Create playbook(s) to install common
utilities and set sensible defaults.
Bonus: create Ansible Roles for plays that
can be useful for others
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Build a CentOS 7.x base image that
utilizes playbooks built for the previous
Bonus: make the image testable
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Provision an EC2 Instance using the AMI
built for the previous step.
Bonus: create Terraform Modules for
resources that can be useful for others
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Terraform x Ansible
Use the Terraform Ansible Provisioner
to run playbooks once an instance has
been provisioned.
Bonus: find a way to continuously run the
playbook (on every terraform apply)
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Ensure that instances are registered in
Consul and become reachable via
Bonus: Fill KV store automatically with
metadata for an application
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Terraform x Consul
Inside Terraform, consume AMI IDs from
Slide 8
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Terraform x Consul
Inside Terraform, consume port
numbers from Consul.
Slide 9
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Ansible x Consul
Inside Ansible, consume KV data from
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Create a Vault Server that utilizes a
Consul backend and store database
connection credentials inside of it.
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Terraform x Vault
Inside Terraform, consume database
connection credentials from Vault and
start a new RDS Instance.
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Dockerize a Node.js-based application
and schedule its run via multiple Nomad
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Schedule a job to run via multiple Nomad