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Literals a = 0.0 :: Number b = "a" :: String c = true :: Boolean d = [0.0] :: Array Number e = {foo: 0.0} :: { foo :: Number } f = (\a -> a) :: forall a. a -> a

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Function Definition & Application sum :: Int -> Int -> Int sum a b = a + b successor :: Int -> Int successor = sum 1 sumSuccessors :: Int -> Int -> Int sumSuccessors a b = sum (successor a) (successor b) seven :: Int seven = sumSuccessors 2 3

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Function Definition (cont.) identity :: forall t. t -> t identity a = a const :: forall a b. a -> b -> a const x y = x ($) :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b ($) f x = f x infixr 0 $

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Records hank :: { name :: String, birthYear :: Int } hank = {name: "Hank", birthYear: 1985} laptop :: { name :: String, mfgDate :: Int } laptop = {name: "Hotaru", mfgDate: 2014} greet :: forall r. { name :: String | r } -> String greet namedThing = "Hello, " ++ hankJr :: { name :: String, birthYear :: Int } hankJr = hank { birthYear = 2010 }

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Algebraic Data Types data Ordering = Less | Equal | Greater compare :: Number -> Number -> Ordering compare a b = if a < b then Less else if a == b then Equal else Greater

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Algebraic Data Types (cont.) data List t = EmptyList | Cons t (List t) listA :: List Number listA = Cons 0.0 (Cons 1.0 (Cons 2.0 EmptyList)) listB :: List String listB = Cons "x" (Cons "y" EmptyList) listC :: forall a. List a listC = EmptyList

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Type Aliases type Option = Maybe type NumberArray = Array Number type NumberList = List Number type Point = { x :: Number, y :: Number } type Pair a b = { left :: a, right :: b } type Predicate a = a -> Boolean

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Pattern Matching data Maybe t = Nothing | Just t map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b map f Nothing = Nothing map f (Just x) = Just (f x) map' f maybe = case maybe of Nothing -> Nothing (Just x) -> Just (f x)

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Pattern Matching (cont.) type Point = { x :: Number, y :: Number } doubleZero :: Point -> Point doubleZero p@{ x: 0, y: y } = p { y = y * 2.0 } doubleZero p = p const :: forall a b. a -> b -> a const x _ = x

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Program Structure module Namespace.ModuleName where import OtherNamespace.OtherModule data Type0 t = Constructor0 t | Constructor1 t t value0 = Constructor1 0 1 value1 = Constructor0 "string"

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Program Structure (cont.) module ModuleName (value0, main, Type0(..)) where import OtherModule (value1, Type1(..)) import qualified Prelude as P data Type0 t = Constructor0 t | Constructor1 t t value0 :: Type0 Int value0 = Constructor1 0 1 main :: Eff () Unit main = P.return P.unit

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Hello, World! module Main (main) where import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff(..)) import qualified Control.Monad.Eff.Console as Console main :: Eff (console :: Console.CONSOLE) Unit main = Console.log "Hello, World!"

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Effects module EffExample (main) where import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff(..)) import Control.Monad.Eff.Random (random, RANDOM()) -- random :: Eff (random :: RANDOM) Number import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (log, print, CONSOLE()) -- log :: String -> Eff (console :: CONSOLE) Unit -- print :: ... -> Eff (console :: CONSOLE) Unit main :: Eff (console :: CONSOLE, random :: RANDOM) Unit main = random >>= print

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Composing Effects main :: Eff (console :: CONSOLE, random :: Random) Unit main = do a <- random b <- random log "First random number:" print a log "Second random number:" print b

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Type Classes class Show a where show :: a -> String instance showBoolean :: Show Boolean where show true = "true" show false = "false" instance showArray :: (Show a) => Show (Array a) where show array = "[" <> map show array <> ]"

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JavaScript Interoperability (FFI) -- MyModule.purs foreign import parseFloat :: String -> Number foreign import pow :: Number -> Number -> Number // MyModule.js exports.parseFloat = parseFloat; exports.pow = function pow(base) { return function(exponent) { return Math.pow(base, exponent); }; };

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JavaScript Interoperability (cont.) foreign import data TimeoutID :: * foreign import data TIMER :: ! foreign import setTimeout :: forall e. Eff e Unit -> Number -> Eff (timer :: TIMER) TimeoutID foreign import clearTimeout :: TimeoutID -> Eff (timer :: TIMER) Unit

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Installation Precompiled Binaries Cabal $ cabal update $ cabal install purescript Brew $ brew update $ brew install purescript npm $ npm install -g purescript

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Starting a Project Pulp $ npm install -g pulp $ pulp init Yeoman with Gulp $ npm install -g yo generator-purescript bower $ yo purescript Do-It-Yourself $ mkdir -p src/Namespace/Namespace $ touch !$/ModuleName.purs

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Building Pulp $ pulp build Gulp $ gulp Do-It-Yourself $ psc 'src/**/*.purs' --ffi 'src/**/*.js' \ 'bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.purs' \ --ffi 'bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.js' $ psc-bundle --module ModuleName --main ModuleName.Main \ 'output/**/*.js' > dist/ModuleName.js

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Managing Dependencies Install Bower $ npm install -g bower $ bower init Install Dependencies $ bower install --save purescript-monoid $ bower install --save-dev purescript-quickcheck Publish $ git tag -a v1.0.0 -m 'Version 1.0.0' $ git push --tags $ bower register

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Testing module Test.Main (main) where import Test.QuickCheck (quickCheck) import Data.Array (sort, length) sortIsIdempotent :: Array Number -> Boolean sortIsIdempotent a = sort (sort a) == sort a sortPreservesLength :: Array Number -> Boolean sortPreservesLength a = length (sort a) == length a main = do quickCheck sortIsIdempotent quickCheck sortPreservesLength

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Testing (cont.) $ bower install --save-dev purescript-quickcheck ... $ pulp test * Building project in /path/to/purescript-arrays * Build successful. Running tests... 100/100 test(s) passed. 100/100 test(s) passed. * Tests OK.

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Unit Tests main = runNode [consoleReporter] do describe "Data.Array" do describe "range" do it "creates a range" do range 3 5 `shouldEqual` [3, 4, 5] range 1 100 `shouldContain` 50 describe "length" do it "calculates the length" do length [] `shouldEqual` 0 length [0] `shouldEqual` 1 length [[0, 0], [0, 0]] `shouldEqual` 2 describe "cons" do pending "cons tests"

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Big Changes in 0.7.x ● (32-bit) Int type and integer literals ● character literals ● no more Prelude auto-import ● no more [a] notation for Array types ● no more (a:as) cons patterns ● no more inline FFI ● new typeclasses: Ring, Lattice, Bounded, Poset, ... ● effects in PSCi ● fix suggestions in error messages

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