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The .NET Compiler Platform SDK MS Farsi Community

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> whoami Shahab Ganji Software Architecture Software Transformation .NET and C# enthusiast Embracing Change Telling dad jokes (Proudly) Code Artisan Lead Software Engineer MA I N F O C U S O N

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Live Coding! P RE REQ U I S IT ES

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Agenda I N TRO DU C T I ON What is Roslyn? Code! Talk is cheap, let’s write code Q & A You ask me questions; I’ll answer if I know the answer

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01 What is Roslyn? Code! Q&A

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Compilers W H AT I S RO S LYN ? Compiler Source Code Assembly (.exe, .dll)

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Compilers W H AT I S RO S LYN ? Compiler Symbols Binder IL Emitter Metadata Import Parser Source Code Assembly (.exe, .dll)

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Compilers W H AT I S RO S LYN ? Compiler Symbols Binder IL Emitter Metadata Import Parser Source Code Assembly (.exe, .dll) Symbol API Binding and Flow Analysis APIs Emit API Syntax Tree API Compiler API

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Compilers W H AT I S RO S LYN ? Compiler Symbols Binder IL Emitter Metadata Import Parser Source Code Assembly (.exe, .dll) Symbol API Binding and Flow Analysis APIs Emit API Syntax Tree API Navigate To Extract Method Edit & Continue Colorizer Formatter Compiler API Language Services Diagnostic API

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Compilers W H AT I S RO S LYN ? Compiler API Diagnostic API Scripting API Workspaces API REPL (Repeat-Evaluate-Print-Loop)

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02 What is Roslyn? Code! Q&A

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Exploring the APIs in Action C OD E! Side Tools Creating Semantic Analyzer Creating Code Fixer! The Problem

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Compilers I N TRO DU C T I ON Compiler Symbols Binder IL Emitter Metadata Import Parser Symbol API Binding and Flow Analysis APIs Emit API Syntax Tree API Diagnostic API Navigate To Extract Method Edit & Continue Colorizer Formatter Source Code Assembly (.exe, .dll) Compiler API Language Services

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Compilers I N TRO DU C T I ON Compiler Symbols Binder IL Emitter Metadata Import Parser Symbol API Binding and Flow Analysis APIs Emit API Syntax Tree API Diagnostic API Semantic Analyzer Code Fixer

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03 What is Roslyn? Code! Q&A

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Get in touch Shahab aka. Saeed Ganji Code Artisan!

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