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From STRATEGY DEFINITION to EXECUTION with OKRs and ROADMAP DevOpsCon - NYC, September 2023 Sebastiano Armeli Director of Engineering

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STRATEGY LYFECYCLE What is a STRATEGY? Definition Alignment Execution Assessment ROADMAP OKRs

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Strategies are NOT goals.

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What is a Strategy

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Mission Vision Who are we? What do we do? Where are we going?

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Mission Vision Who are we? What do we do? Where are we going? Strategy How are we getting there?

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Mission, Vision & Strategy Mission is the Area of Foucs Vision is the Destination Strategy is the Route

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Corporate strategy Business Unit strategies Teams strategies MULTIPLE STRATEGIES

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Business & Product Strategies Engineering Strategies Product Manager Engineering Leader

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Business Unit Outcome Increase number of shoppers by 10% Business Unit Strategy Build a Shop Tab in the app to capture the intent of users to shop for products Add a set of notifications focused on Shopping Corporate strategy Making the app a place to shop increasing ads conversion for shopping ads Eng Leader - Shopping Product Manager - Shopping

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Engineering Outcome Improve by 10% Send Message and Receive Message Performance metric Engineering Strategy Rewriting Messaging clients using common lib written in C++ Eng Leader - Messaging Corporate strategy Making the app the fastest way to communicate with friends

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A Good Strategy helps your team focus on a path to achieve an outcome.

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Strategy LifeCycle Definition Alignment Execution Assessment

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Strategy LifeCycle Definition Alignment Execution Assessment

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Strategy Definition Define Problems & Needs (JTBD) Environment assessment (SWOT analysis) Analyze opportunities and trade-offs

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Strategy Definition Identify Strategic Objectives Resourcing & Capabilities Gap & competitor analysis Risk Assessment

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Strategy Definition Env Assessment: Apps are getting more and more performant and reliable. Opportunity: Improve quality and performance for our apps. Customer Problem: Our apps get lots of complaints from customer support about being sluggish and buggy

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Strategic Objective 1: Reduce the number of bugs reported by the customers by 80% Strategic Objective 2: Decrease page load time for the views by 7% Strategy Definition People : 4 ICs for 4 Quarters Capabilities: 1 BE, 1 Web, 1 iOS, 1 Android People : 3 ICs for 2 Quarters Cap abilities: 1 Web, 1 iOS, 1 Android Unfunded

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Strategy LifeCycle Definition Alignment Execution Assessment Strategy LifeCycle

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Settling on strategic priorities

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Resource allocation

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Communication Repetition

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Strategy LifeCycle Definition Alignment Execution Assessment Strategy LifeCycle

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STRATEGY EXECUTION HOW you're going to execute on Strategic Objectives

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OKRs framework Objectives Key Results The inspirational "what" The measurable "how" "I will (Objective) as measured by (a set of Key Results)."

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OKRs Cadence - yearly or quarterly Metrics associated (with baseline and target) Monitoring & Grading 1 Owner per KR

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OKRs allow you to measure, focus and align your team's work to a strategy.

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Different Types of OKRs Committed Committed Learning Learning Aspirational (Moonshot) Aspirational (Moonshot)

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Strategic Objective Decrease page load time Strategic Objective Key Result 3 : Measure the Page Load Time baseline on iOS for FF by end of Q4. OKRs Key Result 1: Decrease by 5% the Page Load Time on Android for FF by end of Q4. Key Result 2: Decrease by 10% the Page Load Time on web for 1:1 Chat views by end of Q4. Learning KR Objective: Drive Page Load improvement for Friend Feed (FF) and 1:1 Chat views. Committed KR Aspirational KR

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Monitoring Key Result 3 : Measure the Page Load Time baseline on iOS for FF by end of Q4. Objective: Drive Page Load improvement for Friend Feed (FF) and 1:1 Chat views. Key Result 1: Decrease by 5% the Page Load Time on Android for FF by end of Q4. Key Result 2: Decrease by 10% the Page Load Time on web for 1:1 Chat views by end of Q4. Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 15 5% 0% 10% 5% 75% 20% 20% 20% 50% 60% 65% 75% 100% Total OKRs

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OKRs are an ALIGNMENT tool (not a to-do list).

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Strategic Objective Tactics / Initiatives

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Tactics Actionable projects with deliverables. Each initiative should be linked to a KR.

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Key Result 2: Decrease by 10% the Page Load Time on Web for FF view by the end of Q4. Initiative : Experiment with image prefetching in FF on web. Strategic Objective Initiatives OKRs Strategic Objective: Decrease page load time Objective: Drive Page Load improvement for Friend Feed (FF) and 1:1 Chat views.

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OKRs should drive the initiatives for your team.

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Roadmap Sequence of initiatives (for a strategic objective) Define start date and end date per initiatives Cross-functional coordination

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Roadmap Initiative 1 design Initiative 1 implementation Initiative 2 exploration Initiative 1 dev complete Q1 Q2 OKRs OKRs

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OKRs and Roadmaps are complementary.

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Strategy LifeCycle Forming Alignment Execution Assessment

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Data analysis Reflection Expected Current

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Re-assess Strategy or tactics might change based on new findings. Outcome should NOT change.

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Strategy and initiatives can change, but not the outcomes.

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S T R A T E G Y A Strategy is a set of cohesive hypotheses to achieve an OUTCOME. S T R A T E G Y

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Strategy Roadmap Execution Definition

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