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Farrah Campbell Ecosystems Director, A Serverless State of Mind @FarrahC32 [email protected]

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In the 80’s My introduction to computers was not like many of the stories I hear.

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Computers are cool

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Technical terms are hard What did I just do??

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Lost Unhappy Negative

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There is something better out there. ( There has to be… )

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HELP! I can’t get an interview

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Who the hell is Cassandra & JSON? WHO’S CASSANDRA & JASON?

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Contributing to the code feeling like a rockstar. ( Updating documentation FTW! )

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Being a Nerd is cool

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What is serverless?

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Collaborate, Trust, Focus, Support. The Stackery Team

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I can be a part of this Hackathon? Acceptance! I was welcomed to this team and felt a part of. This had not happened before. In fact, I had been turned away at previous hackathons for not having experience. The Team Different individuals owned different parts of what we were building, it was a genuine team effort. Our Project We won the top prize for our Serverless Voice App.

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Something is different about this community.

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Serverless is for everyone? What will this mean for me? If i do not need to understand Networking, Virtualization, Load Balancing, Runtimes, Application Integration, Data Management, Data Centers, Permissioning, Storage, Middleware, Hypervisors...

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Can I serverless?

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Serverless is ... Serverless is ...

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Serverless is a state of mind Serverless is about how you make decisions — not about your choices.

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Am I serverlessing? ● Review my goals weekly ensuring new info or opps have not shifted where to focus. ● Reflection on the week before - noting two places where I accel and two learning areas. ● Looking for scenarios to automate, eliminate or batch tasks, streamline my workflows with zapier, or create templates for recurring tasks.

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Continued learning More Serverless please… Learing With the Ladies

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Accountability Enlightened and locking in an accountability partner.

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Did I just get this to work?

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I can Serverless!

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This Non Technologist just wrote a unicorn ride app and built out their own webhook.

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What are you going to build?

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Thank you. @FarrahC32 [email protected]