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INCITE In Session: The Next Normal The Next Normal— 
 The Future Of Marketing ? Keynote Session With Danny Denhard // From Focu s Tweet Me @dannydenhard / / Or Visit Brands in a New Normal

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The Next Normal The Future Of Marketing Danny Denhard - February 2021 For a copy of the deck please email

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Four Actionable Areas We Are Going To Cover Today The Past Of Marketing The Present & How To (Think To) Win The Next - Marketing Actionable Tips & Inspiration To Win The Next 1 2 3 4 LOOK OUT FOR 🙌 FREE HINTS TIME 🙌 

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🚨 I love questions, treat this as an AMA. Please ask me questions in the Zoom Q&A & I will answer as many as I can at the end of this fast paced content fi x. Interactive: There will be votes and parts to interact in the chat, I love feedback

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Most people’s predictions for the new normal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Me Predicting The Next Normal 🥳 🥳

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Please Vote by scanning the QR codes 
 or f

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Love To Return? Stay At Home? Please Vote - fh

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Love To Return? Stay At Home? Please Vote - fh

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• 20 years career - Led Marketing Growth & Product • Last: Ex exec at JustGiving - the purple brand - “purple charity” • That platform known for 🏃 🏊 🚴’s • 5 degrees of separation (not 6 sorry Kevin) - 26 million customers - aka Captain Tom’s virtual home • Ran: Marketing Growth Departments & Crowdfunding business - 3 sided marketplace 
 (charity crowdfunding corporates) - £455m transacted annually • Previous: Been in house agency side & ran 2x consultancies. Worked in 3 agencies, Advised 2 • Now: Focus was built to fi xed the broken world of work - company culture has never been so important • CEO & CMO mentor • Helped to lead Incredible team(s) Peak Behind 
 The Danny D Door 

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Usually I would suggest some sort of fun. Banned words drinking game: ❌ Authentic — ❌ ROI — ❌ ROAS

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Marketing is creating & driving demand in a product or service “ “ Marketing includes Advertising Brand Positioning etc etc

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No content

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Best people to learn brand from… Bottled Water. Volvic Evian Acqua Panna Voss Fiji £ £££ 💦 💦

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🏷 Brands have never been so diluted as today 🆕 We have never had so much competition 📱The mobile makes brands operate in micro moments 🔰The funnel is ignored - it becomes task oriented - I have x task to complete 💁 Mobile users demand “know me” anywhere, anytime (but don’t be creepy) 😞 Most people don’t remember when they were last happy with or at work Today’s World - The Reality

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Without a good product - marketing is impossible expensive Without good Marketing sales is really misleading tricky Without # of Sales, Marketing & Product are @ fault 👀 1 2 3 FWIW Marketing should be in fl uencing across all areas of the business not just promotion and ampli fi cation 20 Year Cycle Of Learning The world of work is at its most broken, it needs fi xing for the better of employees & businesses

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🎾 Advantage Marketing: Marketing is the only department that has to: Predict, Build, Buy & Pull the future forward This is an opportunity not a threat, treat as something you can think, shape, reshape and future see on

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MARKETING & BRAND MODELS — Things you will hate to the back teeth…

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Awareness Consideration Intent Purchase Interest Traditional Marketing Funnel

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Aware and Compare Create / Purchase / Use Active Success & Reuse Retention Upsell Referral Cross sell Consideration More Typical Marketing Funnel Marketing’s true focus Primed to obsess about active Where Marketing overlook but can really win

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SUPPLY DEMAND Your Business Marketplaces Marketing becomes much easier with more users X gets Y gets Z How much appetite does your business have? Fun to work on hard to report on

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Flywheel: Products like clubhouse haven’t spent a p or ¢ on marketing Deep dive into how Clubhouse created incredible buzz 
 in 9 months of red rope treatment & celebrity fi rst

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TABLOID PRESS REDDIT BING FACEBOOK WIKIPEDIA INSTAGRAM TWITTER GOOGLE NETFLIX TIKTOK YOUTUBE TRADE PRESS LINKEDIN TWITCH.TV EMAIL SMS GIPHY IMGUR PODCASTS New channels we should be connected to or on Essential Key Influences Connected Influences 🙋 If you can map this out & explain why - you’ll get C suite backing

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Eras 1700s 1800s 1900s 2000s Offline & Mass Marketing Leveraging Movement Targeted Advertising Creative Era Start of contextual ads Targeting based on habits Hyper-targeting aka over personalised 🌍 Magazine & Magazine Ads Posters & Ads Billboards Podcasts Department Stores - Shop Windows World Wide Web Radio Broadcast Smartphone Launch Newspapers & Newspaper Ads Cinema Advertising Catalogues TV Broadcast Cable TV Commercial Email Mobile Launch Train & Tube Ads Conversation Whats Next? Community Product Placement Ten year Marketing to 
 Advertising cycle 㿂 18 Months Marketing to 
 Advertising cycle 㿂

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30 Years Of Constant Change Conversation Community

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1400’s 1900’s 1800’s Pepsi used in fl uencers in the 1920’s Book Advertising First Billboard Advertising

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Product placement has been a staple since the 1880s & cycles back around just look out in show you watch on Net fl ix or in Friends 
 or Fortnite, Instagram, YouTube… Image Sources: Buzzfeed & YouTube Must be in shot for x period

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Entertainment Pre Internet 📰 Newspaper 📻 Radio 📺 TV Magazines Cinema Books DVD On Demand DVD Blogs Social Networks YouTube Mobile on demand Podcasts On Demand Streaming Theatre Camera fi rst social media Created by millions 
 Seen by few to multi millions Highly produced by few. 
 Distributed to many. Controlled Media Recent Times

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 (or a celebrity chef)

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Q: Which Brands have lost out most in last 15 months? Let me know your thoughts in the chat Q.

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Marketing Brand CRM Performance Traditional Comms PR Email Organic Social Digital ATL Content Traditional Push SEO Organic PPC OOH Digital Display Website On & off site TV Link Building Programmatic Offline Technical Wider Organisation Paid Product Marketing Video Partnerships Operations Experimental Specialist Area’s Growth

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Marketing Brand CRM Performance Traditional Comms PR Email Organic Social Digital ATL Content Traditional Push SEO Organic PPC OOH Digital Display Website On & off site TV Link Building Programmatic Offline Technical Wider Organisation Paid Product Marketing Video Partnerships Operations Experimental Specialist Area’s Growth THAT IS A HUGE DEPARTMENT VS OTHER DEPARTMENTS

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Marketing Brand CRM Performance Traditional Comms PR Email Organic Social Digital ATL Content Traditional Push SEO Organic PPC OOH Digital Display Website On & off site TV Link Building Programmatic Offline Technical Wider Organisation Paid Product Marketing Video Partnerships Operations Experimental Specialist Area’s Growth AND THEN YOU ADD ON ALL THE AGENCIES WE HAVE

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CMO VP Marketing Director Head of Senior Manager Lead Too Many Leaders Politics & Defence Politics & O ff ensive Everyday Battles Losing Battle Don’t want to lose you Likely will leave to gain a promotion

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1⃣ Internally market as much externally 2⃣ Take communications to the next level pick the tools to use. Use video explainers, images + voice overs etc. 3⃣ Seed ideas to other teams, don’t be precious 4⃣ Market & Advertise the positive, news & journalism is conditioned into negativity (bad news is only good for journalists)

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Old Is New Again: Tackle & turn everything into a billboard, whether that is: • A Zoom meeting • An Instagram live • A YouTube series • In game gig / conference • A hybrid conference (people love free swag 😉) • A Podcast (audio experience) • A T-shirt cap hat etc • A virtual background • A VR experience • A shopping trip

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Placement Opportunities for brands to get involved Estimated spending on Original Content in 2021 Net fl ix: $11B Apple: $6B Disney: $1B & YouTube paid out $30b to creators in last 3 years The Next Normal 2021 - 2025

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Live streaming is not going to stop. See where you can place your brand organically or paid The Next Normal 2021 - 2025 Ideas • Podcasts & Vodcasts • Live streams • Web “channels” • YouTube Mini Series • TikTok Trends • Fortnite / Roblox • Clubhouse room Uno ff i cial Ad Time: Be So Good People Want To Call You Out

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• 🕹 Gaming - where people spent their leisure time there will be huge shifts and marketing spends. Marketers still struggle to understand the like of Twitch and it’s communities. • 👀 Mass Marketing there are huge eye balls will command huge budgets and spends. That won’t ever change. • 👍 Tech Backlash Continued kick back against GAFA. Especially Google and Facebook. Those ad boycotts didn’t last long. • 👂 Clubhouse etc will be hot for the rest of the year. I’ll be surprised if social networks don’t attempt to crush it properly by 2022 • 🎧 Podcasts will be huge business - a lot of consolidation • 📲 Livestream Shopping - in fl uencer as tv host • 💳 Buy now pay later - watch this space carefully as many misunderstand the issues behind it Things I Won’t Dive Into But Essential For You To Keep An Eye On

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Creativity Customer Happiness Traditional Recent Marketing History Digit al Traditional Digital Traditional Digital Traditio nal Digital Real Marketing Dark Art’s Big Bang 
 Marketing Targeting everyone Old School Target the right demo TV + Untrackable Tracking Everything O ffl ine Online Experimental + 
 Trackable Show Marketing 
 Messages Constantly High Lower Lowest Highest High High Lower Lowest Late 1990’s 2022

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The Funnel Is Different: 
 Are Fluid Table 1 Activity Type Examples Awareness TV, Billboard, Tech Press, Radio Discovery Instagram, Sponsorship, Pop Up Stores Conversation Reddit, Clubhouse Entertainment YouTube, Net fl ix, Giphy, Engagement Facebook Groups, In fl uence In fl uencers, Podcasts, Celebrities Planning & Inspiration Pinterest Technical SEO Messaging SMS, iMessage, Bots, CRM Press Consumer, B2B (Trade), Extensions Browser, App Widgets Knowledge Newsletter, CEO Columns

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HONESTY TIME 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬

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👀 Seems easy 😤 Seems like everyone can do it 🤕 Anyone can write an email or write ad copy right? 💴 Anyone can buy customers from social? 👧 Many people with “Senior titles” in Marketing seems young Being Brutally Honest: Marketing

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• Killing performance anxiety • Politics and defending your departments and teams performances • Get department together change the thinking: 
 Department fi rst - Team second (team - we - me) • Once Marketing departments breakdown its me - then we - then team - then department. This will cause a year of pain. • Death by Vanity Metrics and Dashboards - don’t hide behind them, get insights • Not knowing the di ff erence between actions, tactics & strategy • Having little to no in fl uence over Product • Growth teams outside of Marketing • Knowing what activity moved the needle • Not being able to say x = y • Letting other business owners devalue Brand The main challenges for Marketing leaders

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2021 — ♾ Marketing has to connect with the customer far more than any other department, whether you are B2B or B2C

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1⃣ We have to stop obsessing about social media* 
 - sorry not sorry 2⃣ Gone are the days of hiding behind buzzwords 
 - simple wins every time 3⃣ Marketing has to create curiosity to cause demand 
 - we seem to have forgotten this 4⃣ Growth has become a gift & curse if a proper Growth team they will be moving needles you have struggled to move for years 
 - show how you move needles Proactive: Marketing Has To Lead The Charge

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Inspiration: Smart Move: Patagonia Playing In Related Food Image Sources: Patagonia 🗳 Vote Time What do you think? Smart or Silly? Add your thoughts in the chat Comment SMART 👍 or SILLY 👎

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Data has misled many younger Marketers Yes data is important but how do you think marketers did it before head heart gut 🧠 - this is right data is there, easy (limited creativity) ❤ - this feels right, the data backs this up we are behind this it’s going to work (more creative) 🥑 - our intuition is saying this is going to work there is no data or the data is wrong 
 We are so behind this we are going to make it work. (Super creative)

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The Best Marketers: - Have empathy - Have a true gut feel - Know how to read & talk to the room - How to write the right tone - And importantly can balance tone and brand requirements

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Brand and Product Partnerships are tricky, hard and political however an overlooked part of Marketing Image Sources: Krispy Kreme 🙌 🤫 Learn from Music, YouTube etc 
 Audience borrowing & engagement 🙌 🙌 🤫 & 20 year cycles work brilliant 🙌

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A Quick Story Break: - I used to get sent to companies to problem solve or workshop Marketing department problems - I was sent to 🇩🇪 to help a large well known food delivery company - They had the best team dynamics, just never workshopped together in a di ff erent way - Delivered a TV campaign in 30 min session - Extremely successful as Product, Sales, Marketing & Business leads are all aligned on collaboration

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BRAND SECRET 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫

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🥤Fizzy Product 🥤 A ffi nity Cognitive Connection Guidance Status Feeling 
 Brand Market 
 Size Quality of 
 Product Brand 
 Visibility Does it make me 
 look luxury look good or more attractive? When I am 
 questioned does 
 the brand guide 
 me another way? Help you get connected to the product lines I think this is great even when people say x is better ❤ 💰 💯 🧠

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💭 The TV is still the only Marketing ‘tool’ that completely designs rooms within living spaces. 🤔 💭 The mobile might be super personal but only hits your eye balls & privacy is coming for crappy Marketing & Advertising 📱 Two Thoughts To Think About

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World’s Biggest Brands Source: Typically Have Huge 
 Marketing Budgets

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Amazon constantly win because they created 
 “Prime Expectations” - Brilliant Service - Delivery within a day - Fair price - Convenient - Delivery to friends and family - Simple - One Click

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HD & Low Cost Music Fanatical Customer Free entertainment & Sports Food in two hours Big sale for 48 hours Free storage of memories Live powerhouse Coming for fashion Wheel Image Inspo: Prof G Amazon Flywheel

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Amazon have the best brand & PR plan: 
 - O ff er a great service - Customers get fair price - Any move is written about - Anything mentioned is a story - Example: Drone Delivery Their Promise: 
 Customer Centric . It won out

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Yes, Amazon are the biggest advertiser in the world. 🤯 $8b from Amazon Advertising Business Revenue from Q4 2020

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Shopify: Build An App For Deliveries To Gather Intel & Add A Shopping Service

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One of the upcoming battles INBOXES 📧 Email algorithmic fi ltering killing your open rates 💬 Brands switching to SMS & Chat Instagram Telegram iMessage WhatsApp SMS WeChat Customer Nightmare 👎👎👎 

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Image Source: Disney

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WHERE WE ARE TODAY 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩

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There is 🆕 category that was created in lockdowns - Good enough (+made at home) - Good - Better (+made at home) - Best

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Good enough +made at home Good Better +made at home Best 🆕 Got Smaller Opportunity to get bigger 🆕 What is your brand?

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Good enough Good Better Best IF ALL ELSE FAILS I’M GOING DTC

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Brands happily gave away their ‘secret sauce’ Summer 2020 Marketers (& Business Owners) in the 1980’s 1990’s and 2000’s would have a heart attack if secrets were given away !!

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Short Term to Long Term: Understand where people fi nd out about you and how they share your brand. 1am new parent groups (On iMessage, WhatsApp, Facebook, Reddit Groups) are incredibly powerful and relied upon far more than you know Survive Thrive

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Good Once Small Brands To Check Out & Analyse Struggled in 
 early days Knew their niche Known for their 
 style of products Two brothers obsessed 
 with quality Knew their audience 
 would pay more vs 
 other brands Smart sponsorship of 
 clubs & players Low cost Know how 
 to leverage stars Related to core demographics Knew the space Went big with big celebs High turnover 
 of clothes

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The real issue we face

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TACTICIFCATION Retargeting Social Media Instagram Stories Product Strategy PPC Content distribution Subscription models Price increase Competitor obsession Revenue diversi fi cation More video content Brand redesign Lower CAC Automated bidding More Agency Support TikTok Pivot to DTC Demographic Targeting Buzzword Bingo LinkedIn Stories In fl uencers 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨

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National Press Bing App and CRM Instagram Facebook Local press Trade Press CHANNEL OVERLOAD Google PAID AND ORGANIC PAID AND ORGANIC PR & COMMS Twitter LinkedIn Reddit TikTok Pinterest Channel Overload!

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4 Actions To Win 1. Don’t over stretch yourselves on Marketing channels especially falling for the multiple social media channels 2. Learn what works and why customers buy you 3. Leverage network e ff ects and referrals from your existing customers. Referral = free. Retention = cheap. 
 Re-acquire = EXPENSIVE 4. See if User Generated Content can work harder for you. 
 Think content creation - content curation - content distribution

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2000 - 2005 Brand and product is king queen and everything between PRE 2000 Just large brands 2010 - 2013 Search was the core part of the evolving world it became product + keyword speci fi c 2005 - 2010 Digitalising world product and keyword speci fi c (brand is still important) 2019 - 2020 Review sites are noisy and inconvenient 2015 - 2018 Social World spray and pray (do we need brand) 2020+ WHAT THE HECK GOING ON? 2021 Survive or thrive Brand & Marketing Timeline

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Need Inspiration - It’s Tomorrow

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Need More Inspiration? The 1st Michelin Guide was compiled in 1900 by 🇫🇷 Michelin Brothers

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Even More? Look At The Cameo Professional Sales Ecosystem Source: Cameo

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Real Brand fl ows throughout everything you do: Brand starts from: The moment they hear about you Finds or discovers you See on social Customers interact with you and your product The order The packaging The email con fi rmation The customer service The returns process

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Real Brand 

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🗳 Quiz Time: Better Shopping Experience? Online Or O ffl ine Vote in the Zoom chat 
 A. 📱 for online 
 B. 🙋 for o ff l ine

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There are three brands buckets 1. Visible & Known 2. Know & Relevant 3. Invisble & Irrelavant

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Where do you really sit? 1. Visible & Known 2. Know & Relevant 3. Invisble & Irrelavant Not sure then you sit here

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Understand where you live in: Know 🧠 Like 👍 Love 💕 If you aren’t known you will struggle If they like you why? + How are you going to push to love? If they love you say thanks quickly. What can you do to optimise this

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Understand where you live in: Know 🧠 Like 👍 Love 💕 If you are unsure you live here. 
 No one wants to live here.

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Take It One Layer Deeper: The 7 Brand Classes Unknown - Noticed - Seen - Heard - Known - Loved - Hated 🤷 👁 👀 👂 👍 💕 😠 🤷 👁 👀 👂 👍 💕 😠 Where are you?

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Branded Tattoo’s? Is That Love 💕?

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Do you understand if you are an Invisible Brands or Visible Brands? It’s the additional connection… Brands you: Wear — Carry — Feel — Drink — Eat — Share — Tattoo The trust we show by wearing a logo especially luxury is status driving and being visible is going to be even more important. 
 It will be billboard time.

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Why are brands so dilatable? 
 Doing the wrong thing Saying the wrong thing Selling the wrong thing Product being o ff 
 Poor service

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Do brands have to speak on issues and politics? • Will you be seen as right or wrong? • Will you say the right words or have wrong intent or side with the wrong team?

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Company CEO’s are having to be politicians - if you are in brand or PR you will have to understand where you stand & comment - 2021-2022 is going to be the biggest test for CEO’s

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Brand Trust Factors ✅ ❌ ✅ ❌ ✅ ❌ ✅ ❌ ✅ ✅ ❌ ✅ ❌ ✅ ❌ ✅ ❌ ✅

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Brand Trust 
 Factors • Website • Social Media • Size of Social Media Following • Product Reviews • Trust Sites • Mobile App • Ranking Site • Word of Mouth & Their Trust • Who Gave Referral & Recommendation • Sold on Amazon • Helpline • Live Chat • Twitter Replies • Speed of delivery • Deliver partner

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Free Brand Trust 
 Factors Audit • Website ☑ • Social Media ☑ • Size of Social Media Following ☑ • Product Reviews ☑ • Trust Sites ☑ • Mobile App • Ranking Site ☑ • Word of Mouth & Their Trust ☑ • Who Gave Referral & Recommendation ☑ • Sold on Amazon • Helpline • Live Chat • Twitter Replies • Speed of delivery ☑ • Deliver partner

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Brand Tracking - Impossible? 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵 🕵

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1/ Monitoring: Open reviews vs Dark reviews Open Dark

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2/ Reputation: Review sites vs OnSite vs Dark Trust Sites OnSite

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2/ Reputation: Review sites vs OnSite vs Dark Dark

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TLDR: Challenging to measure Dark is where your valuable referrals are mostly coming from. Dark will be hurting your brand when people talk about you as you cannot say anything. Think bad restaurant experience you will tell anyone who will listen. Online & chat is the same

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The world is going darker, more tribal, more connected, more niche. 
 Open is not always transparent. Leverage, track and encourage dark interactions. Even take it direct to you.

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People who go unsung (aka heroes) in Marketing Uno ffi cial Community Manager - that person who connects everyone in a WhatsApp group, Slack Channel, Present arranger. 
 Action: Go market to and celebrate this person The Mass Referrer - the person who tells friends about a great brand a great series a powerful book. Or Serial Podcast. 
 Action: Flirt with this person Constant Contributor - The people who add value constantly despite skill and ability not being seen as high as the others within a “space”. 
 Action: Bring them into your brand, make them feel welcome!

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Happiness 😀 Hope 🙏 Hero 🦸 Humans are looking for the 3 H’s from Brands (not products) in the world we live in today 🙌 This is the same from what people desire from their jobs and workplace 🙌

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Happiness 😀 Hope 🙏 Hero 🦸 🎖 RIP Captain Tom

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Happiness 😀 Hope 🙏 Hero 🦸 Hero Gin Image Source

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“We have”: users → customers → fans → advocates

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We have: users → customers → fans → advocates Do you really? Audience

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We have: users → customers → fans → advocates → Community? Do we really? Audience

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Always remember! We have non customers & customers… 
 they are people (not users)

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Pre Acquisition: have more trust signals than anyone else. Be places where people expect you. During Decision Mode: Ask yourself how do we make this inspirational or aspirational. Match with scarcity! Product Marketing: Build a hero moment for the customer once the customer is built as the hero they will know it is their product their brand. Retention: Build deeper connections with existing customers. Learn more by asking questions and gaining insights from their behaviour. 
 Ask! Example this a present? Saves emailing 100 times and being spammed. Retention: Build on the products they have brought into and build out layers of trust connection and a ffi nity into the brand tell more stories connect their story with other customer stories and why it is important. Quick Timeless Tips:

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There is an ugly truth no Marketing person wants to admit…

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In 2021 & 2022 we have to: - Guess more - Work harder - Be better - Do more - with less

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% 0 20 40 Budget Headcount Answering Problems Getting Eveything Done C Suite Trust Sta ff Leaving Keeping team happy 5 5 5 10 15 20 40 Fears for 2021 Fears for Marketing Leaders in 2021

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Fears for Marketing Leaders in 2021

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4P’s Product Place Price Promotion 4C’s Customer/consumer value Cost Convenience Communication The question to answer in 2021 & beyond Do you and your team manage these?

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Right now the answer likely is: 4P’s Product ❌ Place Price ❌ Promotion 4C’s Customer/consumer value ❌ Cost ❌ Convenience ❌ Communication 🤷

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4 Actions To Win 1. Be clever with marketing spend. 
 Create a growth and testing budget start small & ramp 2. Own & inspire the customer, treat as people not as users. Customer service and delivery most important feeling you can connect with. Delivery out of your control but the experience very much is! 3. Short term tactical thinking kills teams think long term act mid react short term. 
 Think 5 years - plan 3 years - act 1 year 4. Be more convenient, be more agile, use the 3 H’s to win

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Marketing’s Next Shift? Department Goal Colleagues 🔑 Social SEO PR CRM

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Marketing’s Next Shift? Cross Functional Squad’s Squad A Goal Colleagues 🔑 Squad B Squad C

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Marketing’s Next Shift? Goal Colleagues 🔑 Squads 
 Goals Marketing 
 Manager Product 
 Manager Front End 
 Developer Senior 
 Designer Supporting Experts

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 drumbeat Content Paid Media Social Media SEO CRM Ampli fi cation Direct contact Algorithmic Product & Tech Data Sales Account Management Throughout My Career Newsroom Wins

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4 Actions To Win 1. Rethink how your teams are set up. 
 Departments become too big too disconnected 2. Newsrooms work great if you agile or you are big enough and can be proactive and not overly reactive 3. Old habits die hard so train teams to share information and present info and fi ndings 4. Don’t rely on the most senior marketer to have the time to do this co-manage or take the lead

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States Of The Customer Want State Need State Action State 90% 30% 65% 80% 10% 50% Likelihood 
 to transact Right Product 
 & Brand Story Want something Need to do I have to 
 take action Time constraint Price point challenge

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Getting More Personal With The Customer Want State Need State Action State 90% 30% 65% Right Product 
 & Brand Story Want something Need to do I have to 
 take action Time constraint Price point challenge

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Getting More Personal With The Customer Want State Need State Action State 90% 30% 65% Right Product 
 take action Time constraint Price point challenge HARD FIGHT EASIER FIGHT Spending too much here Not enough here Spend more here

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Brands never would be associated with 3 areas 2 3 1 Poker ♦ Pills 💊 Porn 😱

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You would have never wanted to be associated with these

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You would have never wanted to be associated with these Did

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Previously: You would have never wanted to be associated with adult themes. Now If You Have A: 
 Great presenter + great content + great discussion + experts & content roadmap = will help build trust & long term partnerships

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But…Brands want to sponsor audio content & cultural movements Barstool Sports Spotify

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It’s great this is changing Authentic Brands are now entering in the real life & wellbeing space

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This is Peloton Jess Jess loves connecting with people similar to her. Jess is an introvert & performs to work out in her home Jess strives for the personal bests Jess was referred by her my girls WhatsApp group Jess feels like her instructor is one of her people Jess often shares her achievements of fi tness on her Instagram Jess loves the gami fi cation and the leaderboard Jess has made a few friends from using Peloton Image Source

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Instructor In fl uencer - Emma Lovewell Largest class 50k live On demand classes can then receive 100k Over 3 million users that an instructor can train Members are averaging 24 workouts per month Class are a window into the community life The Facebook community & sub community is vital for instructors - mums dads instructors & direct to instructor Image Source Emma was part of the original Kickstarter campaign Peloton - The Worlds 
 Most A ffl uent Brand Averages 3k people attending her workouts Emma when asked what’s key for Peloton: It’s community

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There are plenty of other workout at home brands taking on traditional gyms 💪 Aka Connected Fitness Connected Equipment Workout Apps Fitness Tech Platforms are all in

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Image Source - the new consumer coe ff i cient Peloton 2020 into 2021 explosive graph 📈

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“Investors pumped $7.3 billion into just over 730 U.S.-based fi tness apps and platforms in the past fi ve years, with $2.4 billion coming just in 2020, according to known funding rounds within the Crunchbase database.” $2.4b Invested By VC’s In 2020 Alone Source - fi tness-apps-before-they-invest/

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People were looking for Pelotons in hotels to book and continue their fi tness ritual their streak their status their Instagram update fi nding their place on the road. Addictive Peloton 🚲

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Tonal & Hotel Gym Tie Up Hotels will be the fi rst to think about how to become more connected to their customers. 
 Becoming low cost gyms, pop up venues, fl exible o ffi ces, room based restaurants, hybrid conference venues etc

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The truth be told the gym 🏋 was inconvenient like many other o ffl ine activities. We have however just moved our sharing habits online too. Peloton, Mirror etc are just the tip of the iceberg for o ff l ine moving online & having a celebrity instructor train you will be almost normal but only accessible for those who invest. Apple fi tness+ will be biggest & best athletes training you.

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1⃣ Question to answer every year but essential in today’s market? • Am I part of a habit • Can we be part of a ritual • Can we make it onto their lists Lessons to Learn 2⃣ Tribes… How people think of Tribes: The bond over common enemies. But Tribe typically means: Empathy — Meaning — Connection — Friendship Tribal Nature • Do I belong? • How can I belong to this? • Where do I go for this feeling?

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We about to see the end of having to go to a stadium to enjoy a match a concert a conference an exhibition

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Hear 👂 Touch ✋ Click 📲 Chat 💬 “Hug” 🫂 Time To ReThink

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Hear 👂

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PROJECT How long will it take to build? How much resource will it need? How easy is it to test and iterate? MARKETING How easy is it to advertise? How easy is it to get press? How easy is it to get in front of the right users? FINANCIAL How much investment? How much will it take to work? How much ROI & when? The Questions To Expect With Experimental

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4 Actions To Win 1. Build for next and the future. Stop looking behind your. 2. We are going to be living in the experience era in the near future. Everything to experience something extra. 3. Customers will always want to invest in an experience and a brand vs spend money 4. Leverage word of mouth to gain traction local wins outside of London/NYC think about how you make your experience feel unique and localised.

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Knowing the di ff erence between a trends & themes. The di ff erence between ripples and waves. Ripples = 
 Seem large impact but are just surges will drop back to normal Waves = 
 Momentum shifts for brands products or markets Trends = 
 A day to two of something gaining momentum and dropping. Themes = 
 A shift in culture a shift in behaviour or with tech that will change the landscape

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Leverage Trends Spot Themes Trend Theme Lasts an hour to few days Bubbling under the surface and takes over 📉 📈 #hashtags Conversations happening Quicker chatter on Instant Messengers Groups forming Apps & sites being built Discussed on the news Huge investments made T Shirts & Merch being created

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Growth: Paid Media >> Magic 🪄 Moment >> Win 🚀 Trend Theme Lasts an hour to few days Bubbling under the surface and takes over 📉 📈 #hashtags Conversations happening Quicker chatter on Instant Messengers Groups forming Apps & sites being built Discussed on the news Huge investments made T Shirts & Merch being created

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📺 👯 ⭐ The Graphs Powering Our Online Lives Friends Interest Entertainment

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The New Power: Graphs 3.0 Friends Graph Interest Graph Entertainment Graph Connect with existing friends Connect to interests Entertain me 👯 ⭐ 📺 Connect with existing friends Based on your uploads Based on friends engagement Based on a ff i nity How much you are liked Connect with people with same interests Connect with thoughts and shares Based with how much you add value Based on how you interact How others agree vs disagree No need to follow or connect Connect on how long you watch or share Based with your shown interests Algorithm works for you & serves you Time & entertainment based 🆕

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The New Power: Graphs 3.0 Friends Graph Interest Graph Entertainment Graph Connect with existing friends Connect to interests Entertain me 👯 ⭐ 📺 Connect with existing friends Based on your uploads Based on friends engagement Based on a ffi

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1. Make fi rst x people feel & look like stars (views sharing recognition loop). Friends need friends to make most experiences feel shared and conversation worthy 2. Quickly build clout for those who adding most value but reward all users 3. Create co-ownership (status bene fi t & interest) 4. Create leaders within the these quickly. Humans look for leaders 4 Product Marketing Secrets…

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Ad / Image Source - Instagram What normal people see What ASA sees

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Ad / Image Source - Instagram

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Image Source - Instagram Sells Merch Sell own product: MijMasks Image Source - Instagram Super 

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Image Source - YouTube Sells Burgers Supported by ads, sponsorship & memberships Image Source Mr Beast 💪 Joined Feb 2012 

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Are brands becoming wise to how images are appearing on feeds? Do customers care that this is an ad? 187k likes… 180k more than brand will likely receive Will the x thousand who see it want to know it is Maya promoting products or asking about her new hair? Smart Brands or Smart Celebs & Influencers?

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Quick FYI - Agencies & brands do not provide in fl uencers a list of must do’s, risk warnings & language they would never use or say. You are killing the connection & killing not only your audience but theirs too. True in 2016, true today, will be true in 2025. Even with virtual & AI in fl uencers

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Ryan Reynolds: 
 Sale Price: $610m George Clooney: Sale Price: $1b The Rock: To be sold? Smart Brands or Smart Business People?

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Smart Brands or Smart Business People? Rihanna: Savage Fenty x Fenty Beauty Kylie Kardashian: Kylie Cosmetics Image Sources: Instagram Pharrell Williams: Humanrace Maria Sharapova: Sugarpova

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In fl uencers outlasted brands in 2020 and will beat brands in 2021 ➡ 2025+. Why? • Connection and a ff i nity • Authentic • Represents me • Like me • I trust them • If it’s good for them it’s good for me Moment Of Hard Truth

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Click Instagram Post Buy Via Shopify Add To Cart Land & Select Product

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📲 Click Buy Now 🚚 Via Shopify 📦 Received in 1 day 💳 One Click Purchase 2021 One Swipe Purchases credit

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📲 Click Buy Now 🚚 Via Shopify 📦 Received in 1 day 💳 One Click Purchase 2022 One Swipe Purchases credit & thank you Personalised thank you AI video from Maya to you! 🆕

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MARKETING 2021 - 2022+

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Experience Led In person Virtual Hybrid In person needs personal connection & cues Online interactive captivating Blended between IRL & online needs to 
 have a great presenter & send products ahead of time & rely on senses

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Covering all the senses Visual 👀 Aural - Audio 👂 Text 🖊 Touch 🙌 Taste 👄

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O ff l ine ➡ Online Online ➡ O ffl ine Online ➡ O ffl ine ➡ Online

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Dark Everything Stores Delivery Only Hyper Local Click & Collect Pick up over delivery Experience led Example of dark kitchens

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Click & Collect Experience Pick Up High Street - Dark Stores Book Online App Only Instant Pick Up Personalised Experience Online to O ffl ine One To One One To Few Personalised Pricing

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Click & Collect Experience Pick Up THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN WITH OFFICES Book Online App Only Instantly Your Way Personalised Experience Online to O ffl

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Now - Take a picture 
 - Save on camera roll 
 - Can’t buy it 
 - Forget it 📲 👕 Problem: Take pic buy the product 🤷

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Problem: Take pic buy the product 📱 👕 💳 Next Take a picture 
 - Save on camera roll 
 - Option to buy 
 - Apple Pay = 🚚 🚚 😃

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Problem: Take pic buy the product 📱 👕 💳 Next Take a picture 
 - Save on camera roll 
 - Option to buy 

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Problem: Online Shopping 🛒 🔒 💳 Now Find a product 
 - Add to basket 
 - Work out payment method 
 - Log in? - Try & remember password - Remember payment details - Find a discount code - Give all of your other details - Con fi rmation page - Another nudge for something else - Email con fi rmation - Wait for courier to deliver - Get bombarded with emails / DM’s / Ads 🚚 👕 📧 ➕ ➕ 🔎 😔

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Problem: Online Shopping 🛒 💳 Next Find a product 
 - Add to basket 
 - Checkout remembers you 
 - No need to log in - Pay with Digital pay - Browser o ff ers discount - Paid - Con fi rmation - Email con fi rmation - Track courier door to door 🚚 👕 📧 🔎 😊

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Problem: Online Shopping 🛒 💳 Next

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• Supporting company Growth • Experimental blended with knowing what is going to work • Taking ownership of true Growth not just Performance Marketing. 🇬🇧 needs to be more 🇺🇸 like with proper Growth teams in fl uencing Product Growth tests and innovations • Become trusted the internal partner of other teams - Marketing silo-ed themselves in most orgs • Building specialist with generalist mindset • Co train & champion all disciplines across your team or agency • Remove Internal Frictions: Marketing Departments fracture quickly as it becomes teams over departments - be the glue and bring your teams into the Marketing team. The Marketing department used to be the department to be in • Most marketing teams end up hitting ceilings quickly - remove the ceiling for sta ff . Smart Marketers are moving into Product roles for more in fl uence and more opportunities within businesses • Not siloing teams bring internal teams closer together The Future Of Smart Marketing Teams

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Concepts To Think About 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡

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Be More Creative! Design has never been so important

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Flip the Funnel Brand can be connected to any part of the funnel concentrate on mid to bottom of the funnel while running cheaper more creative (in- house) top of funnel activities ❌ ✅

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Adapt “Everything As…” 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡

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🤳 Everything as a billboard ✋ Everything as contactless 🤯 Everything as experiences 🤩 Everything as entertainment 👁 Everything on demand

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Dive Deep Into 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡

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• 🥤Branded Emoji’s - build your own emojis • 🚛 Drop(s) as a cultural movement • 👾 Look into the browser - speci fi cally gaming (games) • 📲 Apps vs Browser - which do you need (both) 
 Google has 359 active apps - Amazon has 217 - Facebook has 79 apps • 👂Eyes are full with content - ears aren’t (yet) • 🆓 On demand is now expected as free • 💳 “Revenge Spend” 2.0 & 3.0 (rich & poor middle class divide) • 🤝 Perks 3.0 - Retention 101, Parternship & Growth Opportunity • 🔒 Subscription only content (Fanclubs) • 📺 Fight to be the canonical input into the TV

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Idea / Concept 💡 Quick Why 🤔 Curation over algorithms We are bored with algorithmic content, curation takes time, e ff ort and human thought Think O ff i cial X Supplier Think how you could leverage old behaviour & become the o ffi cial supplier of x. IE - Red Bull: O ff i cial Performance Drink Supplier Everything Browser - No Desktop Software 👩💻 Miro etc is the future, software on the desktop is dying. Look at how you build in the browser & entertain Advertising in space 🚀 Was trendy on and o ff 2019 - 2020, it is the unknown and unseen and will always be seen as cool Advertising in the sea 🐬 So many opportunities to support sea life and be part of something great. Under the sea is an experience 98% of never experience 100 fans over 100000 💯 Marketing has been a numbers game for many years, smart marketers are seeing less is more. X Currency / X-coin 🤑 Bitcoin and crypto is something a few have ventured into but banks are buying into it - this means it will be a discussion point in boardrooms, getting a brand currency out will be good marketing

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Thank You ➕Danny Denhard - ➕ ➕@dannydenhard ➕Sign Up To My Newsletters: 