Slide 6
Slide 6 text
• ϩάͷҟৗݕख๏
• άϧʔϓԽ͞Εͨϩά͔Βͷग़ݱύλʔϯΛͱʹݕग़[1,2]
• ϩάͷू߹͔ΒҟৗͱͳΔཁૉΛݕग़͢Δ[3]
• ࣌ܥྻҟৗݕ
• ϩάͷछྨʢ㲈ϑΥʔϚοτʣͷࣗಈఆख๏
• AprioriΞϧΰϦζϜͷԠ༻[4]
• Shortest Edit ScriptΛͬͨख๏[5]
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[4] Risto Vaarandi. A data clustering algorithm for mining patterns from event logs. in IEEE IPOM’03 Proceed- ings, pp. 119–126, 2003
[5] Min Du and Feifei Li. Spell: Streaming parsing of system event logs. In Proceedings - 16th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2016, pp.
859–864, United States, 1 2017. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.