High Priest of Open Source
❖ Delegate, SourceRoad 2017, SF.
❖ Aggressive Open Sourcerer
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Community Evangelist
❖ forLoop Africa
❖ Laravel Nigeria
❖ Angular Nigeria
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Google Developer Expert
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“Open Source is the new sauce”
- AceKyd
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How to contribute to Open Source
❖ Find a project to contribute
❖ Look at the issues.
❖ Document your solutions and
❖ Be willing to accept feedback
❖ Find mentors & teach others
❖ Join a community
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Starting an Open Source Project
❖ Set a Goal
❖ Contribute to Other Projects
❖ Choose a License
❖ Establish a code of conduct
❖ Name & brand your project
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Spreading the word & Finding Users
❖ Social Media
❖ Speak about it at meetups &
❖ Build a Reputation
❖ Create First timer issues. Help
people get started easily.
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“GitHub is your new Resume”
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“If your code is popular enough to
attract outside contributions, you will
have created a force multiplier that
helps you get more work done faster
and cheaper” - Tom Preston-Werner
“When it comes to hiring
developers, I’ll take a GitHub
commit log over a resume any
day” - John Resig
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What they think Open Source Comm. need?
❖ Only Developers
❖ Just Developers
❖ More Developers
❖ A battalion Of Developers
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What Open Source Comm. really need!
❖ Developers
❖ Technical Writers
❖ Community Managers/Organizers
❖ Accountants
❖ Lawyers
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The Open Source
Community needs more
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How can you help? - The Open Source Comm.
❖ More Developers/Engineers to squash bugs
❖ More Organizers
❖ More Advocates
❖ More Technical Writers
❖ Money - patreon.com, OpenCollective.org
❖ Love