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Today's Schedule 1. Angular CLI 2. Component / Directive Lifecycle 3. Build-in Directives *(template) Overview 4. Custom Directives 5. Interacting with DOM

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Angular CLI Helps us automate our workflow developing Angular apps

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CLI Workflow • Scaffolding • Generating • Serving • Testing • Distributing

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ng serve • Compile SCSS/LESS • Transpile TypeScript • Bundle JS, CSS with Webpack • Asset optimization • Virtual filesystem for serving the assets • Live-reload • Code splitting (for Lazy Loading)

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build environments When production is used the bundle gets minified

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ng build --prod --base-href /

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ng github-pages:deploy • Build • Create git branch with the appropriate layout • Commit • Push

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CLI Future • Creating Universal App (Server side pre-rendering) • Refactoring • Upgrading Angular Versions • Customize Deployment Targets (like github pages) • Webpack Configuration Access • Library developer mode

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Component / Directive Lifecycle

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Lifecycle A Directive / Component has a lifecycle managed by Angular. Angular creates it, renders it, creates and renders its children, checks it when its data-bound properties change, and destroys it before removing it from the DOM.

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Lifecycle Hooks 1d0ed6f75f243efa72c8aa1484028431f7b46e52/ modules/%40angular/core/src/metadata/ lifecycle_hooks.ts#L60 Available Directives & Components All are available to Components

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Directives • Allows us to attach behavior to DOM elements. • Directives are defined using @Directive decorator.

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The mysterious asterisk The * is syntactic sugar that makes it easier to read and write directives that modify HTML layout with the help of templates.

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Angular renderer & ngIf • The renderer moves *ngIf to a tag where it becomes a property binding - [ngIf]. • The rest of the element that we used the ngIf on, including its attributes, gets moved inside the tag.

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 (custom if directive) Represents a container where one or more Views can be attached.

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Views and View Containers • A View is a fundamental building block of the application UI. It is the smallest grouping of Elements which are created and destroyed together. • Properties of elements in a View can change, but the structure (number and order) of elements in a View cannot. • Changing the structure of Elements can only be done by inserting, moving or removing nested Views via a ViewContainerRef. • Each View can contain many View Containers.

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View ContainerRef

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View ContainerRef %40angular/core/src/linker/view_container_ref.ts#L73

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ContentChild Example 14ee75924b6ae770115f7f260d720efa8bfb576a/modules/%40angular/ examples/core/di/ts/contentChildren/content_children_example.ts

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ContentChild Another way of getting a reference to an element in-between the opening and closing tags (content DOM) of a Directive / Component Any time a child element is added, removed, or moved, the query list will be updated, and the changes observable of the query list will emit a new value. Content queries are set before the `ngAfterContentInit` callback is called. %40angular/core/src/metadata/di.ts#L148

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Manipulating DOM

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Color Directive !!! !!!

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Why not to access the DOM directly? Web workers cant access DOM directly. Server-side rendering Native apps So if we don't plan using this awesomeness that Angular 2 provides for us its OK to do it the other way.

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Renderer core/src/render/api.ts#L41-L92 Injectable service that provides a low-level interface for modifying the UI. Every renderer implements (should) this interface

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Color Directive With Renderer

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