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Testing Spring Boot Applications Andy Wilkinson @ankinson

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@ankinson Why Bother Testing At All?

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@ankinson Risk None YOLO Tests 0 Lots

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@ankinson Unit Tests

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@ankinson MockRestServiceServer OkHTTP’s MockWebServer Spring Data Repositories JdbcTemplate

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@ankinson Testcontainers

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@ankinson @SpringBootTest @Testcontainers(disabledWithoutDocker = true) @ContextConfiguration(initializers = ExampleIntegrationTests.Initializer.class) class ExampleIntegrationTests { @Container public static CassandraContainer> cassandra = new CassandraContainer<>(); static class Initializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer { @Override public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext context) { int cqlPort = cassandra.getMappedPort(CassandraContainer.CQL_PORT); TestPropertyValues.of("" + cqlPort) .applyTo(context.getEnvironment()); } } }

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@ankinson Integration Tests

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@ankinson @SpringBootTest

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@ankinson Context Caching

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@ankinson @SpringBootTest(properties="spring.jmx.enabled=true") @ActiveProfiles("standalone") @TestPropertySource(locations="") class ExampleIntegrationTests { @Test void contextLoads() { } } @ContextConfiguration @Import @TestPropertySource @ActiveProfiles @SpringBootTest

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@ankinson @DirtiesContext

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@ankinson Sliced Tests

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@ankinson @JsonTest @WebMvcTest @WebFluxTest @DataJpaTest @JdbcTest @JooqTest @DataMongoTest @DataNeo4jTest @DataRedisTest @DataLdapTest @RestClientTest

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@ankinson @WebMvcTest @DataJpaTest OrderRepository extends JpaRepository<…> @Controller OrderController @Controller CustomerController CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<…> @SpringBootApplication Application

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@ankinson @MockBean and @SpyBean

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@ankinson @WebMvcTest class CustomerControllerIntegrationTests { @Autowired private MockMvc mockMvc; @Configuration static class RepositoryConfiguration { @Bean CustomerRepository customers() { return mock(CustomerRepository.class); } @Bean OrderRepository orders() { return mock(OrderRepository.class); } } }

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@ankinson Customer Customer Order @WebMvcTest class CustomerControllerTests { @Autowired private MockMvc mockMvc; @MockBean private CustomerRepository customers; @MockBean private OrderRepository orders; } (controllers = CustomerController.class)

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JUnit 5: Evolution and Innovation Sam Brannen Thursday 10:30am–11:40am Ballroom F

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Thanks! Q&A Andy Wilkinson @ankinson #springone @s1p