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Regex and Unicode

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"abc".match(/abc|efg/) // => ["abc"] RegExp in javascript

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Unicode UCS4/UTF-32 UCS2/UTF-16 UTF-8

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Unicode in javascript In Javascript, string values are treated as UTF-16 codepoint.

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Surrogate Pairs? UTF-16 can treat U+0000ʙU+10FFFF, but UTF-16 can’t express codepoint exceeded 0x10000. So Unicode has solve it by creating Surrogate code points. Surrogate code points are code points that are not assigned by all Unicode encoding form. UTF-16 use this Surrogate zone to express code points that are exceeded 0x10000 by combine two code point.

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Surrogate Pair 㘏 U+2000B U+D840 U+DC0B

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Surrogate Pair "㘏".match(/./) // => [‘?']

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What is occured? RegExp in javascript treats string value same as javascript. So any(.) match 1 code point but not 1 character, if string contains surrogate pair. So how do we treat surrogate pair with RegExp easily?

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Unicode Flag

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Unicode Flag Now javascript has unicode RegExp flag (expressed by ‘u’). If this flag is specified, some RegExp behaviors are will change.

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Surrogate Pair with Unicode flag "㘏".match(/./u) // => ['㘏']

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Unicode Flag If unicode flag is specified, RegExp treat surrogate pair as one single charactor.

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Unicode Property Unicode code point has category like “Cc”, “Cf” and etc… So RegExp can use these category as matching pattern.

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Unicode Property "a1".match(/\p{General_Category=Decimal_Number}/) // => ["1"] "\u0100a".match(/\p{ASCII}/) // => ["a"]

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Unicode Property /\p{[PropertyName ‘=’ CategoryType] | CategoryType }/

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Thank you for your time.