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Design thinking Design thinking Design for Policy Agri Meets Design Peter Smart

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Agri Meets Design What makes innovation in government difficult? Design thinking

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Government as pioneers Agri Meets Design Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design • 45 organisations from the public, private and non-profit sector Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design Government systems and structures are fundamentally different than those of the private sector. Namely, our government is designed to perform reliably, not to adapt to changing circumstances... IDEO (2011) - Innovation in Government “ Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design In addition, the overwhelming amount of oversight from our government’s major institutions…plus, unrelenting scrutiny from the media and watch groups, tends to result in agencies being highly defensive and cautious. They are, therefore, missing opportunities to improve performance... “ Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design As a result, many employees are unused to taking risks, trying new things and creatively approaching problem-solving. Ultimately, we are left with a government that is hindered at a time when agency performance goals demand nothing less than extraordinary measures.” IDEO (2011) - Innovation in Government “ Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design “What we are trying to solve isn’t solvable by one agency anymore, but any attempt to work across government is shut down.” 1. Politics and miscommunication disrupt efforts to promote collaboration and innovation Design thinking IDEO (2011) - Innovation in Government

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Agri Meets Design “I stopped trying after I was defeated at every turn.” 2. Government employees have no defined process for introducing and exploring new ideas Design thinking IDEO (2011) - Innovation in Government

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Agri Meets Design “We have a new idea for delivering services, but money flows to what’s ‘familiar.’” 3. Without effective measures of success, government can't justify an R&D budget Design thinking IDEO (2011) - Innovation in Government

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Government as pioneers Agri Meets Design Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design How is it possible to overcome the barriers to innovation in government? Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design Government must promote a culture of innovation and unlock the potential of the people next door, down the hall and on the front lines. Innovation must become rooted in your agency’s culture... IDEO (2011) - Innovation in Government “ Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design [However] you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Leaders in the private and nonprofit sectors are doing tremendous work to prepare employees to apply an innovation process that produces results in virtually any field—everything from consumer products to social services.” IDEO (2011) - Innovation in Government “ Design thinking

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A process for innovation Agri Meets Design Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design Provide infrastructure for innovation Commit to innovation Define high priority goals Collaborate Prototype, share and refine solutions Implement ideas and navigate change Measure impact Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design Provide infrastructure for innovation Commit to innovation Define high priority goals Collaborate Prototype, share and refine solutions Implement ideas and navigate change Measure impact Design thinking

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Provide infastructure Agri Meets Design • Isolate barriers to innovation • Train employees • Skill share • Funding Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design Provide infrastructure for innovation Commit to innovation Define high priority goals Collaborate Prototype, share and refine solutions Implement ideas and navigate change Measure impact Design thinking

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Commit to innovation Agri Meets Design • Promote the exploration of game-changing ideas • Innovation as primary goal for sector Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design Provide infrastructure for innovation Commit to innovation Define high priority goals Collaborate Prototype, share and refine solutions Implement ideas and navigate change Measure impact Design thinking

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Define high priority goals Agri Meets Design • Start with isolating real needs Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design Provide infrastructure for innovation Commit to innovation Define high priority goals Collaborate Prototype, share and refine solutions Implement ideas and navigate change Measure impact Design thinking

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Collaborate Agri Meets Design • Form working parties cross industry and discipline • Identify opportunities together Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design Provide infrastructure for innovation Commit to innovation Define high priority goals Collaborate Prototype, share and refine solutions Implement ideas and navigate change Measure impact Design thinking

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Prototype, share, refine Agri Meets Design • Share early, share often Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design Provide infrastructure for innovation Commit to innovation Define high priority goals Collaborate Prototype, share and refine solutions Implement ideas and navigate change Measure impact Design thinking

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Implement ideas Agri Meets Design • Adopt an iterative approach • Communicate learning and improvement Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design Provide infrastructure for innovation Commit to innovation Define high priority goals Collaborate Prototype, share and refine solutions Implement ideas and navigate change Measure impact Design thinking

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Measure impact Agri Meets Design • Determine results • Invest in progress Design thinking

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Agri Meets Design Provide infrastructure for innovation Commit to innovation Define high priority goals Collaborate Prototype, share and refine solutions Implement ideas and navigate change Measure impact Design thinking