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React Native CI/CD Setup By Oluwatobi Shokunbi

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About Me Software Engineer Founder of React Native Nigeria Community

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YOUR PROJECT WITHOUT A CI/CD SETUP. - Start a new project (npx react-native init AwesomeProject) - Work on your project for both iOS and Android - Build release versions of your applications - Submit to the app/play store - Most likely get an app rejection from apple store - Fix the issue you get with the app store - Most likely get a second rejections - Fix the app bug - Finally get all apps accepted by both stores.

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A different approach. App Center

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Start a new project. Run; npx react-native init cicdSetup

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Create & push code to Github repo

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Push code by running; - git init - git commit -m “first commit ” - git remote add origin *repo url* - git push -u origin master

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Setting up our project on app Center Visit =>

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Navigate to build

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For Android Builds

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Why is this good? - A better workflow - Developers can focus on just writing code

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Review: what did we do?

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Thanks For Listening.