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Laura Thomson @lxt I can’t believe you still do it that way: a best practices retrospective 1

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Overview §What’s a best practice? §Architecture §Security §Scalability and performance §Development practices §Is PHP dead? 2

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Format §Disclaimer: Anything with a black header is a vintage slide and may be dated §Reading your own old slides is like reading old code :( §Each topic through the ages 2001-2013 3

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Best Practices 4

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§Best is a strong word §YMMV §“Good practices” Best  Prac*ces 5

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Your PHP should •be simple •get the job done •be secure •be scalable and performant •be producible and maintainable Principles 6

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Architecture 7

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•First, do the simplest thing that could possibly work. Rule  #1 8

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Text Separation of concerns 9

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2001 §Put reused templates in an include file §Avoid mixing php and html 10

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2004 §Why are you still putting php in your html? 11

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2008 §Why are you still putting php in your html? 12

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2013 §I think we’re learning. §(At least, I hope so) 13

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Frameworks 14

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• PHP frameworks are proliferating, and Rails doesn’t help. • Having an architecture like MVC can be a really good thing, but: • Everybody has a different idea about how this ought to be implemented • Some of the ideas are really twisted • Some make it hard to do very basic things simply • Code bloat • Which framework? • No dominant paradigm yet, ergo little help with maintainability Have  a  clear,  simple,  architecture  that  is  easy  to  add  to,  easy  to  explain  to  new  developers,  and  easy   to  remember  now  or  in  two  or  five  years’  *me. Frameworks  and  Architectures:  use  and  abuse 15

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2001 §What's a framework? 16

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2004 §All frameworks suck 17

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2007 §They still suck, mostly §Framework shaming starting to decline 18

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2013 §PHP 5.4 frameworks suck a lot less 19

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Framework best practices §Lightweight beats heavyweight (unless it doesn’t) §CRUD, junior devs, MVP, giant teams §ORM is a kickstarter: training wheels for your app §Use what works, and throw it away when it doesn’t 20

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More than the sum 21

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Decomposition and decoupling #1 part of a good architecture 22

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2001 §Functions §Include files 23

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2004 §Objects 24

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2007 §Reusable libraries §Services: everything’s an API 25

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2013 §More libraries and components §More APIs §Better package/dependency injection tools 26

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Robustness and Resilience 27

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2001 §Write tests. 28

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2004 §TDD §Use caching (disk, memcache) to hide service failures §Defensive coding 29

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2007 §High Availability §Failover §Multimaster (sucks) 30

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2013 §Minimize and isolate failure effects §Self-healing systems §Resilience: as much of it should work as possible §Feature flagging: turn off parts of your app that are broken or under load 31

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Security 32

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• Consider illegitimate uses of your application • Educate yourself • If nothing else, filter all external data –(From the PHP Security Guide at projects/guide/) Basic  principles 33

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• External data is not to be trusted. • What’s external data? • Anything from a form • Anything from $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST • Cookies • Some server variables (e.g. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) • Database query results • Web services data • Files • The basic principle is to filter input and escape output • Filter input using whitelisting where possible • Escape output according to where it’s going. External  Data 34

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• Some common problems: • register_globals issues • XSS (Cross Site Scripting) • SQL/Command Injection • Code injection • Other things to worry about: • Exposed source code • Session fixation • Session hijacking • Cross site request forgeries (CSRF) •Cross domain Ajax requests AGacks 35

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What’s different? §register_globals and magic_quotes are dead. §Slides got less wordy. §Surprisingly little else. 36

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Web app security 37

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2001 §Use SSL §Don't store credit card numbers §Escape output naively (we didn’t know we were naive, honest) §addslashes()/stripslashes() 38

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2004 §Filter input §Escape output. §Avoid XSS/injections §mysql_real_escape_string() 39

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2008 §CSRF protection §Parameterized queries/prepared statements §ORM 40

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2013 §Wider use of frameworks protects devs from mistakes §New developers learning the right way first 41

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Scalability & Performance 42

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• Profile early, profile often. • Dev-ops cooperation is essential. • Test on production data. • Track and trend. • Assumptions will burn you. General  Best  Prac*ces 43

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•Decouple. •Cache. •Federate. •Replicate. •Avoid straining hard-to-scale resources. •Dev environment needs replication too. Scalability Best Practices 44

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•Use a compiler cache. •Be mindful of using external data sources. •Avoid recursive or heavy looping code. •Don’t try to outsmart PHP. •Build with caching in mind. Performance 45

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Principles 46

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2001 §Don’t use CGI §Tune your queries 47

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2004 §Cache everything §Query cache §Disk cache §memcached 48

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2007 §Stand back, I’m going to use science §Measure, track, trend, profile, optimize §Build cachable code §Decouple reads from writes (write there, read here) §Replicate, federate 49

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2013 §Refinement §Graph everything §Message queues to decouple writes §NoSQL/SQL: right data store for the job §DevOps 50

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Coding Practices 51

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•Above all, code needs to be readable and maintainable •Beware clever code: –cool design patterns –obscure performance tweaks –niche language features Write  good  code 52

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•Turn error_reporting up in dev and display_errors off in production •Use set_error_handler() and set_exception_handler() for top level errors •Whacking all your code in a try…catch block is not a panacea. Errors  and  Excep*ons 53

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•Have and use a coding standard •Zend Framework, PEAR, homebrew •Legacy code always a problem Coding  standards 54

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Code through the ages 55

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2001 §Write comments. §Make code reusable. 56

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2004 §Have a coding standard. §Use OO! 57

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2008 §Make it look as much like Java as possible. §Namespaces §Iterators 58

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2013 §So many nice nice things §PHP 5.4 generators and anonymous functions and traits, oh my §(It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas Ruby) §I’m kidding. Kind of. §Composer! PHPUnit! PHPDoc! Doctrine! §We’re living in the promised land 59

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Process 60

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• The process needs managing • Use a version control system • Have a testing and release process • Have an easy way for developers to set up a staging server • Plan for scale                Web  Dev  is  SoMware  Dev 61

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Process through the ages 62

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2001 §Test code on your own machine §FTP to production 63

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2004 §Staging server §Deploy with ‘svn up’! 64

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2007 §Actual TDD §Instrumentable code! §Repeatable process §Agile §Death of estimation 65

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2013 §Better tools for everything §Continuous integration and deployment §Test automation and monitoring converge §Commoditization of version control §MTTR vs MTBF 66

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PHP is Dead?! 67

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PHP is not a best practice §PHP is an anti-pattern §Pinnacle of bad design §All PHP developers are incompetent §PHP is only suitable for making trivial personal sites 68

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PHP is a toy language. You should use... §Perl §Cold Fusion §ASP 2001 69

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PHP is no good for enterprise. You should use... §ASP.NET §JSP §J-everything 2004 70

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PHP doesn’t have a single awesome framework. You should use... §Ruby on Rails 2007 71

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2013 PHP is for losers. You should use... §Python §Ruby §Node §Scala §Clojure §Erlang 72

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PHP coders... gonna code 74

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Questions? Laura Thomson [email protected] @lxt 75