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A journey into the heart of architecture TDD vs. The Big Ball of Mud

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Cloud gineering itecture smanship

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These are all things More specifically, they are all things this talk is not about

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Brandon Hays Cloudgineer

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Credentials YMCA basketball participant Beat Mario 3 (almost) Donut master Author of 40 unreleased software projects Sandwich Artist Karate Champ Champ Can recite Back to the Future from memory 3 years jazz, 2 years tap Creator of 0 frameworks My mom says I am cool Friends with @fivetanley Very nearly graduated high school

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We don’t live here

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Where we live A tale of two cities. Three cities, actually. And not really a tale.

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Salt Lake City

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Salt Lake City Salt Lake City

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Salt Lake City We don’t live here.

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We don’t even live here.

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We live here.

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Charming, right?

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Temporary made permanent

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Unskilled labor, Found materials

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No fire codes

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TDD vs. The Big Ball of Mud A journey into the heart of architecture madness

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The Ball of Mud Pattern Throwaway Code Piecemeal Growth Result: Shantytown

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How does this happen? “This should be easy” “Has to happen this week” “Proof of concept”

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How does this happen? Myth of the 2-week feature Under-experienced labor Prototypes in production

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A shantytown story How the feature that starts too small to design becomes too big to maintain

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Oh we are so not getting into pronunciation

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OK since you asked

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* ce5486d - Initial commit * 96db2d4 - Basic app with auth * f97c86b - AJAX posting of body without URL The Sprinkling of JS

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Feature request: Submit a gif from main page

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// A single tumbleweed passes by js/main.js

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$(document).ready(function(){ $('#toggle-post-dialog').on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#share-section .button-area').hide('fade'); $('#gif-post-dialog').show('blind'); }); }); js/main.js

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Oh! Thanks, but... Can it submit via AJAX?

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$('button.gif-submit').on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).hide("fade"); var url = $(this).attr('href'); var body = $("#new-gif-body").val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: url, data: { gif_post: { body: body, user_id: currentUserId } } }); }); js/main.js

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Terrific! Except... Why does the new post not show up on the page?

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Oh goody, string concat into the DOM .done(function(data) { $('.button.gif-submit').show('fade'); $('.share-gif-form').hide('fade'); $("#new-gif-body").val(""); $('#gif-post-dialog').append("

New gif posted: " + post.url + "

"); var newRow = '' + username + '' + post.url + '' + body + 'ShowEditDestroy'; $('table.gif-list tbody').append(newRow); });

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* ce5486d - Initial commit * 96db2d4 - Basic app with auth * f97c86b - AJAX posting of body without URL * a38f598 - Extract URL and display gif * 602fabb - add cancel button * 81e0f72 - auto-disable input with message without valid gif The Steady Rain of JS

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Hiya, sport! Got a minute? What if users want to cancel?

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$('#gif-post-dialog button.cancel-post').on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('button.gif-submit').show('fade'); $('#share-section .button-area').show('fade'); $("#new-gif-body").val(""); $('#gif-post-dialog').hide('blind'); }); js/main.js

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That sure is swell, but... Users are submitting garbage, we should validate that client side.

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$('#new-gif-body').bind("input propertychange", function(e) { var parsedUrl = $(this).val().match(/(((ftp|https?):\/\/) (www\.)?|www\.)([\da-z-_\.]+)([a-z\.]{2,7})([\/\w\.-_\?\&]*)* \/?/); var isGif = !!parsedUrl ? /.gif$/.test(parsedUrl[0]) : null; if (!!isGif) { $("#gif-post-dialog button.gif- submit").removeAttr("disabled"); $('#gif-post-dialog .message').text("") $('#gif-post-dialog .message').hide() } else { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show() $('#gif-post-dialog .message').text("There is no valid gif link in this post.") $("#gif-post-dialog button.gif-submit").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }); js/main.js

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* ce5486d - Initial commit * 96db2d4 - Basic app with auth * f97c86b - AJAX posting of body without URL * a38f598 - Extract URL and display gif * 602fabb - add cancel button * 81e0f72 - auto-disable input with message without valid gif * 3389c4f - add character count and validation * 3eb1560 - restrict edit/delete privileges to current user's data * 997ed02 - handle network and validation errors * a3896fd - async delete post The Torrential Downpour of JS

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Fabulous! Just a couple more things. Gif preview Smart character count

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js/main.js if (!!isGif) { charCount = ($(this).val().length - parsedUrl[0].length) if (charCount <= 140) { $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").removeAttr("disabled"); $('#gif-post- dialog .message').text("").removeClass("error").hide(); $('#gif-post-dialog .gif-preview-container').html('
') } else { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("validation- error").text("Your message is too long."); $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } $("#gif-post-dialog .character-count-number").text(charCount);

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$(document).ready(function(){ $('#toggle-post-dialog').on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#new-gif-body").val(""); $('#share-section .button-area').hide('fade'); $('#gif-post-dialog').show('blind'); $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").attr("disabled", "disabled"); }); $('#gif-post-dialog').on("click", 'a.cancel-post', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#share-section .button-area').show('fade'); $("#new-gif-body").val(""); $('#gif-post-dialog').hide('blind'); }); $('#new-gif-body').on("input propertychange", function(e) { var parsedUrl = $(this).val().match(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/); var isGif = !!parsedUrl ? /.gif$/.test(parsedUrl) : null; var charCount if (!!isGif) { charCount = ($(this).val().length - parsedUrl[0].length) if (charCount <= 140) { $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").removeAttr("disabled"); $('#gif-post-dialog .message').text("").removeClass("error").hide(); $('#gif-post-dialog .gif-preview-container').html('
') } else { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("validation-error").text("Your message is too long."); $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } else { charCount = $(this).val().length $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("validation-error").text("There is no valid gif link in this post.") $('#gif-post-dialog .gif-preview').remove() $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } $("#gif-post-dialog .character-count-number").text(charCount); }); $('section.gif-list').on("click", "article a[data-gif-delete]", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); console.log(e); var url = $(this).attr('href'); var id = $(this).data('gifPostId'); if(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this post?')){ $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", dataType: "json", url: url }).done(function(data) { $('section.gif-list article[data-gif-post-id=' + id.toString() + ']').remove(); }); } }); $('#gif-post-dialog').on("click", 'a.gif-submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var currentUserId = $('meta[name="current-user-id"]').attr("content"); $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); var url = $(this).attr('href'); var body = $("#new-gif-body").val(); var parsedUrl = body.match(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/); $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: url, data: { gif_post: { body: body, url: parsedUrl[0], } } }).done(function(data) { var post = data.gif_post; var url = post.url || ""; var username = (!!post.user && !!post.user.username) ? post.user.username : ""; var body = post.body || null; $('#gif-post-dialog .message').removeClass("error").text(""); $('.share-gif-form').hide('fade'); $("#gif-post-dialog .character-count-number").text("0"); $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("success").text("New gif posted: " + post.url); var newArticle = '
' + body + '
Shared by ' + username + '
'; $('section.gif-list').prepend(newArticle); setTimeout(function() { $('#share-section .button-area').show('fade'); $('#gif-post-dialog .message').hide().text(""); $('#gif-post-dialog .gif-preview').remove() $('#gif-post-dialog').hide('blind'); $('.share-gif-form').show(); }, 5000); }).fail(function(data) { if (!data.responseText) { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("error").text("There was an error posting your gif. Please wait and try again."); } else { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("error").text(data.responseJSON.errors.url[0]); } setTimeout(function() { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').removeClass("error").hide(); $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").removeAttr("disabled"); }, 5000); }); }); }); js/main.js

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Code shape: Sack of hot garbage

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* ce5486d - Initial commit * 96db2d4 - Basic app with auth * f97c86b - AJAX posting of body without URL * a38f598 - Extract URL and display gif * 602fabb - add cancel button * 81e0f72 - auto-disable input with message without valid gif * 3389c4f - add character count and validation * 3eb1560 - restrict edit/delete privileges to current user's data * 997ed02 - handle network and validation errors * a3896fd - async delete post * lolnope - that’s it, I quit The Tsunami of JS

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Excellent work! Add a “Like” button with a count, and we’ re all set!

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That’s it, I’m outta here

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Sweeping under the rug Reconstruction Block-by-block renovation (keeping it working) Quit your job Now what?

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Black box: Sometimes OK Rewrite: Painful lessons about hidden functionality Refactor: Haaard Quit: Time to stop running from your problems, pal Now what?

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Exponential change cost Inconsistent behavior Long use == more errors Why refactor?

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Because you can’t sleep at night

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Make code more idiomatic Refactor to JS objects Path 1: DIY from scratch

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Use models to manage data & state Get the heck out of the DOM Path 2: Lean on a Framework

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Our goal: Get out of managing the DOM as fast as humanly possible

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1.Wrap it 2.Test it 3.Identify Models 4.Identify States 5.Break it up 5 steps

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Model layer Bindings to manage state Components Why Ember?

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1. Rap it

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1. Rap it 1. Wrap it

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1.Move code into Ember Component 2.Move markup into handlebars template 3.Insert into original DOM A sprinkling of Ember

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Code this bad goes to code jail

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App.GfNewPostComponent = Ember.Component.extend({ layoutName: "components/gf-new-post", initLegacyCode: function() { // All old code goes in here, no changes to see $('#toggle-post-dialog').on("click", function(e) { ... }); }.on("didInsertElement") }); The Component js/components/gf-new-post.js

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Recently Shared Gifs

The Template js/templates/components/gf-new-post.hbs

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The Sprinkling js/components/gf-new-post.js $(document).ready(function() { $("#new-post-container").each(function(){ var component = App.GfNewPostComponent.create(); component.replaceIn(this); }); });

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2. Test it

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First test jspec/components/ describe 'new post component', -> beforeEach -> @component = App.GfNewPostComponent.create().append() @component.container = App.__container__ afterEach -> @component.destroy() it "exists", -> expect(@component.get('element')).to.exist expect(@component.$('#gif-post-dialog')).to.exist

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First test jspec/components/ describe 'new post component', -> beforeEach -> @component = App.GfNewPostComponent.create().append() @component.container = App.__container__ afterEach -> @component.destroy() it "exists", -> expect(@component.get('element')).to.exist expect(@component.$('#gif-post-dialog')).to.exist $ karma run . Chrome 35.0.1887 (Mac OS X 10.8.5): Executed 1 of 1 SUCCESS (1.811 secs / 0.001 secs)

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Hand wave alert

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A note on JS & Ember testing

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It’s a “wild west”.

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Not this wild west

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This wild west

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If the wild west was so great, we’d still live there.

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The testing story is starting to mature (blogs, libraries) Opportunity to make a contribution The good news

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AJAX tests jspec/components/ beforeEach -> ic.ajax.defineFixture '/gif_posts', response: gif_post: id: "1" url: "" user: username: "fakeuser" body: "thing:" jqXHR: {} textStatus: 'success'

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More tests jspec/components/ describe "clicking submit with good response", -> beforeEach -> @component.$("a.gif-submit").click() it "shows success message and adds gif", -> expect(@component.$("#gif-dialog .message")) expect(@component.$("#gif-dialog .message")).to.have.class "success" expect(@component.$("#gif-dialog .message").text()).to.equal "New gif posted:"

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More tests jspec/components/ describe "clicking submit with good response", -> beforeEach -> @component.$("a.gif-submit").click() it "shows success message and adds gif", -> expect(@component.$("#gif-dialog .message")) expect(@component.$("#gif-dialog .message")).to.have.class "success" expect(@component.$("#gif-dialog .message").text()).to.equal "New gif posted:" $ karma run ....................... Chrome 35.0.1887 (Mac OS X 10.8.5): Executed 23 of 23 SUCCESS (2.181 secs / 0.017 secs)

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describe 'new post component', -> beforeEach -> @gifList = $('').appendTo("body"); @component = App.GfNewPostComponent.create().append() @component.container = App.__container__ afterEach -> @gifList.remove() @component.destroy() it "exists", -> expect(@component.get('element')).to.exist expect(@component.$('#gif-post-dialog')).to.exist it "doesn't show the dialog", -> expect(@component.$('#gif-post-dialog')) describe "clicking the show dialog button", -> beforeEach -> @component.$("#toggle-post-dialog").click() it "shows the dialog", -> expect(@component.$('#gif-post-dialog')) describe 'entering bad text into the gif box', -> beforeEach -> @component.$("textarea").val("thing: notagif.jpg") @component.$("textarea").trigger "input" it "leaves the save button disabled", -> expect(@component.$("a.gif-submit")).to.have.attr("disabled") it "counts the characters", -> expect(@component.$(".character-count-number").text()).to.equal "18" it "displays a client-side validation error", -> expect(@component.$(".message")) expect(@component.$(".message")).to.have.class("validation-error") expect(@component.$(".message").text()).to.match /no valid gif/ it "does not display a preview section", -> expect(@component.$(".gif-preview")) describe 'putting too much text in the box', -> beforeEach -> @component.$("textarea").val("thing:") @component.$("textarea").trigger "input" @component.$("textarea").val("thing: This is a thing which is pretty cool except the text is too long. Maybe this is going to display a nice error message for people to enjoy") @component.$("textarea").trigger "input" it "disables the save button", -> expect(@component.$("a.gif-submit")).to.have.attr("disabled") it "counts the characters", -> expect(@component.$(".character-count-number").text()).to.equal "145" it "displays a client-side validation error", -> expect(@component.$(".message")) expect(@component.$(".message")).to.have.class("validation-error") expect(@component.$(".message").text()).to.match /too long/ it "continues to display a preview section", -> expect(@component.$(".gif-preview")).to.exist describe 'entering good text into the gif box', -> beforeEach -> @component.$("textarea").val("thing:") @component.$("textarea").trigger "input" it "enables the save button", -> expect(@component.$("a.gif-submit"))"disabled") it "counts characters, minus the gif input", -> expect(@component.$(".character-count-number").text()).to.equal "7" it "does not display an error message", -> expect(@component.$(".message")) expect(@component.$(".message"))"validation-error") expect(@component.$(".message").text()) it "displays a preview image", -> expect(@component.$(".gif-preview")).to.exist expect(@component.$(".gif-preview img").attr("src")).to.equal " gif.gif" describe "clicking submit with good response", -> beforeEach -> @clock = sinon.useFakeTimers() @component.$("a.gif-submit").attr("href", "/gif_posts").click(); ic.ajax.defineFixture '/gif_posts', response: gif_post: id: "1" url: "" user: username: "fakeuser" body: "thing:" jqXHR: {} textStatus: 'success' @component.$("a.gif-submit").click(); afterEach -> @clock.restore() it "shows success message and adds gif", -> expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message")) expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message")).to.have.class "success" expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message").text()).to.equal "New gif posted:" newGif = $("section.gif-list article.gif-entry") expect($(newGif[0]).find(".gif-entry-user").text()).to.equal "Shared by fakeuser" describe "after 5 seconds", -> beforeEach -> @clock.tick(5010) it "resets to initial state", -> expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message")) expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message")) "success" expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message").text()).to.equal "" describe "deleting the gif with success response", -> beforeEach -> ic.ajax.defineFixture '/gif_posts/1', response: "yay" jqXHR: {} textStatus: 'success' sinon.stub(window, "confirm").returns(true) @newGif = $("section.gif-list article.gif-entry") @deleteButton = $(@newGif).find(".gif-entry-delete [data-gif-delete]") $(@deleteButton).trigger("click") afterEach -> window.confirm.restore() it "removes the gif", -> expect($("section.gif-list article.gif-entry")) describe "clicking submit with validation error", -> beforeEach -> @clock = sinon.useFakeTimers() @component.$("a.gif-submit").attr("href", "/gif_posts").click(); ic.ajax.defineFixture '/gif_posts', responseText: "Validation fail" responseJSON: errors: url: ["LOL NOPE VALIDATION FAILZ"] jqXHR: {} textStatus: 'unprocessable entity' @component.$("a.gif-submit").click(); it "shows an error message", -> expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message")) "success" expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message")).to.have.class "error" expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message").text()).to.equal "LOL NOPE VALIDATION FAILZ" describe "after 5 seconds", -> beforeEach -> @clock.tick(5010) afterEach -> @clock.restore() it "resets to initial state", -> expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message")) expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message")) "error" expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message").text()).to.equal "" describe "clicking submit with bad response", -> beforeEach -> @component.$("a.gif-submit").attr("href", "/gif_posts").click(); ic.ajax.defineFixture '/gif_posts', response: "BARF" @component.$("a.gif-submit").click(); it "shows an error message", -> expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message")) "success" expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message")).to.have.class "error" expect(@component.$("#gif-post-dialog .message").text()).to.match /error posting/ describe "clicking cancel", -> beforeEach -> @component.$("#gif-post-dialog a.cancel-post").click() it "closes the dialog", -> expect(@component.$('#gif-post-dialog')) it "clears the text input", -> expect(@component.$('textarea').val()).to.equal "" Fully tested jspec/components/

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Go ahead, take a victory lap

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3. Identify Models *May or may not match server MVC models

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Unit tests! jspec/models/ describe "GifPost", -> beforeEach -> @gifPost = App.GifPost.create() describe "with a valid url", -> beforeEach -> @gifPost.set("body", "thing: gif.gif") it "parses the url from the body", -> expect(@gifPost.get("parsedUrl")).to.equal "http://"

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$ karma run Chrome 35.0.1887 (Mac OS X 10.8.5) GifPost with a valid url parses the url from the body FAILED AssertionError: expected undefined to equal ' cool-gif.gif' Unit tests! jspec/models/ describe "GifPost", -> beforeEach -> @gifPost = App.GifPost.create() describe "with a valid url", -> beforeEach -> @gifPost.set("body", "thing: gif.gif") it "parses the url from the body", -> expect(@gifPost.get("parsedUrl")).to.equal "http://"

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Extract to model App.GifPost = Ember.Object.extend({ regex: gifRegex(), body: "", parsedUrl: function() { var matches = this.get("body").match(this.get("regex")) return (matches && matches.length > 0) ? matches[0] : ""; }.property("body"), }); js/models/gif-post.js

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Extract to model App.GifPost = Ember.Object.extend({ regex: gifRegex(), body: "", parsedUrl: function() { var matches = this.get("body").match(this.get("regex")) return (matches && matches.length > 0) ? matches[0] : ""; }.property("body"), }); $ karma run .............................. Chrome 35.0.1887 (Mac OS X 10.8.5): Executed 30 of 29 SUCCESS (2.181 secs / 0.017 secs) js/models/gif-post.js

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Add Handlebars
{{textarea name="new-gif-post" class= "new-gif-input" value=gifPost.body}}



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Adiós garbage! $('#new-gif-body').on("input propertychange", function(e) { var regex = gifRegex(); var parsedUrl = $(this).val().match(regex); var isGif = !!parsedUrl ? /.gif$/.test(parsedUrl) : null; var charCount if (!!isGif) { charCount = ($(this).val().length - parsedUrl[0].length) if (charCount <= 140) { ... } else { charCount = $(this).val().length ... } $(".character-count-number").text(charCount); }); js/components/gf-new-post.js

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Let the framework carry the load

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4. Identify States

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State 1: initial

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State 2: editing

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State 3: loading

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State 4: error

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State 5: success

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Identify states js/components/gf-new-post.js App.GfNewPostComponent = Ember.Component.extend({ ... classNameBindings: ["formState"], formState: "initial", // FORM-STATES: "initial", "editing", "loading", "failure", "success" ...

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Change states js/components/gf-new-post.js showDialog: function() { this.set("formState", "editing"); }, cancel: function() { this.set("formState", "initial"); this.set("gifPost", App.GifPost.create()); }, submit: function() { this.set("formState", "loading"); this.get("gifPost").save(); }

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4. Break it up

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What’s left? js/components/gf-new-post.js initLegacyCode: function() { $('section.gif-list').on("click", "article a[data-gif- delete]", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).attr('href'); var id = $(this).data('gifPostId'); if(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this post?')){ ic.ajax({type: "DELETE", dataType: "json", url: url }).then(function(data) { $('section.gif-list article[data-gif-post-id=' + id.toString() + ']').remove(); }); } }); }.on("didInsertElement"),

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What’s left? js/components/gf-new-post.js var newArticle = '
' + gifPost.get("body") + '
Shared by ' + gifPost.get("username") + '
'; $('section.gif-list').prepend(newArticle);

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The call is coming var newArticle = '
' + gifPost.get("body") + '
Shared by ' + gifPost.get("username") + '
'; $('section.gif-list').prepend(newArticle); From inside the codebase

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Time for a 2nd component Manage post list Handle delete Final nail in coffin for direct DOM manipulation

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Makes AJAX requests & maps to model for you This actually buys us time Detour: Ember Data

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Ember Data js/models/gif-post.js App.GifPost = DS.Model.extend({ /* PROPERTIES */ regex: gifRegex(), body: DS.attr("string"), url: DS.attr("string"), username: DS.attr("string"), ...

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js/store.js // Overwrite ajax to be able to use nice ic-ajax fixtures App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({ ajax: function(url, type, options) { options = this.ajaxOptions(url, type, options); return ic.ajax(options); } }); Ember Data

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2nd Component js/components/gf-list-posts.js App.GfListPostsComponent = Ember.Component.extend({ layoutName: "components/gf-list-posts", gifPosts: null, actions: { delete: function(gifPost) { if (confirm("Really delete this lovely gif?")) { gifPost.destroyRecord().then(function(result){ //message }, function(){ gifPost.rollback(); }); } } } });

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2nd Template js/templates/components/gf-list-posts.js {{#each gifPosts}}
Shared by {{username}}

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2nd Sprinkle js/templates/components/gf-list-posts.js $(document).ready(function() { if ($("#gif-posts-container").length) {"gifPost").then(function(result) { $("#gif-posts-container").each(function(){ var component = App.GfListPostsComponent.create({ gifPosts: result }); component.replaceIn(this); }); }); } });

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2nd Test Set jspec/components/gf-list-posts_spec.js describe "list posts component", -> beforeEach -> // fixture goes here @component = App.GfListPostsComponent.create container: App.__container__ @component.appendTo("body")"gifPost").then (result) => @component.set "gifPosts", result afterEach -> @component.destroy() it "exists", -> expect(@component.get('element')).to.exist it "lists the gifs", -> expect(@component.$("article.gif-entry:first .gif-entry- user").text().trim()).to.equal "Shared by tehviking"

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2 components, shared data Both react to data changes DOM auto-updates in both

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No content

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We already bound state to a CSS class Let CSS transitions do the work CSS Animation

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CSS Animation js/templates/components/gf-list-posts.js .new-post-component { &.initial { } &.editing { } &.loading { } &.failure { } &.success { } &.is-invalid { } }

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CSS Animation stylesheets/gf-list-posts.scss .new-post-component { &.initial { .share-dialog-container { height: 0px; opacity: 0; } } .share-dialog-container { opacity: 1; height: 160px; -webkit-transition-property: height, opacity; transition-property: height, opacity; -webkit-transition-duration: 300ms, 200ms; transition-duration: 300ms, 200ms; } }

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No direct DOM manipulation

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} } }).done(function(data) { var post = data.gif_post; var url = post.url || ""; var username = (!!post.user && !!post.user.username) ? post.user.username : ""; var body = post.body || null; $('#gif-post-dialog .message').removeClass("error").text(""); $('.share-gif-form').hide('fade'); $("#gif-post-dialog .character-count-number").text("0"); $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("success").text("New gif posted: " + post.url) var newArticle = '
' + body + '
Shared by ' + username + '
'; $('section.gif-list').prepend(newArticle); setTimeout(function() { $('#share-section .button-area').show('fade'); $('#gif-post-dialog .message').hide().text(""); $('#gif-post-dialog .gif-preview').remove() $('#gif-post-dialog').hide('blind'); $('.share-gif-form').show(); }, 5000); }).fail(function(data) { if (!data.responseText) { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("error").text("There was an error posting yo Please wait and try again."); } else { $('#gif-post- og .message').show().addClass("error").text(data.responseJSON.errors.url[0]); } setTimeout(function() { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').removeClass("error").hide(); $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").removeAttr("disabled"); }, 5000);

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Introducing: 512-bit jQCS encryption

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} } }).done(function(data) { var post = data.gif_post; var url = post.url || ""; var username = (!!post.user && !!post.user.username) ? post.user.username : ""; var body = post.body || null; $('#gif-post-dialog .message').removeClass("error").text(""); $('.share-gif-form').hide('fade'); $("#gif-post-dialog .character-count-number").text("0"); $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("success").text("New gif posted: " + post.url) var newArticle = '
' + body + '
Shared by ' + username + '
'; $('section.gif-list').prepend(newArticle); setTimeout(function() { $('#share-section .button-area').show('fade'); $('#gif-post-dialog .message').hide().text(""); $('#gif-post-dialog .gif-preview').remove() $('#gif-post-dialog').hide('blind'); $('.share-gif-form').show(); }, 5000); }).fail(function(data) { if (!data.responseText) { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("error").text("There was an error posting yo Please wait and try again."); } else { $('#gif-post- og .message').show().addClass("error").text(data.responseJSON.errors.url[0]); } setTimeout(function() { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').removeClass("error").hide(); $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").removeAttr("disabled"); }, 5000); Now that’s Cloudgineering™

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App.GfNewPostComponent = Ember.Component.extend({ /* PROPERTIES */ layoutName: "components/gf-new-post", gifPost: null, classNames: ["new-post-component"], classNameBindings: ["formState", "isInvalid"], formState: "initial", // FORM-STATES: "initial", "editing", "loading", "failure", "success" isValid: Ember.computed.alias("gifPost.isValid"), isInvalid: Ember.computed.not("isValid"), /* OBSERVERS */ // This computes the displayed message for all success/failure message: function(){ var formState = this.get("formState") // On failure, delegate message to the object if (formState === "failure") { return this.get("gifPost.message"); // On success, just scream real loud! } else if (formState === "success") { return "New gif posted: " + this.get("gifPost.parsedUrl") // If it's invalid but has a gif, it's too long: } else if (this.get("isInvalid") && !!this.get("gifPost.isGif")) { return "Your message is too long."; // Otherwise if it's not valid it's not a gif } else if (this.get("isInvalid")) { return "Please add a valid gif link to this post."; } else { return null; } }.property("formState", "isInvalid", "gifPost.isGif", "gifPost.message"), /* ACTIONS */ // These actions are primarily about pushing state around. actions: { showDialog: function() { after

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$(document).ready(function(){ $('#toggle-post-dialog').on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#new-gif-body").val(""); $('#share-section .button-area').hide('fade'); $('#gif-post-dialog').show('blind'); $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").attr("disabled", "disabled"); }); $('#gif-post-dialog').on("click", 'a.cancel-post', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#share-section .button-area').show('fade'); $("#new-gif-body").val(""); $('#gif-post-dialog').hide('blind'); }); $('#new-gif-body').on("input propertychange", function(e) { var parsedUrl = $(this).val().match(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/); var isGif = !!parsedUrl ? /.gif$/.test(parsedUrl) : null; var charCount if (!!isGif) { charCount = ($(this).val().length - parsedUrl[0].length) if (charCount <= 140) { $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").removeAttr("disabled"); $('#gif-post-dialog .message').text("").removeClass("error").hide(); $('#gif-post-dialog .gif-preview-container').html('
') } else { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("validation-error").text("Your message is too long."); $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } else { charCount = $(this).val().length $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("validation-error").text("There is no valid gif link in this post.") $('#gif-post-dialog .gif-preview').remove() $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } $("#gif-post-dialog .character-count-number").text(charCount); }); $('section.gif-list').on("click", "article a[data-gif-delete]", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); console.log(e); var url = $(this).attr('href'); var id = $(this).data('gifPostId'); if(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this post?')){ $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", dataType: "json", url: url }).done(function(data) { $('section.gif-list article[data-gif-post-id=' + id.toString() + ']').remove(); }); } }); $('#gif-post-dialog').on("click", 'a.gif-submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var currentUserId = $('meta[name="current-user-id"]').attr("content"); $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); var url = $(this).attr('href'); var body = $("#new-gif-body").val(); var parsedUrl = body.match(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/); $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: url, data: { gif_post: { body: body, url: parsedUrl[0], } } }).done(function(data) { var post = data.gif_post; var url = post.url || ""; var username = (!!post.user && !!post.user.username) ? post.user.username : ""; var body = post.body || null; $('#gif-post-dialog .message').removeClass("error").text(""); $('.share-gif-form').hide('fade'); $("#gif-post-dialog .character-count-number").text("0"); $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("success").text("New gif posted: " + post.url); var newArticle = '
' + body + '
Shared by ' + username + '
'; $('section.gif-list').prepend(newArticle); setTimeout(function() { $('#share-section .button-area').show('fade'); $('#gif-post-dialog .message').hide().text(""); $('#gif-post-dialog .gif-preview').remove() $('#gif-post-dialog').hide('blind'); $('.share-gif-form').show(); }, 5000); }).fail(function(data) { if (!data.responseText) { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("error").text("There was an error posting your gif. Please wait and try again."); } else { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').show().addClass("error").text(data.responseJSON.errors.url[0]); } setTimeout(function() { $('#gif-post-dialog .message').removeClass("error").hide(); $("#gif-post-dialog a.gif-submit").removeAttr("disabled"); }, 5000); }); }); }); before

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App.GfNewPostComponent = Ember.Component.extend({ /* PROPERTIES */ layoutName: "components/gf-new-post", gifPost: null, classNames: ["new-post-component"], classNameBindings: ["formState", "isInvalid"], formState: "initial", // FORM-STATES: "initial", "editing", "loading", "failure", "success" isValid: Ember.computed.alias("gifPost.isValid"), isInvalid: Ember.computed.not("isValid"), /* OBSERVERS */ // This computes the displayed message for all success/failure message: function(){ var formState = this.get("formState") // On failure, delegate message to the object if (formState === "failure") { return this.get("gifPost.message"); // On success, just scream real loud! } else if (formState === "success") { return "New gif posted: " + this.get("gifPost.parsedUrl") // If it's invalid but has a gif, it's too long: } else if (this.get("isInvalid") && !!this.get("gifPost.isGif")) { return "Your message is too long."; // Otherwise if it's not valid it's not a gif } else if (this.get("isInvalid")) { return "Please add a valid gif link to this post."; } else { return null; } }.property("formState", "isInvalid", "gifPost.isGif", "gifPost.message"), /* ACTIONS */ // These actions are primarily about pushing state around. actions: { showDialog: function() { this.set("formState", "editing"); }, cancel: function() { this.set("formState", "initial"); this.set("gifPost","gifPost")); }, submit: function() { controller = this; controller.set("formState", "loading"); var gifPost = this.get("gifPost"); { // Success controller.set("formState", "success"); controller.defer(function() { controller.set("formState", "initial") }, 5000); // Failure }, function(data) { controller.set("formState", "failure"); if (!!data.jqXHR && data.jqXHR.status == 422) { // 422: validation error controller.get("gifPost").set("message", data.jqXHR.responseJSON.errors.url[0]); } else { controller.get("gifPost").set("message", "There was an error posting your gif. Please wait and try again.") } controller.defer(function() { controller.set("formState", "editing") }, 5000); }); } }, /* FUNCTIONS */ // Allow injectable setTimeout override for testing defer: function(callback, delay) { setTimeout(callback, delay); } }); /* INITIALIZATION */ $(document).ready(function() { $("#new-post-container").each(function(){ var component = App.GfNewPostComponent.create({ gifPost:"gifPost") }); component.replaceIn(this); }); }); App.GfListPostsComponent = Ember.Component.extend({ /* PROPERTIES */ layoutName: "components/gf-list-posts", gifPosts: null, classNames: ["list-posts-component"], // We only want to show posts that are saved to the server persistedGifPosts: Ember.computed.filterBy("gifPosts", "isNew", false), sortedPosts: function() { // well this is a neat trick, sort in reverse ID order return this.get("persistedGifPosts").sortBy("id:desc"); }.property("persistedGifPosts.@each"), /* ACTIONS */ actions: { delete: function(gifPost) { if (confirm("Really delete this lovely gif?")) { gifPost.destroyRecord().then(function(result){ //message? }, function(){ gifPost.rollback(); }); } } } }); /* INITIALIZATION */ $(document).ready(function() { if ($("#gif-posts-container").length) {"gifPost").then(function(result) { $("#gif-posts-container").each(function(){ var component = App.GfListPostsComponent.create({ gifPosts: result }); component.replaceIn(this); }); }); } }); App.GifPost = DS.Model.extend({ /* PROPERTIES */ body: DS.attr("string"), url: DS.attr("string"), username: DS.attr("string"), message: null, parsedUrl: function() { if (!!this.get("body")) { var matches = this.get("body").match(this.get("regex")) return (matches && matches.length > 0) ? matches[0] : ""; } }.property("body"), isGif: function() { return /.gif$/.test(this.get("parsedUrl")) }.property("parsedUrl"), charCount: function() { if (this.get("isGif")) { return this.get("body.length") - this.get("parsedUrl.length") } else { return this.get("body.length") } }.property("body", "parsedUrl", "isGif"), isValid: function() { return !!(this.get("charCount") <= 140 && this.get("isGif")) }.property("charCount", "isGif"), permalink: function() { return "/gif_posts/" + this.get("id"); }.property("id"), /* OBSERVERS */ // Copy the computed parsedUrl into the canonical url to send to the server setUrl: function() { this.set("url", this.get("parsedUrl")); }.observes("parsedUrl"), /* MISC */ // This property is at the end basically because it breaks Emacs auto- indent :/ regex: function() { return /https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b([- a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/ }.property() }); after

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Where can you go from here? Just a couple steps from going full SPA Or keep series of components that share model data

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Why did we do all this? It was a sizable amount of work What even is my life

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How’s it coming? Once you finish that Like button, we can IPO and be millionaires!

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Oh yeah Want users to have great stuff Want to add value Want to enjoy working in our code

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Devs just wanna have fun

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“Fav” Feature js/handwave.js describe "favoriting a post", -> beforeEach -> // Fixture or stubbing here @component.send("favorite", @gifPost) it "favorites the post", -> expect($("article.gif-entry i.fav-star")).to.have.class "is-favorited" it "lists the favorite count", -> expect($("article.gif-entry .gif-entry-fav- count").text().trim()).to.equal "1"

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“Fav” Feature js/models/favorite.js App.Favorite = DS.Model.extend({ userId: DS.attr("number"), gifPost: DS.belongsTo("gifPost") });

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“Fav” Feature js/components/gf-list-posts.js

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“Fav” Feature js/components/gf-list-posts.js toggleFav: function(gifPost) { if (gifPost.get("isFavorited")) { var favId = gifPost.get("currentUserFavoriteId")"favorite", favId).then(function(result){ result.destroyRecord(); }); } else { fav ="favorite", { gifPost: gifPost });{ // handle success }, function(){ //handle failure fav.rollback(); }); }

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Fun to extend More filters Popular posts Sharing

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My MountainWest story

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I want to hug every dev. Come say hi

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Thank you so much. Brandon Hays @tehviking

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Image credits Rainstorm_over_Salt_Lake_City.jpg