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High Priest of Open Source ❖ Delegate, SourceRoad 2017, SF. ❖ WONTFIX CABAL, GitHub HQ ❖ Aggressive Open Sourcerer

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Community Evangelist ❖ forLoop Africa ❖ Laravel Nigeria ❖ Angular Nigeria

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Google Developer Expert @unicodeveloper

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“Open Source is the new sauce” - AceKyd

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How to contribute to Open Source ❖ Find a project to contribute to. ❖ Look at the issues. ❖ Document your solutions and progression. ❖ Be willing to accept feedback ❖ Find mentors & teach others ❖ Join a community

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Starting an Open Source Project ❖ Set a Goal ❖ Contribute to Other Projects ❖ Choose a License ❖ Establish a code of conduct ❖ Name & brand your project

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Spreading the word & Finding Users ❖ Social Media ❖ Speak about it at meetups & Conferences ❖ Build a Reputation ❖ Create First timer issues. Help people get started easily.

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“GitHub is your new Resume”

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“If your code is popular enough to attract outside contributions, you will have created a force multiplier that helps you get more work done faster and cheaper” - Tom Preston-Werner

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“When it comes to hiring developers, I’ll take a GitHub commit log over a resume any day” - John Resig

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What they think Open Source Comm. need? ❖ Only Developers ❖ Just Developers ❖ More Developers ❖ A battalion Of Developers

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What Open Source Comm. really need! ❖ Developers ❖ Technical Writers ❖ Community Managers/Organizers ❖ Accountants ❖ Lawyers

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The Open Source Community needs more hands!

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How can you help? - The Open Source Comm. ❖ More Developers/Engineers to squash bugs ❖ More Organizers ❖ More Advocates ❖ More Technical Writers ❖ Money -, ❖ Love

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“Thank you.”