Slide 36
Slide 36 text
What's new in OpenShift 4.7
Preparing for HAProxy 2.2 in OpenShift 4.8
“Public Service Announcement” for an upcoming change in OpenShift 4.8:
● OpenShift 4.8 will update to HAProxy 2.2, which down-cases HTTP
header names by default (for example, “Host:” is transformed
to “host:”), as permitted by the HTTP protocol standard, and
as required by HAProxy’s HTX feature for HTTP/2.
● In OpenShift 4.7, for legacy applications that are sensitive to the
capitalization of HTTP header names, the IngressController will have a
new API field, spec.httpHeaders.headerNameCaseAdjustments, to
accommodate these legacy applications until they can be fixed.
● The new API will be backported to OpenShift 4.6, and allows the cluster
administrator to specify rules for transforming the case of HTTP header
names in HTTP/1 requests.
● Cluster administrators and application developers need to be aware
of the change and configure IngressControllers and Routes with this
new configuration, if necessary, before upgrading to OpenShift 4.8.
Product Manager: Marc Curry
For more information about the
change, including why it was
made and how to specify Header
name transformation rules, view
the enhancement proposal.
・HTTP1.1 は、大文字小文字両方 ok で、アプリケーションは両方を処理で
きるべきだったが、 HTTP2では小文字のみになっている。
・HA Proxy 2.2 では、HTTP 1.1 でも小文字化がデフォルトになる。
・小文字化を避けるために、新しいAPI Field を追加。
・このAPIは 4.6 に backport される予定。
・HA Proxy の HTTP Representation(HTX) が、HTTP2 に
必要で Header の小文字化を引き起こす。
・OCP 4.4 では、HTTP2を使用してない時には off にする対
・HAProxy 2.2 では HTXを off にできなくなる。