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task 12 hours

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2 x cpu task 12 hours

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2 x cpu task 12 hours 128 gb disk

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours preemptible y/n?

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resource 4 x cpu

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resource 4 x cpu 8gb memory

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resource 4 x cpu 240 gb disk 8gb memory

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resource $0.40 / hr 4 x cpu 240 gb disk 8gb memory

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resource $0.40 / hr 4 x cpu 240 gb disk 1Gb network 8gb memory

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resource $0.40 / hr 4 x cpu 240 gb disk 1Gb network 4m boot-time 8gb memory

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heterogeneous tasks

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heterogeneous resources

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access to large pool of resources

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pay only when used

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variable price

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variable availability

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coarse grained billing unit

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control scaling of resources and scheduling of tasks for optimal cost within required sla

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control scaling of resources and scheduling of tasks for optimal cost within required sla

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control scaling of resources and scheduling of tasks for optimal cost within required sla

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control scaling of resources and scheduling of tasks for optimal cost within required sla

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“We are in the business of turning technical debt into monetary debt” - Old Ambiata Proverb

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ONE Resource Utilisation

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knapsack problem

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$1 $7 $11

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meet constraints

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maximise $$$ meet constraints

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bin-packing problem

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1cpu 8cpu 2cpu

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1cpu 8cpu 2cpu

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meet constraints

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meet constraints maximise utilisation

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np-hard (with ptas)

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vector-packing problem

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1cpu, 4gb 8cpu, 16gb 2cpu, 1gb

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meet all constraints

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meet all constraints maximise utilisation

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meet all constraints balance all dimensions maximise utilisation

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vector-scheduling problem

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meet all constraints balance all dimensions minimise makespan

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no fixed resources

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variable capability means i can fit resources to tasks rather than tasks to resources

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TWO Auto Scaling

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how do we combine auto scaling with scheduling?

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few public or genuine attempts

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trade urgency off against fitness

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trade urgency off against fitness yet another packing problem

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decouple scaling and scheduling questions

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trigger scaling based on queue

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how not to do it

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packing very important for scale down

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scheduler can’t scale down

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours preemptible y/n?

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours preemptible y/n?

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optimised for latency

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not optimised for cost

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doesn’t / can’t leverage knowledge specific to our workloads

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dependence on co-ordination

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urgency is a stretch

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THREE Cost Optimisation

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours preemptible y/n?

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours preemptible y/n?

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours preemptible y/n?

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours preemptible y/n?

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resource $0.40 / hr 4 x cpu 240 gb disk 1Gb network 4m boot-time 8gb memory

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resource $0.40 / hr 4 x cpu 240 gb disk 1Gb network 4m boot-time 8gb memory

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resource $0.04 / hr 4 x cpu 240 gb disk 1Gb network 4m boot-time 8gb memory

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FOUR The Scheduler

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours preemptible y/n?

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1 newtype TaskId = 2 TaskId Text 3 4 data Timeliness = 5 Interactive 6 | Lazy 7 | FinishBy UTCTime 8 9 data Requirement = 10 Requirement { 11 memory :: Memory 12 , disk :: Disk 13 , network :: Network 14 , timeliness :: Timeliness 15 } deriving (Eq, Show) 16 17 data Task = 18 Task { 19 taskId :: !TaskId 20 , taskRequirement :: !Requirement 21 } deriving (Eq, Show)

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1 newtype ResourceId = 2 ResourceId Text 3 4 data Resource = 5 Resource { 6 memory :: Memory 7 , disk :: Disk 8 , network :: Network 9 , cost :: Price 10 } 11 12 data Allocation = 13 Allocated ResourceId Task 14 | Unallocated ResourceId 15 16 data Capability = 17 Capability { 18 capabilityResource :: Resource 19 , capabilityAllocated :: [Allocation] 20 }

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1 submit :: UTCTime -> [Capability] -> [Task] -> [Decision] 2 submit now capabiities tasks = 3 schedule now capabiities <$> 4 sortBy (compare `on` urgency now) tasks

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first-fit decreasing

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1 urgency :: UTCTime -> Task -> Double 2 urgency now t = 3 case timelinessOf t of 4 Interactive -> 5 1.0 6 Lazy -> 7 0.0 8 FinishBy when -> 9 distributionOver (statisticsOf t) when

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99th percentile 1.0 0.o

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1 submit :: UTCTime -> [Capability] -> [Task] -> [Decision] 2 submit now capabiities tasks = 3 schedule now capabiities <$> 4 sortBy (compare `on` urgency now) tasks

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1 submit :: UTCTime -> [Capability] -> [Task] -> [Decision] 2 submit now capabiities tasks = 3 schedule now capabiities <$> 4 sortBy (compare `on` urgency now) tasks 5 6 schedule :: UTCTime -> [Capability] -> Task -> Decision 7 schedule now capabilities task = 8 decide $ 9 evaluate now task <$> capabilities

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1 data Score = 2 Free Resource [Double] 3 | Scale Capability [Double] 4 | Delay Capability [Double] 5 6 data Scores = 7 Scores Task [Score] 8 9 evaluate :: UTCTime -> Task -> Capability -> Scores 10 evaluate now task capability = 11 merge [ 12 evaluateFree now task capability 13 , evaluateRunning now task capability 14 , evaluateScaled now task capability 15 ] 16 17 evaluateFree :: UTCTime -> Task -> Capability -> Scores 18 19 evaluateRunning :: UTCTime -> Task -> Capability -> Scores 20 21 evaluateScaled :: UTCTime -> Task -> Capability -> Scores

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1 memory resource allocated required = 2 max 0 $ required / resource - allocated 3 4 cpu resource allocated required = 5 max 0 $ required / resource - allocated 6 7 network resource allocated required = 8 max 0 $ required / resource - allocated 9 10 timeliness remaining average variance = 11 (average + variance) / remaining

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1 submit :: UTCTime -> [Capability] -> [Task] -> [Decision] 2 submit now capabiities tasks = 3 schedule now capabiities <$> 4 sortBy (compare `on` urgency now) tasks 5 6 schedule :: UTCTime -> [Capability] -> Task -> Decision 7 schedule now capabilities task = 8 decide $ 9 evaluate now task <$> capabilities

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1 data Decision = 2 Decision Task Outcome 3 4 data Outcome = 5 Assign Resource 6 | Delay Resource 7 | Scale Capability 8 | Preempt Capability 9 | Reject 10 11 decide :: [Scores] -> Decision 12 decide scores = 13 let Scores t ss = merge score in Decision t $ 14 case last . sortBy (compare `on` weight) $ ss of 15 Nothing -> 16 Reject 17 Just (Free resource _) -> 18 Assign resource 19 Just (Scale capability _) -> 20 Scale capability 21 Just (Delay capability _) -> 22 Preempt capability

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missing bits

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real world

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EPILOGUE Scheduling Fairness

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$ $

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours preemptible y/n?

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours preemptible y/n?

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2 x cpu task 4gb memory 12 hours 128 gb disk σ 1.1 hours, μ 4hours x second batch time

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impacts time based bin packing

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control scaling of resources and scheduling of tasks for optimal cost within required sla

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control scaling of resources and scheduling of tasks for optimal cost within required sla

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control scaling of resources and scheduling of tasks for optimal cost within required sla

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control scaling of resources and scheduling of tasks for optimal cost within required sla

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prior knowledge wins

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layered bin packing

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layers prioritise conflicting goals

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