Architecture IMHO What is the next step? How can we implement the current requirements and approach the goal e.g. a better modularization? How do we overcome the next obstacles? Current requirements Don’t ignore Focus Goal: Peak Project Goal Successful migration to a great, all modularized system.

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Reality Architecture Too often: Magic In particular for migrations. What value will you generate in the next months?

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Trying to be Future Proof: Bad Idea?

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Hypothesis •It is not the initial architecture that causes problems •It is that we did not adjust it in time

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Aim: “Future-proof Architecture” •Lots of thought •Lots of effort •Attempts to be future-proof

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Change “Future-proof Architecture” Should be possible to put this in the future- proof architecture. Let’s see… Here is a change…

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Aim: Iterative Architecture •Let’s build an architecture for the first step! •Let’s see how far it takes us!

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Change Iterative Architecture Does it invalidate the architecture? No Here is a change… Let me put it in there.

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Change Iterative Architecture Does it invalidate the architecture? Yes Here is a change… Let me change the architecture.

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Prototype •Would a prototype make you stick to the architecture? •You might be too (emotionally) invested. •Admitting that you wasted money: hard.

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Being emotionally invested in your architecture is a bad idea!

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Concept to be Future Proof: Don’t Try to be Future Proof

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Result •Architecture based on historic mistakes. •Architecture supports current needs well. •I.e. architecture makes business sense •Architecture probably not aesthetical.

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Build the Highest Stack Possible

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Structure •Structure: important part of architecture •Goal: Make the systems easy to change

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Is This a Great Structure? Data Fetching Service Business Logic Data Service Write Workflow Service UI Aggregation Service API Gateway

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Future-proof Structure •Hypothesis: We cannot predict changes •Hypothesis: Some changes require fundamental adjustments to the structure •How can systems be future proof then???

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Domain-driven Design (DDD) •Let the domain drive the design! •I.e. built software specific for the domain! •Not generic •Hypothesis: will support changes in the domain best •No unneeded flexibility

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Is This a Great Structure? Data Fetching Service Business Logic Data Service Write Workflow Service UI Aggregation Service API Gateway

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What DDD Means •Can you tell which domain the architecture is for? •Can you use the architecture for a self-driving car or a video game? •My experience: Technical architecture much too common

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Would you rather show / discuss something technical or business-related if asked for the architecture?

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Order Process Invoicing Process Better Shipping

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Concept to be Future Proof: Let the Domain Drive the Design

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Technology: Means to an End •What is the business value of modern technologies? •Easy to change / maintain? •Might impact qualities. •E.g. no security updates anymore?

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Future-proof Technologies •Software development has a constant stream of new technologies •Old technologies might have known security issues •So: Prepare for technology changes! •I.e. technology-independent code

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Prepare for Technology Changes? •How often do you change the technology? •New technologies also influence logic e.g. mobile

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Prepare for Technology Changes? •Most consulting gigs: change technology and logic •Logic badly structure and hard to maintain •Do you want to keep the code? And use a new technology?

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Conclusion •We cannot build “future-proof” architectures. •Future-proof is about adjusting to change. •Aiming at “future-proof” might lead to avoiding needed adjustments. •Avoiding needed adjustments leads to a mess.

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Conclusion •Let the domain drive the design! •Get used to the limited lifespan of technologies!

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