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What’s new In App Performance # AndroidDev veronikapj GDG Korea Android PilJu BAE

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য়ט ೡ ੉ঠӝ App Startup Jank ࠙ࢳ

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Why? জ द੘ ࢿמਸ ѐࢶೡ ೙ਃо ੓ਸө?

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Why? 30 % 2.4 % ࡈۄ૓ জ द੘ दр Ѩ࢝ ૐо Source:

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੉Ѫ਷ ޖ঺ ੌөਃ? ٜযоӝী খࢲ “জ੄ द੘ਸ ୭੸ച ೞҊ, ߡߢѢܿਸ ઴੉ݴ ୭ઙ ࢎਊ੗ ࢿמਸ ѐࢶೡ ࣻ ੓ب۾ ೞח ೐۽೙ ӝ߈ ୭੸ച(PGO, Profile Guided Optimization)੄ ೠ ഋకੑפ׮.”

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1. Macrobenchmark 2. Baseline Profiles 3. Microbenchmark 4. Android Profiler ٜযоӝী খࢲ “জ੄ द੘ਸ ୭੸ച ೞҊ, ߡߢѢܿ ਸ ઴੉ݴ ୭ઙ ࢎਊ੗ ࢿמਸ ѐࢶೡ ࣻ ੓ب۾ ೞח ೐۽೙ ӝ߈ ୭੸ച (PGO, Profile Guided Optimization)੄ ೠ ഋకੑפ׮.”

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Baseline Profiles stable androidx.profileinstaller:profileinstaller:1.1.0 ޷ܻ ٜ݅য فח App profiles Startup दр хࣗ & Jank хࣗ IO 22 What’s new in Jetpack

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জ ߂ ۄ੉࠳۞ܻীࢲ custom profile rule ઁҕ Startup ߂ jack performance ೱ࢚ ੋӝ ੓ח Jetpack librariesী profile ୶о Baseline Profiles IO 22 What’s new in Jetpack

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h tt ps:// fl ower Sunflower పझ౟ प೯ ߂ ৮ܐ -> ೐۽೙ ࢤࢿ ls /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/ Sample_startup-baseline-prof.txt ੉ܴਸ baseline-prof.txtਵ۽ ߸҃೧ࢲ app/src/main ߃ী ਤ஖ Baseline Profile

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ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ৬ গ೒ܻா੉࣌਷ ৔ೱਸ ӓ؀ചೞח ୭ࣗೠ੄ ೐۽೙ ӏ஗ਸ ੿੄ (Size < 1.5 MB) 
 গ೒ܻா੉࣌੄ ցޖ ݆਷ ࠗ࠙ਸ ஹ౵ੌೞח ҟߧਤೠ ӏ஗਷ ٣झ௼ ঘࣁझ പࣻо טӝ ٸޙী द੘ ࣘبܳ וܻѱ ٜ݅ ࣻ ੓णפ׮. যڃ ӝળਵ۽ Baseline Pro fi leਸ ࢸ੿ೡ Ѫ ੋ૑ ߈٘द పझ౟೧ࢲ ੸ਊೞח Ѫ੉ જणפ׮. Q & A সؘ੉౟ ੸ਊ दী Ҋ۰೧ঠ ೡ Ѫ fi le/baselinepro fi les

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App Startup stable androidx.startup:startup-runtime:1.1.1 জ द੘ द ҳࢿਃࣗܳ ୡӝചೞח ߑߨ ઁҕ द੘ ࣽࢲ рࣗച, ୡӝച ࣽࢲ ݺद੸ਵ۽ ࢸ੿

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জ द੘ ઺ ܻࣗझ ҃೤ ߑ૑(Avoid resource contention ) Ҋࢿמ ஹನք౟ ୡӝച(Performant component initialization) App Startup IO 22 What’s new in App performance

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class SyncRepoInitializer : Initializer { override fun create(context: Context): SyncRepo { return SyncRepo(WorkManager.getInstance(context)) } override fun dependencies() : List>> { return listOf( } } IO 22 What’s new in App performance

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class SyncRepoInitializer : Initializer { override fun create(context: Context): SyncRepo { return SyncRepo(WorkManager.getInstance(context)) } override fun dependencies() : List>> { return listOf( } } IO 22 What’s new in App performance

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ӝࠄ ਊয ੿ܻ Jank? IO 21 Macrobenchmark۽ ߡߢѢܿ ߂ झఋ౟স ஏ੿

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ӝࠄ ਊয ੿ܻ IO 21 Macrobenchmark۽ ߡߢѢܿ ߂ झఋ౟স ஏ੿ 60Hz ചݶী झ௼܀, ੹ജ, গפݫ੉࣌ ١੄ ਑ ૒੐੉ ੓ਵݶ জীࢲ ࢜۽ Ҋஜ ࣘبী ݏ ѱ ୡ׼ 60೐ۨ੐ਸ ࢤࢿ Jank? জ੉ ചݶਸ ࢜۽ Ӓܻݶࢲ ߊࢤೞח ߡߢѢܿ੉ա ݥ୺ਸ ੄޷

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ӝࠄ ਊয ੿ܻ IO 21 Macrobenchmark۽ ߡߢѢܿ ߂ झఋ౟স ஏ੿ 60Hz ചݶী झ௼܀, ੹ജ, গפݫ੉࣌ ١੄ ਑ ૒੐੉ ੓ਵݶ জীࢲ ࢜۽ Ҋஜ ࣘبী ݏ ѱ ୡ׼ 60೐ۨ੐ਸ ࢤࢿ Jank? জ੄ ೐ۨ੐ ࢤࢿ ࣘبо ցޖ ןযࢲ ࢤӣ

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࠙ࢳ ੿ࠁী݅ ੄૑ೡ ࣻ হ਺ . ׮নೠ ૑಴о ੓૑݅ प ࢎਊ ૑಴ח ࡈܻ ঳ਸ ࣻ হ਺. Metrics from the field are not enough 01 Existing Benchmark library is limited 02 ࠛউ੿ೞѢա, प೯ೡ loopо ߸زغѢ ա दझమ੉ ࠂ੟ೞҊ ֢੉ૉо ݆Ѣա ৢ߄ܰѱ ࢸ੿ೞӝ য۰਎ ࣻ ੓਺. Stable Measurement is not easy 03 ٜযоӝী খࢲ “জ ࢿמ ѐࢶ੉ য۰ਕਃ” ӝઓ੄ Jetpack benchmarking ۄ੉ ࠳۞ܻח জ द੘੉ա Jank ܳ ஏ੿ೡ ࣻ হ਺ . MicroBenchmarkח ؀׮ࣻ ࢎਊ ࢎ۹ ী ੸ਊغ૑ ঋ਺. द੘ दр ؀न CPU ܳ ஏ੿ IO 21 Macrobenchmark۽ ߡߢѢܿ ߂ झఋ౟স ஏ੿

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Macrobenchmark stable androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro:1.1.0 ੿ഛೠ App Startup ஏ੿ Scrolling ࢿמ ஏ੿ Locally & CI IO 22 What’s new in Jetpack

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StartupTimingMetric Sunflower fl ower

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StartupBenchmarks.kt @get:Rule val benchmarkRule = MacrobenchmarkRule() private fun startup(compilationMode: CompilationMode) = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated()

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StartupBenchmarks.kt private fun startup(compilationMode: CompilationMode) = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated( packageName = PACKAGE_NAME, metrics = listOf(StartupTimingMetric()), iterations = 5, compilationMode = compilationMode, startupMode = StartupMode.COLD, setupBlock = { pressHome() } ) { startActivityAndWait() // wait for the content called by reportFullyDrawn is visible val recyclerHasChild = By.hasChild(By.res(packageName, "garden_list")) device.wait(Until.hasObject(recyclerHasChild), 5_000) }

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StartupBenchmarks.kt private fun startup(compilationMode: CompilationMode) = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated( packageName = PACKAGE_NAME, metrics = listOf(StartupTimingMetric()), iterations = 5, compilationMode = compilationMode, startupMode = StartupMode.COLD, setupBlock = { pressHome() } ) { startActivityAndWait() // wait for the content called by reportFullyDrawn is visible val recyclerHasChild = By.hasChild(By.res(packageName, "garden_list")) device.wait(Until.hasObject(recyclerHasChild), 5_000) }

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StartupBenchmarks.kt private fun startup(compilationMode: CompilationMode) = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated( packageName = PACKAGE_NAME, metrics = listOf(StartupTimingMetric()), iterations = 5, compilationMode = compilationMode, startupMode = StartupMode.COLD, setupBlock = { pressHome() } ) { startActivityAndWait() // wait for the content called by reportFullyDrawn is visible val recyclerHasChild = By.hasChild(By.res(packageName, "garden_list")) device.wait(Until.hasObject(recyclerHasChild), 5_000) } Metric StartupTimingMetric জ द੘ दр ஏ੿ FrameTimingMetric п ೐ۨ੐ ఋ੉߁ ੿ࠁ

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StartupBenchmarks.kt private fun startup(compilationMode: CompilationMode) = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated( packageName = PACKAGE_NAME, metrics = listOf(StartupTimingMetric()), iterations = 5, compilationMode = compilationMode, startupMode = StartupMode.COLD, setupBlock = { pressHome() } ) { startActivityAndWait() // wait for the content called by reportFullyDrawn is visible val recyclerHasChild = By.hasChild(By.res(packageName, "garden_list")) device.wait(Until.hasObject(recyclerHasChild), 5_000) }

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StartupBenchmarks.kt @Test fun startupCompilationNone() = startup(CompilationMode.None()) @Test fun startupCompilationPartial() = startup(CompilationMode.Partial()) @Test fun startupCompilationWarmup() = startup(CompilationMode.Partial(BaselineProfileMode.Disable, 2))

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StartupBenchmarks.kt @Test fun startupCompilationNone() = startup(CompilationMode.None()) @Test fun startupCompilationPartial() = startup(CompilationMode.Partial()) @Test fun startupCompilationWarmup() = startup(CompilationMode.Partial(BaselineProfileMode.Disable, 2))

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CompilationMode.kt @Test fun startupCompilationPartial() = startup(CompilationMode.Partial()) @RequiresApi(24) class Partial @JvmOverloads constructor( val baselineProfileMode: BaselineProfileMode = BaselineProfileMode.Require, / . . . / ) : CompilationMode() { ... }

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BaselineProfileMode.kt enum class BaselineProfileMode { Require, UseIfAvailable, Disable }

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@Test fun startupCompilationNone() = startup(CompilationMode.None()) @Test fun startupCompilationPartial() = startup(CompilationMode.Partial()) @Test fun startupCompilationWarmup() = startup(CompilationMode.Partial(BaselineProfileMode.Disable, 2)) StartupBenchmarks.kt Compilation Mode None জ੉ ࢎ੹ ஹ౵ੌ غ૑ ঋ਺ (Worst Case) Full п জ੉ ৮੹൤ ࢎ੹ ஹ౵ੌ ؽ. (Ideal Case) Partial о੢ അप੸ੋ জ ࢸ஖ ജ҃

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StartupBenchmarks.kt private fun startup(compilationMode: CompilationMode) = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated( packageName = PACKAGE_NAME, metrics = listOf(StartupTimingMetric()), iterations = 5, compilationMode = compilationMode, startupMode = StartupMode.COLD, setupBlock = { pressHome() } ) { startActivityAndWait() // wait for the content called by reportFullyDrawn is visible val recyclerHasChild = By.hasChild(By.res(packageName, "garden_list")) device.wait(Until.hasObject(recyclerHasChild), 5_000) }

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StartupBenchmarks.kt private fun startup(compilationMode: CompilationMode) = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated( packageName = PACKAGE_NAME, metrics = listOf(StartupTimingMetric()), iterations = 5, compilationMode = compilationMode, startupMode = StartupMode.COLD, setupBlock = { pressHome() } ) { startActivityAndWait() // wait for the content called by reportFullyDrawn is visible val recyclerHasChild = By.hasChild(By.res(packageName, "garden_list")) device.wait(Until.hasObject(recyclerHasChild), 5_000) } Startup Mode Hot ݫݽܻী ੓ח Ѧ۽ Activity ׮द द੘ Warm ӝઓ ೐۽ࣁझ ղীࢲ Activityܳ ࢤࢿ द੘ Cold प೯ ઺੉ ইצ ೐۽ࣁझীࢲ द੘ ੹୓ ೐۽ࣁझ ୡӝച

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App startup time

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h tt ps:// fl ower StartupTimingMetric Sunflower

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h tt ps:// fl ower StartupBenchmarks_startupCompilationWarmup timeToFullDisplayMs min 185.4, median 210.2, max 222.5 timeToInitialDisplayMs min 172.1, median 196.0, max 204.3 Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 StartupBenchmarks_startupCompilationPartial timeToFullDisplayMs min 197.5, median 208.5, max 265.6 timeToInitialDisplayMs min 185.8, median 196.1, max 246.4 Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 StartupBenchmarks_startupCompilationNone timeToFullDisplayMs min 296.1, median 302.1, max 317.3 timeToInitialDisplayMs min 280.6, median 284.4, max 296.9 Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 StartupTimingMetric Sunflower

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timeToInitialDisplayMs timeToFullDisplayMs Launch intent ࣻनೠ റ first frame ਸ Ӓܻחؘ ө૑੄ दр Launch intent ࣻनೠ റ ө૑੄ दр StartupTimingMetric fi le/macrobenchmark-metrics

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FrameTimingMetric Sunflower fl ower

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PlantListBenchmarks.kt @get:Rule val benchmarkRule = MacrobenchmarkRule() private fun openPlantList(compilationMode: CompilationMode) = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated()

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PlantListBenchmarks.kt private fun openPlantList(compilationMode: CompilationMode) = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated( packageName = PACKAGE_NAME, metrics = listOf(FrameTimingMetric()), compilationMode = compilationMode, iterations = 5, startupMode = StartupMode.COLD, setupBlock = { pressHome() // Start the default activity, but don't measure the frames yet startActivityAndWait() } ) { goToPlantListTab() }

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h tt ps:// fl ower Sunflower FrameTimingMetric

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frameOverrunMs frameDurationCpuMs Frame੉ ӝળࠁ׮ וܽ ੿ب CPUীࢲ ೐ۨ੐ਸ ࢤࢿೞחؘ Ѧܽ दр (UI thread, RenderThread ನೣ) FrameTimingMetric fi le/macrobenchmark-metrics + : Drop ػ Frame, Jank - : Deadlineࠁ׮ ঴݃ա ࡅܲ૑ Android 12+

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h tt ps:// fl ower Sunflower FrameTimingMetric PlantListBenchmarks_plantListCompilationPartial frameDurationCpuMs P50 6.5, P90 26.5, P95 50.3, P99 60.7 Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 PlantListBenchmarks_plantListCompilationFull frameDurationCpuMs P50 9.5, P90 32.7, P95 51.6, P99 63.2 Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 Timed out waiting for process ( to appear on lge- lm_v500n-LMV500N68592ec6. PlantListBenchmarks_openPlantList frameDurationCpuMs P50 22.2, P90 50.1, P95 82.1, P99 100.4 Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 LM-V500M(Android 11)

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h tt ps:// fl ower Sunflower FrameTimingMetric PlantListBenchmarks_plantListCompilationFull frameDurationCpuMs P50 16.3, P90 31.8, P95 35.8, P99 69.4 frameOverrunMs P50 1.9, P90 17.5, P95 20.5, P99 38.4 Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 PlantListBenchmarks_openPlantList frameDurationCpuMs P50 29.4, P90 56.5, P95 161.2, P99 178.6 frameOverrunMs P50 16.8, P90 41.8, P95 59.0, P99 181.8 Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 Google Pixel 3a(Android 12)

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పझ౟ ജ҃ ( ௏٘ա ٣߄੉झ झಖ ژח ীޯۨ੉ఠ )ী ٮۄ ׮ܲ ࣻ஖о աৢ ࣻ ੓ח ࠗ ࠙ੑפ׮. ٮۄࢲ ׮নೠ ജ҃ীࢲ ࣻ஖ܳ ࠺Ү೧ࠄ റী п੗੄ ӝળਸ ੿ೞҊ ѐࢶ ನੋ౟ ܳ ੟ইաоח ؘী ࢎਊೞݶ જਸ Ѫ эणפ׮. Q & A সؘ੉౟ ࣻ஖ܳ ࠅ ٸ.. fi le/baselinepro fi les

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API 23ө૑ ૑ਗ TraceSectionMetricਸ ࢎਊ೧ࢲ custom trace-based timing ஏ੿ ୶о AudioUnderrunMetricਵ۽ য়٣য় ӝ߈ х૑ ೲਊ ઱ ࢎਊ ҃۽(Critical workflows)ী ؀ೠ ೐۽೙ਸ ࢤࢿ - BaselineProfileRule ୶о Macrobenchmark IO 22 What’s new in Jetpack

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JankStats Alpha androidx.metrics:metrics-performance জ੄ ߡߢѢܿ ా҅ী ҙೠ ࠁҊࢲ ઁҕ IO 22 What’s new in Jetpack

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Slide 50 text fi le/jankstats class JankLoggingActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private lateinit var jankStats: JankStats override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // ... // metrics state holder can be retrieved regardless of JankStats initialization val metricsStateHolder = PerformanceMetricsState.getForHierarchy(binding.root) // initialize JankStats for current window jankStats = JankStats.createAndTrack( window, Dispatchers.Default.asExecutor(), jankFrameListener, ) // add activity name as state metricsStateHolder.state?.addState("Activity", javaClass.simpleName) // ... }JankLoggingActivity.kt

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class JankAggregatorActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private lateinit var jankStatsAggregator: JankStatsAggregator override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // ... // Metrics state holder can be retrieved regardless of JankStats initialization. val metricsStateHolder = PerformanceMetricsState.getForHierarchy(binding.root) // Initialize JankStats with an aggregator for the current window. jankStatsAggregator = JankStatsAggregator( window, Dispatchers.Default.asExecutor(), jankReportListener ) // Add the Activity name as state. metricsStateHolder.state?.addState("Activity", javaClass.simpleName) }JankAggregatorActivity.kt fi le/jankstats

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Slide 52 text fi le/jankstats override fun onResume() { super.onResume() jankStatsAggregator.jankStats.isTrackingEnabled = true } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() // Before disabling tracking, issue the report with (optionally) specified reason. jankStatsAggregator.issueJankReport("Activity paused") jankStatsAggregator.jankStats.isTrackingEnabled = false }JankAggregatorActivity.kt

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Slide 54 text fi le/jankstats *** Jank Report (Activity paused), totalFrames = 170, jankFrames = 26 FrameData( frameStartNanos=257993674283620, // frame द੘ दр frameDurationUiNanos=77057961, //frame ૑ࣘ दр frameDurationCpuNanos=80083690, isJank=true, // Jank = അ੤ refresh rate ࠁ׮ ۪؊݂ೞח ؘ ف ߓо Ѧܻח frame states=[RecyclerView: Settling, Activity: JankAggregatorActivity] ) JankStatsAggregator ীࢲ ా೤ ੿ࠁ ઁҕ

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API ۨ߰ 16ө૑ ഐജ оמ ղࠗ ോܻझ౮ਸ ࢎਊೞৈ ࢿמ ޙઁ ध߹ ࢎਊ੗ ࢚క ߂ ੘সী ؀ೠ ࣘࢿ ؘ੉ఠী UI ஶఫझ౟ ઁҕ ܻझցܳ ా೧ ݽٚ ೐ۨ੐ী ؀ೠ Ѿҗ ࠁҊ JankStats IO 22 What’s new in Jetpack

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Need more detail?

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Tracing stable androidx.tracing:tracing:1.1.0 System trace bufferী trace event ӝ۾ ٣ߡӒо ইצ ࠽٘ীࢲ ੿ഛೠ ੉߮౟ ୶੸ IO 22 What’s new in Jetpack

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import androidx.tracing.trace; fun loadIcon() = trace(“Loading Icon”) { //... } IO 21 Macrobenchmark۽ ߡߢѢܿ ߂ झఋ౟স ஏ੿

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h tt ps:// rf ormance-samples Performance-samples

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Thank you! IO 22 What’s new in Jetpack IO 22 What’s new in App Performanc e IO 21 Measuring Jank and Startup with Macrobenchmark Resources veronikapj GDG Korea Android PilJu BAE