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Grab Bag of PHP Goodies Justin Yost Project Lead at Loadsys CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 1

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What are we learning? • Traits • Interfaces • Abstract Classes • Magic Methods • Singletons • Namespaces CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 2

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Why learn this stuff? • There is a better way • More tools in your toolbag • All solve specific problems • PHP moves along, welcome to the future CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 3

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Trait A trait is a set of methods that we can use to extend our classes. It's not a standard inheritance model, instead it permits horizontal code reuse. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 4

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CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 5

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Trait Code Example CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 6

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Interface An interface is an abstract type that contains no data or code, but defines behaviors as method signatures. This gives you the ability to define the public api for a class, without providing the implementation details. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 7

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Interface Interfaces solve the problem of you need to ensure other coders meet some specific API, but you don't care about their implementation details of how they implement that same API. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 8

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Interface Why not just ship a base class and provide that. Sometimes you need to provide the implementation separate from the API. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 9

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PSR Interfaces • Logger Interface (PSR-3) • Caching Interface (PSR-6) • HTTP Message Interface (PSR-7) CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 10

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Interface An interface is a contract that says, I have these methods, that take these inputs and return this. You can implement this in any way and I'll respect it. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 11

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Interface Code Example CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 12

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Interface and Trait This is a great approach for shipping code to other developers that they might want to modify or update, you provide the implementation and the api independently. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 13

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Typehints Typehint to an interface, not a trait CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 14

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Abstract Class Abstract Class blends an interface with a trait. It provides a way to provide both the api and the implementation, without needing a full class that includes everything. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 15

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Abstract Class Fruit vs. Apple and Grape CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 16

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Abstract Class Code Example CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 17

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Abstract Class vs Interface Abstract class is for you, Interface is for other developers. Abstract class provides an implementation that you typically don't want to ship to other developers but use internally. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 18

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Magic Methods Methods that happen without you specifically calling them. They just magically happen, for you. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 19

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Magic Methods PHP Magic methods start with a __ CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 20

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Magic Methods • __construct and __destruct • __sleep and __wakeup • __invoke • __set and __get • and more CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 21

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Magic Methods Code Example CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 22

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Singleton A singleton is a class that can only every be instantiated once. Once we have an instance of the class as long as we are in the same PHP request, we do not create multiple instances of this class with different properties. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 23

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Singleton • Database Connection • Configuration • DI Libraries CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 24

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Singleton Code Example CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 25

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Namespace Everything in it's place and place for everything. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 26

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Namespace Multiple Classes with the same name. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 27

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Namespace Allows for easier import and use of external packages and libraries. CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 28

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Namespace Code Example CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 29

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Grab Bag Portion • Typehints • Composer • Exceptions • Closures • Iterators CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 30

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Takeaways • Learn and keep up with your language CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 31

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Thanks/Questions? • • • • • CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 32