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Component-Driven Design Systems Workshop

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component @okonetchnikov @iamsapegin @ComponentDriven

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@okonetchnikov UI developer with an experience in both design and development who specializes in interaction design, design systems and modern frontend development.

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UI engineer working with web technologies since 1999. Creator of react- styleguidist and component-driven- development @iamsapegin

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What’s on your mind?

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Plan for today

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Plan for today ✓ DS theory ✓ UI Inventory ✓ Introduction to CDD ✓ Design Tokens ✓ UI Primitives ✓ Layout & Whitespace Management ✓ UI Composition

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Design language Typography Color Spacing UX

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No whitespace Added whitespace Typography

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Low contrast High contrast Color

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Spacing No structure Structured content

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Design language • Establishes the brand • Adds consistency • Improves accessibility

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Dropbox Yandex.Disk Brand

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How do we enforce design language?

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Design Systems

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“Design system defines a set of design- related rules as a system of instructions that can be re-used across single or multiple products”

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German government vs Austrian government

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German federal government web-sites

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German federal government web-sites

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German federal government web-sites

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Design system

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Austrian federal government web-sites

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Austrian federal government web-sites

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Austrian federal government web-sites

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Austrian federal government web-sites

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No design system

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Component-driven Design Systems

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The Process 1. Analyze & Plan 2. Execute 3. Maintain 4. PROFIT!

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1. Analyze & Plan

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Where to start 1. Analyze & find problems (UI Inventory) 2. Document 3. Plan 4. Execute!

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UI inventory process

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UI inventory process

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UI inventory process

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UI inventory process

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2. Execute Building styleguides

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“Styleguide is a collection of rules, patterns and components that are re- usable across single or multiple products.”

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Good styleguides • A common language for designers, developers, PMs • Easy to use: good structure + relevant content • Styleguide = documentation • Easy to create & maintain • Always up-to-date

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Styleguide generators

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No content

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No content

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No content

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npm start

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Directory structure for component-driven development

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Design Tokens

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– “Design tokens are the visual design atoms of the design system — specifically, they are named entities that store visual design attributes”

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Typography scale a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

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Naming • x-small small medium large x-large • xs, sm, md, lg, xl • xs s m l xl • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • alpha beta gamma delta epsilon

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Linear progression Geometric progression Spacing scale

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Color tokens

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⚒ DesignTokens

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UI Primitives

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No content

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Label Button Icon Input Avatar

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Label Button Icon Input Avatar

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Login Form

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Label Button Icon Input Avatar

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Search Toolbar

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Label Button Icon Input Avatar

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⚒ Primitives

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Component variations

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Component variations // Don't do this // Impossible state!

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Component variations // Do this instead!

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Accessing design tokens // Hard coded value styled.button`color: tomato;`

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Accessing design tokens // Value from the static imported theme import {colors} from './theme.js'; styled.button`color: ${colors.primary};`

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Accessing design tokens // Value coming from the theme styled.button` color: ${props => props.theme.colors.primary}; `

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Accessing design tokens // Value coming from the theme (shorthand) import {themeGet} from 'styled-system'; styled.button` color: ${themeGet('colors.primary')}; `

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API for design tokens import { color } from 'styled-system'; const Text = styled.p`${color};` Text.defaultProps = { color: 'primary' } // Renders text with primary color // Renders text with secondary color

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⚒ Whitespace & Layout

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UI Patterns

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No content

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– “A design pattern is the re-usable form of a solution to a design problem.”

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A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction Christopher Alexander

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Patterns • A great way to communicate • Suitable for both designers & developers (and many others) • Solve particular design problems • Re-usable • …

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3. Maintain

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Process Development Product Design

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Process Product Design & Development

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Process Product Design & Development Styleguide

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Process Design & Development Design System

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Process Design & Development Design System

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Benefits of CDD • Develop in isolation • Faster feedback loop • See all possible states • Easier to refactor • Documentation!

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Reasons for CDD • A common language for designers & developers • Enforce design language & design system • Consistent UI • Scales: single or multiple products • Up-to-date documentation

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How to start? • Don’t ask for permission, just start! • Make a thing • Show it’s useful • Commit!

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Discussion What problems are you facing…

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Further reading

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Atomic Design Brad Frost

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Design Systems Alla Kholmatova

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A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction Christopher Alexander

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The Elements of Typographic Style Robert Bringhurst

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• • • • • •

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component @okonetchnikov @iamsapegin @ComponentDriven